Oblivion Equivalent of Morrowind Overhaul?

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:31 pm

Popcorn anyone?
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:25 am

I'm a little confused on this issue. There seems to be two parts here. One involves the author's permission which he can give directly or in the forms or readme about distribution. The second is whether or not compilations should even exist or not and whether they are a benefit to the community.

Sooo, I firmly believe that an Author requests removal of or denies permission their to use of their work, It should be upheld by the individual and the community. But, it's just like writing a paper you have the source and give credit where credit is due, If the source request removal from your work then it has to be removed. I would appreciate feedback on this perspective.

alt3rn1ty, I'm all popcorned out, I'm moving on to peanuts, the salty kind!

By the way we all totally derailed this guys thread....
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:10 pm

Well he didn't release it to the world exactly. Follow the links in http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1279341-oblivion-equivalent-of-morrowind-overhaul/page__view__findpost__p__19370238 ... he basically gave permission to repackage and update as needed.

I'm not a license jockey, but it would seem that the original Frans is still up for grabs in the manner that mike is referring to. I recently PMd Francesco asking for clarification. Not holding my breath though.

The implication I see is that the FCOM team is given that permission. I don't see it as having been let go entirely based on that post (which doesn't even have a snapback so I can't verify it, only see your quote). But the post does seem addressed to the FCOM team. Someone would have to contact him for clarification, I think.

I agree that there's a case to be made there, but it's not enough, to me, to be OK with the treatment of Francesco's as public domain.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:38 am

I think you failed to grasp the point I was trying to convey here.

"I think most young people nowadays demand instant gratification.
Push a button here... Push a button there.
I don't care HOW it works, I just want the results."

It's a general statement regarding the current state of affairs.
It is NOT MY outlook on mods or the modding community.

One needs to READ CAREFULLY before giving rebuttals :nono:

Sorry, there's been a misunderstanding there, only the first paragraph, ending with the :P to signify that I was using a joking manner, was in reply to your post. The rest was more of a general reply to some stances made over the course of the thread.

Sorry for not making the distinction clearer.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:49 pm

Popcorn anyone?

Scoot over alt3rn1ty, don't hog the entire couch! ;)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:23 pm

Francesco made a post on Nexus regarding the future of his mod. As I recall, he described how he wouldn't mind someone taking over, or people using his mod so long as credit was given where it was due. Unfortunately, the thread seems to have been disabled, so I can't verify or clarify this. Either way, he said it was not going to maintain it any longer, and that it was up to us what to do with it, within reason. But then again, he may have changed his mind when he handed it over to SWG, so there's that as well.

Either way, I suppose there's no real way to know without asking him directly, which might not even be a possibility :shrug:

EDIT: Oops, SWG is not Gothemasticator...
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:15 am

Sorry, there's been a misunderstanding there, only the first paragraph, ending with the :P to signify that I was using a joking manner, was in reply to your post. The rest was more of a general reply to some stances made over the course of the thread.

Sorry for not making the distinction clearer.

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Ymani Hood
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:15 pm

But frankly I personally not a fan of copyrights or any legalese around it.

AHA! So the cat's out of the bag now. I wondered when this would finally rear its ugly head.

You put something for public. Regardless whether you do it for free or anything the fact is that this is out of the bag now. People can do things with it you may not like but its out of your control now. You may rage, cry ,threaten or pray - it wont change what public can do with it .The very moment that you made it available you already stripped yourself of ability to control it.

You are http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:59 am

Actually, any member of the public can do anything with it...

...except publish it :dance:
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:25 am

You are http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html.

Woah, I didn't know Copyright was already protecting everything I ever create that strictly without me enforcing it! Thanks for this link, Arthmoor. Now I feel much safer releasing my creations in public for no monetary value gained.

I always thought I don't really care what other people are doing with the stuff I released, but lately my mood has changed and as such also have my feelings towards this matter.
I want to keep up sharing for free by all means, but I don't want to give up any of my rights in the process. My creations are mine. Do with them whatever you please, but they stay mine.
I was never asking for credits, nor did I even require being asked for permission. All I asked for was being notified, if someone used my stuff in an own mod.

