[WIPz] Oblivion Evolution - A Next Generation Mod Compilatio

Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:46 am


=== This project is dead. Please read the last post or the last statement in the statement category below to get to know why ===

Let me first introduce myself by telling you in short, how I was previously involved with Oblivion modding. Three years ago I created a so-called map look replacer called http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15914. According to the comments on TES Nexus some people liked it quite a lot. Around the same time I wrote an in-depth http://www.multimediaxis.de/threads/105679-REL-Mein-Gesicht-in-Oblivion-Von-Gesichtsfotografien-zu-Eurem-digitalen-Alter-Ego (based on pre-existing instructions Gloomfrost posted previously) on how to make your avatar look exactly like yourself. This process involves taking pictures of yourself in the right way, letting FaceGen generate a 3D model and texture of your face and importing all of this into Oblivion. Doing it right can produce some really astonishing results! The guide was published on http://theelderscrolls.info/ and is only available in German. The download link seems to be broken, but I still have the PDF and could upload it anytime again. I then stopped being active for two years, returning to Oblivion modding last summer. I started the work on OBLIVION EVOLUTION shortly after, also getting involved with the work of other mod authors: I helped Skycaptain collecting bug reports as the beta version of Deadly Reflex 6 came out, evaluating and summarizing many hundreds of posts. The according http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1178924-relz-deadly-reflex-6-beta-the-official-release-and-bug-report-thread-4/page__hl__deadly+reflex proved to be very useful for installing DR6 as I discovered later (installing the mod by myself). Unfortunately Skycaptain seems to be busy with real-life and till now couldn`t get back to release a final version of DR6, but hope dies last. I also did some betatesting for a release of Oblivion XP Update and translated the mod carefully to German refering to the terminology I found in the original German manual to keep the translation as faithful to the game as possible. At good last I came up with one or two ideas for existing mods, which then were implemented by the mod authors.
Now I`m finally ready to present a project to you I was working on for almost a year: OBLIVION EVOLUTION, a collection of some of the finest Oblivion mods, carefully crafted into an homogenous entity under the guideline of a well-thought design philosophy, fully customizable by the user and open to updates on a regular basis. But why did I name this project OBLIVION EVOLUTION? Because an evolution (in its general meaning) could be understood as a metaphor for the process of modding itself, for what happens to games, when they offer the possibility of being modified by a group of dedicated modders: they become somehow fluid, as their parts are set into motion, constantly challenged by concepts and visions, slowly evolving into something more advanced, polished and sophisticated. An evolution is a process, that has a beginning... but no end.
The following days after the release of this thread more than hundred people will get requests for a permission to feature their creations. I`m taking the legal stuff very serious and I`m ready to take a lot of trouble to be sure I have the permission for every mod I want to feature. To serve this purpose I`ve checked up every single readme I came across and gathered all the necessary information (contact data, legal info, and credits) for such an enormous undertaking. The result is a huge excel sheet with everything I need to keep track of. Please respect, that I won`t publish the definitive list of mods I plan to feature. The example screenshots you can find below do not reflect the final status of the mod setup! Now, before you judge too hastily, please give me an opportunity to introduce my project to you in detail. I`m sure you`ll like the concept and its realization, as I put a lot of thinking and effort in it.
  • USER-FRIENDLINESS: OBLIVION EVOLUTION is supposed to be installed as easy as possible, with only a few clicks needed to get everything ready. This way you can make people less experienced with computers and modding enjoy the wonderful mods this community developed over five years. My intention is to release OBLIVION EVOLUTION primarily as an installer, but there could be an optional archive version too, that allows a manual installation for those who are more experienced with Oblivion modding and know what they are doing. The user-friendliness doesn`t only apply to the installation process, but also how OBLIVION EVOLUTION provides the user customizability, documentation and overall transparency. Please read more about these aspects of Oblivion Evolution below.

  • CUSTOMIZABILITY: OBLIVION EVOLUTION was created with the people in mind who know how to use mods and want to customize or even mess with their game, modders included. To guarantee a deep customizability and the possibility to get a look at the inner workings of OBLIVION EVOLUTION this mod collection is supposed to be released along with Wyre Bash, the most advanced mod manager ever conceived for a game. As there is an equivalent standalone version now that works perfectly there`s no need to separately install Python components anymore. As mentioned before one of the goals of OBLIVION EVOLUTION is to be user-friendly. There will be quite some assistance for people who are starting to use mods on their own after playing with OBLIVION EVOLUTION for a while. Opening up Wrye Bash and get a look at how mods are actually getting installed may work wonders for them, but this is not the assistance I am talking about. OBLIVION EVOLUTION will feature a database inside Wrye Bash itself containing detailed information on every single mod. This database will include several remarks regarding mod dependencies, necessity of rebuilding the Bashed Patch after installing or uninstalling the mod, availability of a Filter Patch, and much more. This should make it a lot easier for the user to customize his own personal Oblivion Evolution mod setup - or even delve deeper into Oblivion modding. The key areas OBLIVION EVOLUTION is focused on are fixes, interface improvements, graphic overhauls and gameplay tweaks and the installers appear in exactly that installation order: fixes on the top, gameplay changes on the bottom. Click http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/3143/categoriestopbottom.jpg to see what is meant by that. Now what`s the purpose of such an order? The basic idea is to offer the user a comprehensive spectrum of game-affecting changes, which allows to distinguish gradually how much mods change the overall feel of the game. At the top are mods whose necessity can`t be denied regardless of personal taste, like for example the Unofficial Patches. The more you get to the bottom the more mods appear that rely on personal liking and subjective preference. These last ones include major gameplay changes, but please note that there are not much of them, as Oblivion Evolution isn`t about redefining the gameplay experience (see the paragraph "Evolution, not revolution" below). However, the advantage of such an order is apparent: If a player wants to play exactly the game he knew before only with better graphics enabled he can easily spot the gameplay-affecting mods and deactivate them with a simple click!

