Your free to use them how ever you want. And my first attemp of mpg for utube recording, i was for some strange reason so nervous. Any way its the effects i hope you enjoy, and hopefully be useful to you
They do look much better in game then the mpg and pics
Usage - This is the only readme file
This file is for examples only, starting the game you'll be given the effects as spells but they dont do any damage.
To Preview Effects
TigerpawsEffects.esp <-------- Add to data Folder - And activateTigerpawsEffects.bsa <-------- Add to data Folder
The file to merge to your project just for the particle effects is the below file and the same bsa as above listed below, you will need to unpack the bsa
ParticleEffectsOnly.esp <-------- Merge to your ESP fileTigerpawsEffects.bsa <-------- BSA to be extracted to Textures\Effects\Tigerpaws
The "readme file" has a folder with each effect numbered for quick reference to the effect, no readme file, this is it
Your free to use them, i only ask if you modify them to give them a new id, to prevent any one not modifing them to hold there compatabilty
to use
pms 0Tigerpaws001 10 : The 10 = How many secs to run for
pms 0Tigerpaws002 7
pms 0Tigerpaws003 7
pms 0Tigerpaws004 7
pms 0Tigerpaws005 7
pms 0Tigerpaws006 7
Effect 0Tigerpaws006 I made really for a barrier, it projects itself forward. Now when testing, you have x axis and can give a negative value or positive value for left and right, but on the map it will only face the directions of the compass not by the actors left or right. So it can only be used as a baricated or portal etc. If used on a door, you would need your own custom nif for a nice even effect, as the normal door for any effect seems to be concentrated around the outer edge and the keyhole. So i guessing its the sketal mesh doing this
Initial Velocity XYZ for customizing 0Tigerpaws006
Positive X = West
Negative x axis = East
Positive Y = North
Negative Y = South