Oblivion engine same as FO3 game engine?

Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:08 am

Reason why im asking if the Oblivion game engine is the same as FO3 game engine is because im gettign similar lags and freeze ups in similar situations. im running a quadcore and i knwo they designed Fo3 for a dual core, and i remember the code change u had to do in documents that would basically just make it use only 2 of ur cores and not try to use all of them. i remember putting it in for FO3 and it fixed pretty much 99% of my crashes and freeze ups. ive decided to get back into Oblivion and after noticing the HUGE difference in how u would install mods into both games, i was wondering if by chance the codes would work for Oblivion. and second question i guess i should ask is does anyoen knwo if they created oblivion for dualcore or just single? thanks for any help and info =]

also for the peopel who are wondering about the code changes that work for FO3/NV...and im praying will work for oblivion is here http://www.pdsys.org/blog/post/2009/02/07/Fallout-3-VideoDisplay-Freezes-sound-keeps-going.aspx
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:30 pm

Fallout engine is essentially a more advanced and better version of the Oblivion engine, which in itself is technically an updated version of the Morrowind engine. There's no dual core fix as Oblivion only uses one core anyway, which is generally why people's performance is lower than other games. Also, tweaking the INI is generally seen as pointless in Oblivion (apart from non-trivial settings like screenshots and borders). None of the tweaks from Fallout will work here.

Also, installing mods for both are very, very similar. I don't see how they're hugely different.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:10 am

ok thanks for the info there. i dunno got Fo3 n FONV got alot of mods on there but thought id be able to just breeze thru on oblivion...dead wrong lol. i got spoiled with FOMM extracting and placing where i needed them, i know oblivions got a similar tool but ive noticed that alot of mods are manual to where i dotn even use the tool so by doign it manual i relocated the steam file somewhere else in the C folder cuz of the UAC pretty much not reconizing the tweeks i do. im not bashing the modding community of Oblivion ive seen alot of good mods out there, its just expected its been out for quite soemtime, most of the modders know the reutine on what goes where, its just the advance system and FOMM alot easier to one whos not used to doing things manually and so forth etc. alot of them dont readme files and such BUT i mean cmon like i said im not bashing its been out for awhile n prob tired of adding the file in when most modders here prob dotn need it, just the way it is im gonna have to get used to it =] besides i got this to play around waiting for LR and Skyrim to come out, so really its no big deal vanilla was awesome the way it was.
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:54 am

For those with onboard audio, there was an .ini fix that did work well for several. Game is just iffy with onboard sound for many. Anyway, if you have onboard audio, look for and try this setting:


change the 1 to 0. See if things improve.
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