  • DOCUMENTATION: OBLIVION EVOLUTION comes with all mod data already made BAIN-ready. The folder structure of the mod data as found in the downloaded archives are preserved as much as possible to make manual updating easier. Where the folder structure had to be changed a logically consistent folder structuring system conceived by OBLIVION EVOLUTION was put to use. However, data that can be considered part of the documentation (even example screenshots or example spreadsheets) are stored in a separate subpackage that always comes last and is called "99 -- Docs --". Click http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/369/docsh.jpg to see how this looks. Every installer has such a folder (if a mod does not include any documentation OBLIVION EVOLUTION copied information from the download location into a TXT file and stored it in the appropriate folder). The path has the following folder structure and naming scheme: 99 -- Docs -- / Docs / Mod Title. This way OBLIVION EVOLUTION centralizes all the documentation provided by the mods and puts it into a single folder easy accessible by the user. One just needs to open the "Docs" folder under the Oblivion "Data" folder and there he will find all documentation sorted by the mod titles. Look http://img813.imageshack.us/img813/1451/docs2.jpg if you don`t know what I mean. Of course there will be a documentation for OBLIVION EVOLUTION as a whole too. A special part of this documentation will be a keyboard layout showing the old as well as a lot of new key bindings introduced by OBLIVION EVOLUTION. These new key bindings derive mostly from interface mods. I have looked through all their INIs and developed a streamlined key bindings system to assign every new function a key within easy reach and prevent overlapping of key functions. This keyboard layout along with its instructions on how to benefit from certain key combinations is going to be printer-friendly. But that`s still not everything that has to be said about the documentation features of OBLIVION EVOLUTION. As indicated in the previous paragraph OBLIVION EVOLUTION makes use of some kind of database. It does by taking advantage of the BAIN installer comments section. Every selected installer shows at least the following mod data to the user in the comments section: title, description, creators, download location and credits. Click on this http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/9872/commentsh.jpg to see how this looks in action. This way the user knows what the mod basically does, he immediately sees, who the author of the mod is and can look up other mods made by the listed user or he can copy and paste the internet address into his browser to see if there`s an update to the mod. But the database features even more information for the user as already mentioned in the previous paragraph (remarks regarding mod dependencies, etc). Last but not least the database features remarks on mod adjustments made by OBLIVION EVOLUTION.

  • MOD ADJUSTMENT: Almost every mod OBLIVION EVOLUTION features is customized to serve the purpose of creating a well-tempered whole. An example was given above for the key bindings. But mod authors don`t like to see their content touched at all, right? Well, OBLIVION EVOLUTION does not really alter any mod content. Every mod OBLIVION EVOLUTION contains is preserved 100% as in the downloaded archive. But how`s that possible? To be able to make adjustments to the mods while not touching their content at all OBLIVION EVOLUTION takes advantage of Wrye Bash`s subpackage system, adding adjusted mod data as an additional subpackage on top of the other subpackages already provided by the mod. See http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/593/oblivionevolutionsubpac.jpg how this looks. There are three main types of OBLIVION EVOLUTION mod adjustments: content selection, INI setups, and plugin modifications. What does the first type of mod adjustments called "content selection" mean? Some mods make it necessary to choose between equal content of the same category by not explicitly expressing a preference (for example AWLS). OBLIVION EVOLUTION has to make a choice then. But in other cases OBLIVION EVOLUTION makes a decision based on preference, not taking over the complete content of the mod by not checking the according subpackages. However, in both cases there will be a remark in the database to emphasize that there is room for further customization by the player. Click this http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/5486/contentselection.jpg to see how this looks. The next type of mod adjustments are "INI setups". I guess this is pretty self-explanatory. Please note that every single INI setting made by OBLIVION EVOLUTION is well-documented in the adjusted INI itself. Click on this http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/356/inisettings.jpg to see how these adjustments are shown in the adujsted INI. Additionally the user can find a synopsis of the most significant INI settings made by OBLIVION EVOLUTION in the database under the according remark. Click on this http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7315/inisettings2.jpg to see an example. The third and last type of mod adjustments are "plugin modifications", which are trivial in most cases: some minor changes to scripts to prevent message spam at the start of a new game or an ESP with dirty edits was cleaned (so this is already taken care of). However, all these adjustments are well-documented too. The adjusted scripts are listed in the database under the according remark to make quick comparisons possible. Click on this http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/2060/oblivionevolutionplugin.jpg to see an example. As you can expect the mod content is not modified, but adjusted, for most mod users a standard procedure that takes place every time they install a new mod to make it work like they want. But all these adjustments are well-documented and can be made undone easily by simply unchecking the box of the OBLIVION EVOLUTION subpackage.

