Obviously due to scripting differences (mainly Oblivion's lack of "linked references"), the way they did the whole system in Fallout isn't possible in Oblivion. However I've found a way to script this system into Oblivion, without having a thousand CPU intensive scripts.
So what does this do? Basically, there will be hundreds of pre-determined "points" throughout the exterior cells. These points are set in the mod and so are the same in every install. However once you approach these points, the system does a few dice rolls, and chooses a specific category of events. These are currently Repeatable Encounters, Quest Specific Repeatable Encounters and Un-repeatable Encounters.
Once it's selected a group of events, it will then do a further dice roll in order to choose an event from that group. Some will always be able to happen, some will have requirements in order to happen. It will choose an event, and then that sequence will play out. Be it something simple like a small fight between bandits, or a few friends around a campfire. Obviously throughout this, there will be a chance that nothing will happen, and no event will be created.
The way I'm currently achieving this has these advantages:
- Only one "loader" script and one quest script, only running for a second each time
- It's not location specific. The same activator, and therefore the same script is used in every location. It places the determined events automatically.
- Everything is simply moved about, no save game bloat is created.
- Once an event is determined, the loader disables itself. So that event will stay there for the remainder of the game (or excess like corpses cleared out on cell reset, like normal).
- Events can easily be added by simply changing one value in the script, and adding the event to the possible outcomes.
Tell me what you think of this.