By now though it happened a little too often that I found my stuff used in mods the owners of which claimed it was all their's for me to still not care any longer. Apparently only asking for notification was too much already.
Luckily those mods vanished from the scenes pretty quickly, as I wasn't the only victim of this theft, so I didn't have to care about it too much. Still it made me reconsider my sharing policy already.
Fortunately my creations are always far too complex or unfinished to ever get used in a compilation, although I likely won't say "no" to their inclusion when asked. Heck, when did I ever say "no" when asked?!

Still I'm convinced (as if a couple dozen topics about the matter with always the same answers and always the same outcome repeatedly popping up over 3 years of Oblivion modding won't have been enough already to convince someone) compilations like these will just fail in Oblivion, don't get me wrong. It might sound easy to have a comfortable "1-click install" for a multitude of diverse mods made working together flawlessly and without any conflicts with each other, yet as soon as the user adds 1 single mod more to the collection his Oblivion is "fried". But I'm for sure the last one crying, if I'm proven wrong about this. I just know too much about how this engine works and from countless community reactions over time to ever see this coming. :angel:
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:02 am

You are http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html.

Link to wall of text lol. It doesnt matter what someone thinks is "right" .it matters what someone can do. Can one take anything published and do anything he wants with it ? -yes. wall of text not gonna stop that
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:36 am

Wall of text happens to be right, and people who adopt your attitude about the issue are usually the ones who find themselves in court defending against an infringement suit crying to the judge that "someone uploaded it, it's mine! MINE MINE MINE!" and then wondering why he laughed his ass off before issuing judgement in favor of the plaintiff.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:02 pm

Link to wall of text lol. It doesnt matter what someone thinks is "right" .it matters what someone can do. Can one take anything published and do anything he wants with it ? -yes. wall of text not gonna stop that

Requesting a ban for this. I know it's not strictly against forum rules, but displaying such a flagrant will to act illegally is something that I'm sure that gamesas does not wish to condone or allow the discussion here, especially since we're talking about software copyright, and the mods made with their tools.

I certainly feel we don't need this kind of attitude here or anywhere.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:48 pm

The implication I see is that the FCOM team is given that permission. I don't see it as having been let go entirely based on that post (which doesn't even have a snapback so I can't verify it, only see your quote). But the post does seem addressed to the FCOM team. Someone would have to contact him for clarification, I think.

I agree that there's a case to be made there, but it's not enough, to me, to be OK with the treatment of Francesco's as public domain.

No sir the links are there you just didn't to follow them. They were not on the quote as that was not necessary when they are imbedded in the text. Here they are:
http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/921906-francescos-leveled-creature-item-mod/page__view__findpost__p__16063564 (this appears more general)
http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1097809-relz-fcom-convergence-and-ufcom-relz/page__view__findpost__p__16063656 (this appears more FCOM oriented)

I am not stating that I think his mod should be torn apart or made part of a compilation and I'm very much a fan of what Some Welsh Guy did to update things. I also don't think that Francesco was clear about things - which is why I asked for clarification.

What I don't see is that it is only that the FCOM team has the ability to withhold permission or control over the mod - which is what Shikishima asserted above. Frankly I don't think Francesco cares that much - which considering the tone around here - I don't blame him. Talk about svcking the fun out of things.

And the missing information is what exactly?

I take real exception to your suggestion, especially when you consider I can point to the fact the FCOM part of the said guide was largely rewritten and corrected by an FCOM Team member.

Is there anything else that you would like to know pertaining to that particular FCOM install guide? I ask because I think I'm probably more familair with it than you may be.
I think for very obvious reasons therefor, no, we wont be adding a link to it on the Official thread or advise it as alternative over official documentation.

If I answer your question then am I not feeding into this cycle? If I go into more detail then am I not participating in your hounding me more than you already do?

I thought that we already reached the decision that you want nothing to do with my suggestions or anything related to them. What you seem to want is for me to never voice my opinion because you apparently feel a need to control what I write. To stomp out all disagreement.

That said there is no way that the FCOM team helped with the BAIN installation instructions on Tomlong's site, because if you did why wouldn't you provide this as well on the FCOM page?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:32 pm

Moderators do not normally get involved with policing mods, however, when someone starts to advocate they will take copyrighted material and do whatever they want with it, it is time to close the discussion.
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