  • TRANSPARENCY: To let the user know that and what OBLIVION EVOLUTION adjusts is one of its highest priorities. I already emphasized in the previous paragraph that every single adjustment made by OBLIVION EVOLUTION is documented in the database under the according remark. On top of that there are three remarks highlighting that a mod was adjusted by OBLIVION EVOLUTION. It can`t be overlooked by someone who opens Wrye Bash and looks under the Installers tab! The first one appears right at the end of the mod title in the Wrye Bash installer window. Click http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/3195/remark.jpg to see what I mean. This way you can spot very easily, which mods are adjusted by OBLIVION EVOLUTION and make a quick check in the database what exactly is adjusted. The second remark appears in the subpackages section. The extra subpackage that is provided by OBLIVION EVOLUTION and contains the actual mod adjustments is separated by the other packages with four additional lines and called "Oblivion Evolution". Click http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/3195/remark.jpg to see an example. Very easy to spot too, right? A third remark of course appears in the database of OBLIVION EVOLUTION. Click http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/5486/contentselection.jpg to see what I mean.

  • EVOLUTION, NOT REVOLUTION: Now let`s get to the actual content of OBLIVION EVOLUTION. The goal of OBLIVION EVOLUTION is to cautiously improve aspects of Oblivion, while trying to stay true to its original design. Most of all OBLIVION EVOLUTION is not about completely changing the basic gameplay, as gameplay changes affect the game as much as nothing else. OBLIVION EVOLUTION is not about redefining, but refining the experience. Bethesda after all has done a tremendous job with this game! As already mentioned the key areas OBLIVION EVOLUTION are fixes, interface improvements, graphic overhauls and gameplay tweaks. However, Oblivion Evolution is very, very careful with the last category.

  • CHALLENGING GAMEPLAY: However, is there some kind of a vision for the existing gameplay changes? There is. The primarily goals of OBLIVION EVOLUTION are to provide a challenging, more skill-based gameplay experience and an extended leveling duration. The first goal is achieved by removing the most notorious exploits like simply kiting the enemies by running backwards or stacking overpowered spell effects like Resist Magic to get immunity to damage. I`m saying "the most notorious exploits". Of course Oblivion never won`t be free of potential to be exploited, but it doesn`t need to point you right at exploits just by letting you play, right? The second goal is achieved by a mod, that alters the leveling system and helps to structure the level and skill progression, making it not just a lot more desirable, but necessary to level beyond level 20.

  • LESS IS MORE: Neither is OBLIVION EVOLUTION about hitting the ESP limit, nor about featuring every existing new content for the game. Its goal is to assemble mods, which in a subtle, but significant way improve our beloved game. Mods, which most people would call "must-haves", regardless of personal taste. Of course, those who have played through the game several times and know all the content inside out are free to add quest mods or new races, but this is a question of subjective preference a mod collection never won`t be able to answer satisfyingly. In any case if something should be avoided then the feel of an heterogenous conglomerate of mods where nothing fits together. OBLIVION EVOLUTION instead aims to form an unity out of the mods it features. Mod adjustments are one strategy, but having not more mods than needed definitely helps too.

  • REGULAR UPDATES: OBLIVION EVOLUTION is supposed to be updated regularly to keep up with the release of the latest mod versions. As time goes by older mods will be replaced by newer ones or completely new mods will be added. I could even think of mods, which add new content to the game. There is already a subcategory for new content implemented.
Beside the documentation all content Oblivion Evolution features or relies on is listed in the Wrye Bash Installers section. There is a logic order for the categories (which are indicated by markers) you can read about in the "Customizability" paragraph above. Please note, that the text below isn`t supposed to be a complete list of featured mods. Not all of them are listed here! Furthermore, not every author of these mods did get a permission request yet. With 100 featured mods sometimes created by several authors this process takes some time, as I`m sending most of the requests to their TES Nexus account, their Bethesda Softworks Official Forums account and (if available) to their email account. So you`ll get the requests sooner or later.

I call the first category on top of the list Prerequisites. The listed installers of this subcategory do not necessarily install their signified content, instead their main purpose is to provide information about the additional software Oblivion Evolution relies on. However, these installers contain a folder with the downloaded archive of this software and (as all the other installers) the software`s documentation in a separate folder. They also feature the same database functionality as the other installers, so you can quickly look up who is responsible for this software or check up, if an update is available by copying the link to the download location into your browser. There are several subcategories to the "Prerequisites" category: "Mod Managing and Sorting Tools" like Wrye Bash, "Editing Tools" like TES4LODGen, "Script Extenders" like OBSE and of course "OBSE Plugins" like the Oblivion Stutter Remover or MenuQue just to name two of them.

The second category is called Unofficial Patches and contains the collected efforts of Quarn, Kivan and Arthmoor.

The third category is called Minor Improvements and Fixes. It features mods that allow you to skip the game`s introduction and get to the sewer exit immediately, that extend your FOV slightly (I made sure there is no clipping), that get rid of annoying messages (like "Loading area" for example), that smooth out the vanity camera, etc.

The fourth category is called UI Improvements. It`s supposed to feature DarNified UI and a lot of the brilliant work by TheNiceOne: Enhanced Hotkeys, HUD Status Bars, Display Stats, Map Marker Overhaul and Quest Log Manager. Also included are the DarNified UI Additions and Config Addon, Spell Delete, A to take All, and Toggleable Quantity Prompt. I think most of these mods are well-known.

