well, since most guides don't answer this question: what do I do about OBMM when I use a steam-installed Oblivion? It seems like it would be easier to just skip OBMM and omods altogether and just install manually because the manager can't handle putting things into my steam folder (every mod I tried ended up with esps that were 0kb...).
Also, everyone guide says to use FCOM (and the ooo,mmm,etc stuff). This was a pain to sort out, but it was made pretty easy when I realized most of the mods necessary were a couple of esps and bsas (except for OOO?). I can see some of the benefits of this mod (which, from what I remember on my first playthrough on a ps3 are REALLY useful), but can anyone give a brief overview of the big points each of those mods give me. Since the FCOM things pieces each one together, I'm not sure what benefit I'm getting from each mod.
I think beyond that, I'm just going to install graphic mods to avoid the headache of the compatibility issues I've been dealing with.
Last thing, Oblivion Graphics Extender: is this a big perfomance hit? I'd imagine that with the graphics mods the game will look great, and if the Extender drops performance a lot, I can live without it (unlike in Morrowind, where the graphics extender is pretty much needed to make the game look good
