With the skills and attributes pushed up to 200 for the cap, does this mean you can level up beyond level 52/53 (whatever the normal player level cap is)?
I'm curious for confirmation on this too.
Also, I'm considering applying the uncapper to my latest, and already established, character: 300+ hrs, lvl 30 with most attributes at or near 100 and several primary attributes maxed + buffs that push many stats over 100. I use FCOM, Supreme Magicka, Deadly Reflex (150% damage) and not much else that affects the PC. I'm interested in the uncapper because it would seem to possibly make the rest of this character's journey more interesting.

So far, I'm encountering very little real threat... as long as I play smart (haven't yet progressed vanilla or SI main quest). I've played more than 1000 hrs in OB- this is my first character after a ~2 yr break- and know lots of tactics and tricks. I tested the uncapper and my blade (primary and natural 100) damage jumped 10 points as a result of str buffs...
1. Do enough FCOM enemies benefit from the uncapper to keep the potential challenge up? I know about the difficulty slider.
2. Having selected primary attributes that I
use (installed "always +5 attribute modifiers" for the first 20 levels), it's only during the last few levels that I've gotten leveling under control. Is it a good idea to install a progression mod to reign in leveling? I haven't used any of these before.
3. Does damage done to armor get out of balance? When I did my test I saw the armor skill go up after a battle but see that the uncapper doesn't actually apply to armor skills(?).
Because I put a lot of time into each OB character (this is only my second real one) i tend toward the "jack of all trades" type so as to keep all game play options open. I understand that people have had good experiences playing, from scratch, specialized characters with this mod + a progression mod. Not wanting to extensively "test" this mod only to find I don't like the results, I seek advice.