The fifth category is called Improvements to Sound and Music. There`s not much yet in this category, because mods, which add new sounds and music do not belong here, but to another category I call "New Content" (more information about this category will follow below). However, there are two mods in the fifth category that I regard as must-haves, both created by side777: Better Music System and EAX Control. The first one does quite a lot, but most of all it gets rid of an annoying side effect of combat music: warning you about incoming attacks. Surprisingly getting hit by someone while walking unsuspecting through the wilderness is now what it should be: an experience, that makes you scream in sudden terror. But you don`t want to miss EAX Control too. At least if you ever entered an ayleid ruin while running this mod. This mod adds so much to the atmosphere, you really have to hear it, to believe it.

The sixth category called Visual Improvements has four subcategories: Character, Texture Replacers, Environments and LOD. The subcategory called Character improves the visual aspects of the player character and the NPCs. Featured are common body replacers for male and female bodies but with underwear (no nudity here, sorry). A combination of different face texture replacers can also be found here. Mods, which allow to put your shield and one-handed weapons on your back are included too in this subcategory. The subcategory Texture Replacers features big mods like Qarl`s Texture Pack 3 Redimized and Bomret`s Texture Pack for Shivering Isles. For textures not covered by these mods there are a lot of smaller texture replacers like Improved Trees and Flora, Improved Fruits, Vegetables and Meats, Improved Amulets and Rings, and many others etc. The subcategory Environments is supposed to feature mods like All Natural, Immersive Interiors, Animated Windows Lighting System and Chimneys, Enhanced Vegetation, Enhanced Water and two gems by Phitt: Falling Stars and Autumn Trees. The last subcategory called LOD should feature texture replacers for the LOD landscapes and of course Really AEVWD, the latter being deactivated by default because of the hardware it demands.

The seventh category is called New Content. This category is supposed to feature mods, which add or completely change existing content. It`s a part of Oblivion Evolution`s design philosophy to be cautious regarding this aspect (read the "Evolution, Not Revolution" paragraph above), but I created this category, because I`m planing to add more custom content mods in the future, most of all quest or landscape mods. There are several subcategories like Armor & Clothing and Sound & Music, but there is not much to be found here yet.

The eight and last category at the bottom of the installers list features mods, which change the gameplay. Therefore it`s called Gameplay Improvements. This category affects more than any other the very core of Oblivion and it relies more than any other on subjective preference and because of that is highly controversial. I was not even sure if I should[implement such a category at all (read the "Evolution, Not Revolution" paragraph above if you haven`t read it already). But I assume that most gamers think a good game is at least a game that is challenging (at least more challenging and less prone to exploits than the original Oblivion) and my mod choices in this category are guided by exactly this concept of gameplay (read more about this aspect in the "Challenging Gameplay" paragraph above).

There are three subcategories here. The first one is called Anti-Exploit Mods. The mods featured here are so far: AV Uncapper Settings (based on JRoush`s AV Uncapper), Magick Overlap, Stickier Enemy Targeting and of course Phitt`s Phighting Phixes. I want to explain shortly what the benefits of AV Uncapper are, because it`s one of the most overlooked mods out there. Its achievement is to finally allow to weaken overpowered spell effects like Resist Magic, Reflect Damage, Spell Reflect, etc. I remember these spell effects ruining my OOO gameplay as I was able to kill Lord Volmyr very early by simply stacking Resist Magic. I could get practically invulnerable at a very early stage. With my AV Uncapper settings if you get to a a value of 100 with Resist Magic the damage you receive from offensive spells won`t be reduced by 100% anymore (making you immune to all magic attacks), but only by 33%. This applies to all similar spell effects. There is a disadvantage to this mod though, but I won`t talk about it now, because I would have to get too much into details. However, I think most of the gamers want to have these anti-exploit mods active to have a more challenging, a more skill-based gameplay.

The second subcategory is called Minor Gameplay Changes. This is pretty self-explanatory. Mods like SPAWN, Cava Obscura and Soulgem Magic are featured here, most of them not being very controversial, right?

At good last, there is the subcategory called Major Gameplay Changes, at the bottom of the installers list. The main feature of this category is Oscuro`s Oblivion Overhaul with carefully updated or replaced parts of its bundled mods (OMOBS, Harvest Flora, OOO Geomancy & Gem Dust, Enhanced Economy instead of Living Economy, and Drop Lit Torches OBSE). But why did I choose OOO? Because it handles the most controversial gameplay feature of the original Oblivion (the player-centric game progression) as good as no other mod available. Needless to say, OOO is also one of the most popular Oblivion mods ever conceived, a mod that most of the dedicated mod users at least played through one time. It`s also the backbone of the very popular FCOM, the "nonplusultra" for a lot of experienced mod users. So all that speaks for itself. But the meain reason for me is its way to create a world-centric game progression and offering a more challenging gameplay experience. Two other mods featured in this category are bg2408`s highly appreciated Race Balancing Project (only the Light version though) and Less Annoying Magic Experience. The latter improves the basic gameplay of spellcasting and does not change it completely, so I decided to include it as these two mods are made to fit together. Last but not least there is Oblivion XP (of course incl. its update by Andalaybay), perhaps the most popular leveling mod available. At least this way indicated by a recent poll. But it`s not the popularity or the high standard of quality that made me choose it for this mod compilation. It was the second goal of gameplay improvement Oblivion Evolution is focused beside a more challenging, less exploitable game: an extended level progression. Oblivion XP is giving me the right tools to structure the level and skill progression, because I want to make it not just more desirable, but necessary to level beyond level 20. I do see the strenghts and weaknesses of both leveling systems (the original one and the classic XP leveling) though, but I decided to give preference to Oblivion XP because it makes every action you do meaningful to your progression. There was almost no reward for making quests in the original game, but now you can adjust how much the game rewards you for making quests, after all this is an integral part of Oblivion. Oblivion XP will of course (as most other mods) be adjusted carefully to support the overallgameplay vision of Oblivion Evolution.

  • As for now there are only three permission status categories to serve the purpose of an overview. Don`t forget: If a mod is colored in green, this can be due to several reasons (see legend below).
  • Some mod authors stated they will make their decision to give permission depend on the permission for another mod their own mod relies on. In this case I marked the mod green (see legend below). Note, that there still can be other conditions to meet too.
  • I included a version number of each mod in the list below. However, this doesn`t mean at all I got permissions for a particular mod version. All content Oblivion Evolution features will be updated shortly before release.
  • As previously announced I decided to the major gameplay-changing mods for the first release. That`s why they are struck out. I kept Enhanced Economy, Harvest Flora and Drop Lit Torches OBSE though (which were supposed to update parts of OOO) and moved them to other categories. I`ll probably exclude some of the minor gameplay-changing and anti-exploit mods too.
  • Please respect the decision of the mod authors regarding the permission, whether it is given or refused.
Permission Status Categories:
  • Permission given / Permission given under conditions / Permission not needed
  • Permission outstanding
  • Permission refused / Permission refused temporarily
Last Update: 09/22/2011

Prerequisites: Mod Managing and Sorting Tools
++ Wrye Bash 292 (Standalone Version)
++ Oblivion Mod Manager 1.1.12
++ Better Oblivion Sorting Software 1.7

Prerequisites: Editing Tools
++ Official Oblivion Construction Set 1.2.404
++ TES4Edit 3.0.15 Experimental
++ TES4LODGen 3.0.15 Experimental

Prerequisites: Script Extenders
++ Oblivion Script Extender v0020

Prerequisites: OBSE Plugins
++ Oblivion Stutter Remover 4.1.0
++ Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System Build 2009-03-28
++ Fast Exit 2.0
++ Enhanced Music & Control 0.72b
++ Sound Commands 4.0
++ Oblivion EAX 0.7 Beta 2
++ Pluggy Dev 128
++ MenuQue 9a
++ AV Uncapper 1.beta1

Unofficial Patches
++ Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.2.0
++ Unofficial Official Mods Patch 15.0
++ Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch 1.4.0
++ Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplementals 3.3.5

Minor Improvements and Fixes
++ Baron`s Dungeon Begone Quick Start 1.0
++ FOV Modifier 2.0
++ Vanity Camera Smoother 1.01
++ No More Annoying Messages Fixed 1.3
++ Drop Lit Torches OBSE 2.4
++ No Refraction Gate 1.0
++ Refraction and Menu Shader Replacement 1.0

UI Improvements
++ DarNified UI 1.3.2
++ Enhanced Hotkeys 2.2
++ HUD Status Bars 4.2.1
++ Display Stats 2.0.1
++ Map Marker Overhaul 3.9
++ Quest Log Manager 1.3.2b
++ DarNified UI Additions 2.3.3
++ DarNified UI Config Addon 1.4
++ Spell Delete 3.3
++ A To Take All Also Books 1.0
++ Toggleable Quantity Prompt Updated 3.2.0
++ Well Used Map 2.1 Antiqued
++ Oblivion Evolution Interface Tweaks and Settings 1.0
++ Oblivion Evolution The Glory of Cyrodiil 1.0

Improvements to Sound and Music
++ Better Music System 2.42b (incl. Hotfix & Better Music System for Shivering Isles 1.0)
++ Side`s EAX Control 1.0
++ Distant Chapel Bells 1.0

Visual Improvements: Character
++ HG EyeCandy Body
++ EVE HGEC Body Selector and Stock Equipment Replacer 1.0
++ EVE HGEC Equipment Replacer for OOO 1.02

++ Robert`s Male Body 5.0 Beta
++ Argonian High Resolution Body Retexture 1.1
++ Improved Facial Textures 2.1
++ Improved Argonian Facial Textures 1.1
++ New Face Textures 2.0
++ Tycho`s Shield on Back Revived 3.1
++ Addon for Shield on Back 3.4.1
++ 1H Weapon on Back 1.0

Visual Improvements: Texture Replacers
++ Qarl`s Texture Pack 3 Redimized 1.0 (incl. Patch)
++ Bomret`s Texture Pack for Shivering Isles 1.0
++ Improved Sky Textures 1.1
++ Beaming Sunglare 1.1
++ Improved Doors and Flora 1.1 (incl. Update)
++ Improved Trees and Flora 1.0
++ Improved Trees and Flora 2 1.1 (incl. Update)
++ Improved Fruits, Vegetables and Meats 1.1 (incl. Update)
++ Improved Skulls, Bones and Ironwork 1.1
++ Improved Amulets and Rings 1.1
++ Better Blood 1.2 (incl. Update Darker Blood version)
++ Book Jackets Oblivion 1.0 (High Res)
++ Improved Signs 1.2
++ VA`s Better Gold 2.0
++ Isathar`s Improved Tapestries 1.1 (incl. Patch)

Visual Improvements: Environments
++ All Natural 1.3.1 (incl. Patch)
++ Immersive Interiors 0.8.1
++ Animated Window Lighting System 5.5.4
++ Detailed Terrain Beta II 0.4 (incl. Patch and Shivering Isles Texture Pack 1.2)
++ Enhanced Vegetation 1.1
++ Natural Environments 2.1.3
++ Harvest Flora 3.0.1
++ Enhanced Water 2.0 (incl. HD SI Addon 0.2)
++ Water Reflection Blur 0.2
++ Fintilgin`s ForeverView 1.1
++ Falling Stars 1.0
++ Autumn Trees 1.1

Visual Improvements: LOD
++ Deathb0rns Modified Qarls LOD Normal Maps 1.1
++ PK LandscapeLOD Color 1.0 (incl. LOD Color 4096)
++ Really AEVWD 1.9.2
++ Really AEVWD QTP3 Texture Pack by Brumbek 1.5
++ Really AEVWD Shivering Isles Edition 1.7
++ Really AEVVWD Shivering Isles Edition Bomret Texture Pack 1.0

New Content: Armor and Clothing
++ Kafei`s Armored Circlets 1.1

New Content: Sound and Music
++ Mr. Pwner`s Ambient Churches 1.0
++ Echo_Chapel Chant 1.1

Gameplay Improvements: Anti-Exploit Mods
++ AV Uncapper Settings 1.01
++ Magick Overlap 0.9
++ Companion Compatibility 1.0
++ Phitt`s Phighting Phixes 1.02 (incl. Hotfix)

Gameplay Improvements: Minor Changes
++ Enhanced Economy 5.4
++ SPAWN 0.3
++ Soulgem Magic 2.0
++ SM Plugin Refurbish 1.30
++ Cava Obscura 1.3
++ Brighter Torches 1.2

Gameplay Improvements: Major Changes
++ Oscuro`s Oblivion Overhaul 1.33
++ Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.34 Beta 5 Patch
++ OMOBS Shivering Isles 2.0a
++ Updated Official DLC MOBS 1.02
++ OOO Geomancy & Gem Dust 1.1
++ Race Balancing Project 10.0 Light
++ Less Annoying Magic Experience 1.7
++ Oblivion XP Update 4.1.9a
Now I need your feedback on this mod setup mainly regarding the following areas:

1. Removals: Which mods are known to cause issues? Which problems do they cause and how critical are they? Is a removal justified?
2. Exchanges: Are there mods which do the same but are better than the ones listed?
3. Suggestions: Are there any mods you consider essential that I forgot?
I`ve spent a lot of time in the seemingly bottomless pit of TES Nexus and in the "Oblivion Mods" forum the last twelve months. Primarily out of interest, but also to acquire the knowledge to able to pick the right mods for such a project. At the end there are almost a hundred of them (at least for now). To come up with the above concepts took a lot of time too, mostly lost to trial and error. But putting everything together turned to be out the real timesink. It included making all the mods BAIN-ready, adjusting them (I`ve studied every single INI the mods come up to not miss somehting and be sure everything is adjusted right, that is true to the overall vision of OBLIVION EVOLUTION), collecting the right data from over a hundred readmes, feeding the database with all the information it needed, writing remarks for every single mod including the documentation regarding the adjustments I made. Needless to say I endorsed every mod I want to see featured. But apart from coming up and actually realizing such a crazy project I have some "real" contributions in terms of mods to offer specifically made for OBLIVION EVOLUTION. I`m proud to present them to you now after such a long time of keeping them back.

"Oblivion Evolution: The Glory of Cyrodiil" is a successor to the main menu background video replacer I made three years ago, but this time it`s made specifically for OBLIVION EVOLUTION as you`ll notice after seeing the title screen. You`ll see the awakening of Cyrodiil in the dawn, Lake Rumare shimmering in the morning sun, rays of light falling through golden leaves in the Great Forest, the sun wandering above the Imperial City, blooming meadows with colorful plants peacefully swaying in the wind, a shining moon floating in the skies and finally the sun disappearing behind the mountains of the Colovian Highlands. All that in stunning Full HD (1920x1080) with graphical enhancements from several mods enabled.
After keeping this baby back since last fall I`m very happy to finally present this mod to you. You can watch it on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o245FzwpUc (including artifacts and overall bluriness, that comes with YouTube compression) or download the video (in the original quality) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TFYGFGKJ. Here`s some additional info on the mod:

  • The name of the mod comes from the song used: "The Glory of Cyrodiil", composed by Jeremy Soule, who is responsible for all the beautiful music of "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion".
  • You see a lot of mods in action while watching this video, especially these ones: "Fintilgin`s ForeverView", "Beaming Sunglare", "Enhanced Vegetation", "Water Reflection Blur", "Deathb0rns Modified Qarls LOD Normal Maps", and "Really AEVWD".
  • The video you see comes in two parts like the one from the original game. You will be able to skip the dawn scene and jump right to the title screen when you start up the game. Or you jump to the title screen by simply pressing Escape.
Unfortunately I found that the main menu doesn`t seem to support BIK files in a higher resolution than 720p. The video seems to get downscaled by the game, but nevertheless looks beautiful. If you find a way to make the game show BIK files in a larger resolution, please let me know.

I worked really hard on this one. It builds upon "DarNified UI" and its purpose is to make the interface even more subtle and immersive. Some of the outstanding features are:
  • A new standard font for DarNified UI. A lot of XMLs needed to be adjusted for this. See example screenshots of the new font in action: http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/2051/13582842.jpg, http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/725/12350931.jpg, http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/7493/98418645.jpg, http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/6691/96462840.jpg, http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7041/92539609.jpg, http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5245/80753195.jpg, http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/913/77517146.jpg, http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/4397/15926519.jpg, http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/9561/56017007.jpg, http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/3651/54531002.jpg, http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7274/89458203.jpg, http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/4586/72894960.jpg.
  • A new visual appearance of dialog text (click http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/3807/45259634.jpg for an example screenshot) and info moved to top of the screen to prevent screen clutter (click http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/2489/71467413.jpg for an example screenshot)
  • A streamlined HUD inspired by "Immersive Interface" by h4rfleur (click http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/6228/interfacegb.jpg for an example screenshot)
  • A subtle, barely noticeable crosshair to further enhance immersion (click http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/8834/62706137.jpg for an example screenshot)
I always liked the idea of being to able to read useful hints while loading. This mod features over a hundred new loading screen texts specifically for use with OBLIVION EVOLUTION. The mod contains:
  • Corrections to hints from the original game that were proven to be wrong
  • Adjustments to old loading screen texts to fit the changes made by mods
  • Hints to unique features of mods that are part of OBLIVION EVOLUTION
  • Additional hints to almost every key binding, especially those who are introduced by mods that are part of OBLIVION EVOLUTION
  • Additional hints to gameplay mechanics, mostly taken from UESP Wiki
All the information the user gets through the loading screens are 100% correct now, but he also learns more than ever before on the core mechanics of the game.
Please note that all of these mod contributions are going to be released as standalone packages for those people who don`t want to use OBLIVION EVOLUTION.
OBLIVION EVOLUTION is finished to 90%. Now, what`s left to do?
  • Getting permissions for the mods I plan to feature
  • There are some minor bugs left to fix
  • I need to figure out how to make an installer out of all the data and how to be able to create separate installation routines for people who use the retail and Steam version of Oblivion and have or don`t have Shivering Isles and the additional DLCs
  • Writing a short documentation on Oblivion Evolution itself explaining its features and how the mod setup can be customized
  • Creating a printer-friendly keyboard layout with instructions on key bindings
  • Creating a separate documentation including all the contributing mod authors and their mods (data basically copied from the OBLIVION EVOLUTION database)
  • Betatesting the game itself
For those, who thought it was a little too quiet in here for the last days: I was three weeks on vacation, but I`m back now and ready to work on Oblivion Evolution again. However, I was able to send the rest of the permission requests during my holidays. I got very positive feedback for the most part, but there were some permission refusals too, some of them for mods I really liked to feature. As expected a lot of answers are outstanding due to people which have retired. I sent the last requests on the 21th of August, so I`ll decide in two weeks what I`ll do about the mods I didn`t get an answer regarding permission. In the next days I`ll be going through my permission request excel sheets and check the overall situation and evaluate if this project has a future. I also decided to make some important changes to the project, the most important being:

  • I`ll completely drop the gameplay changing mods for the first release, including some of the anti-exploits mods. I`m happy about this decision, because now most of the hard residual work is off my shoulders. So the first release will focus on fixes, interface improvements and texture replacers and if it`s successful I`ll reintegrate gameplay changing mods for further releases.
  • The customizable part of Oblivion Evolution will be downloadable as a separate package. It will simply contain the Wrye Bash "Oblivion Mods" folder, the Oblivion Evolution mod database information, the Oblivion Evolution Wrye Bash settings, the Oblivion Evolution Bashed Patch, etc.
  • There will only be support for the normal, uncustomizable part of Oblivion Evolution. The customizable part is aimed at more advanced users or those, who want to experiment.
In two weeks if I think I have enough mods for this compilation to make sense, I`ll post a complete list of the mods I want to feature (and have permission to). Then it`s your turn to critize the setup and make suggestions.
This paragraph includes statements by myself to clarify some things after reading how people reacted (both positively and negatively) to this project. I posted these statements in the last thread and maybe they got lost between all other posts, so I`m gonna add them here, because I think they can be useful to get an idea of my goals:

I was around this forum a lot the last twelve months and I followed the discussions on compilations, noticing that there is a lot of negativity about it. I said there`s gotta be a reason that people hate the idea, I mean apart from the fact of being a compilation, because there is no a priori reason for a compilation to be a bad thing. It`s about what people make of it. I know more than anyone else, that it is a very complex task: it needs dedication, experience and a born talent to make the right choices. Indeed it`s such a complex task that more things can go bad than good, I agree with you on this one. Apparently the community made some bad very experiences. I remember the ugly fight over AmpolX`s textures getting repackaged and released without permission.

But that kind of trouble is the last thing on earth I wish for this community I came to more than just like after months and months hanging around here. I was completely restructuring this project at least three times, throwing strategies over board that wouldn`t work. I started over and I started over again, just to be sure every modder could be happy with the circumstances their mods are presented. Now I`m finally sure this can work out. As the work is practically done, the only thing left to make this happen is the support of the community. I can`t and I don`t want to do this without the blessing of the community and without the trust, that is needed for such a huge undertaking. For that reason I tried to present my project in detail to you. Shouting a categorical "NO!" without even responding to anything I came up with isn`t fair.

I can think of compilations that work. I`m hearing a lot of good things about the Morrowind Overhaul for example, though I never tried it. Another example for a working compilation is http://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-complete-2009. As I reinstalled ST.A.L.K.E.R. recently I looked up what kind of mods exist for this game and was overwhelmed by the sheer mass of mods out there. I was quite happy a compilation like the Complete Series exists, because I don`t have the time to spend hundreds of hours of research for every modded game before I can think of even starting with it. Does that make me a dumb person? Compilations obviously are not made for modders or people who are accustomed to manage and tweak their mod setups, but that doesn`t mean there is no one out there, who would appreciate them. Oblivion Evolution however does offer the user to make that leap into modding, as he wishes. I pointed that out very clearly.

Compilations, if done right, have the potential to be a good thing. It`s a very old technique of human culture. Take the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Manesse, a 700 year old compilation of works by medieval german poets. I have studied some of the poems during my academic studies, poems that would have been forever lost without someone compiling them a long, long time ago. I repeat, compilations are not a bad a thing per se. Consider that for a moment. And then try to give me at least a chance. Critize me, challenge my concepts, the thread is here for that. Just don`t let this be my project. Let this be our project. Otherwise it`s already dead.
I have to apologize for being absent the last days. After working very hard on this project for the last month and feeling quite devastated by some of the comments and the overall reactions from people with influence I had to step back from this for some days, but I`m back now to answer your questions and keep the discussion alive. Before I start I want to thank all the people, that were trying to see this whole thing from a different angle and defend my intentions. I`m happy to see there are people out there, who want to support Oblivion Evolution and believe this could be a good thing to have.

But it`s true that there always two sides to everything and both need to be taken serious. Let me say, that I fully recognize the necessity of being skeptical about this project. I see the pitfalls, most of all featuring mods, that are not finished yet and can`t be updated as easy they should be, including missing support and the trouble this may cause for the mod contributors. I will respond to these concerns later. Another problem does not concern the project, but my person. I`m practically a nobody in the Oblivion modding scene. As a modder dedicated to my work I would be skeptical too. It`s like handing over your child to someone you don`t really know. One has to earn this trust.

I already sent some permission requests. Surprisingly, reactions were not as bad as I expected after reading some of the comments in this thread. Of course I got denials too, but with the addition of "for now". Like I said I have to earn the trust of the people, just like everyone else. To me it looks like they are giving me at least a chance. So I`ll guess I`ll be sending more permission requests in the following days to get more feedback and maybe even support from modders.

I knew the reactions would have been even more negative if I came up with this before figuring out all the details of how I could get this done. At least I have something to present now, most of all a polished concept I explained in all its details. Maybe my opening post was missing something, so I`m going to outline some of the characteristics of Oblivion Evolution again, so maybe you get a better idea of its basic goals. But I also advise everyone to take the time to read my opening post carefully. I`m not used to write in English, it`s not as easy for me as you might think, so I didn`t write that wall of text just for fun. Actually it took me three days to write the whole post and believe me, I wouldn`t make such huge efforts, if I wanted to get this released without permissions. I respect this community, I respect the modders and if they don`t want to see this project realized, it won`t be realized. Simple as that.

I also want to note, that my mod contributions are considered to be a bonus, not something that should define this compilation, as a comment suggested.

You discussed the difference between integrated overhauls and mod compilations. Well, if you want to make use of such a terminology, Oblivion Evolution is clearly aiming at being an integrated overhaul and not a mod compilation. Oblivion Evolution is not about throwing a couple of random mods together and release it as fast as possible. As I defined in the opening post Oblivion Evolution is "a collection of some of the finest Oblivion mods, carefully crafted into an homogenous entity under the guideline of a well-thought design philosophy". Oblivion Evolution has a coherent vision of its goals: It wants to provide a slim setup of essential mods, which improve the original game, while staying true to its design. A user, who never played with Oblivion mods enabled shouldn`t notice that he`s playing with Oblivion mods enabled. I think it`s the goal of all modders to create mods with such a high standard of quality you can`t distinguish it from vanilla content. Oblivion Evolution therefore is created for people who simply want to play a further polished Oblivion. While this vision determines the choice of mods and helps to create a coherent collection of mods, the mod adjustments made by Oblivion Evolution guarantee a well-tempered whole. For example there is no message spam at the start of a new game and every setting the mods are offering through its content and INIs are defined by Oblivion Evolution to serve the overall purpose of creating something with a clear and distinguishable shape. For example, I noted all the new key bindings some mods are introducing and set them up to a consistent system with no overlapping key binding. And Oblivion Evolution will even come with a printer-friendly keyboard layout pointing out these new key bindings!

But the by far most important thing is, that I made sure, that there are no mod conflicts, that every ESP that needs to be cleaned is cleaned, that the installers and the ESPs have the right installation order, that everything that needs to be loaded into the Bashed Patch is loaded, etc. Oblivion Evolution is basically a perfectly running Wrye Bash essential mods setup.

Maybe I didn`t shed enough light on this. All the mod content Oblivion Evolution is supposed to be released with is going to be installed in the according folders, but what is going to be installed too is Wrye Bash with all the BAIN packages, the Bashed Patch and Wrye Bash settings included. People can start their game immediately and play for a while or they can open up Wrye Bash and look into the inner workings of Oblivion Evolution. However, as I plan to state clearly in the documentation this is an area only for people who know what they do. But even people that have no experience with Wrye Bash at all can learn a lot from a perfectly tweaked Wrye Bash mod setup right in front of them. This way it`s much easier to get to know how to use Wrye Bash. So this is some kind of an invitation to learn how to customize Oblivion Evolution, exchanging or adding mods or update existing mods by themselves. The idea behind featuring Wrye Bash is not only to support customization, but to make the people learn how mod setups are made and take the responsibility for what they do. Featuring Wrye Bash is not a conceptual weakness of Oblivion Evolution, but a conceptual strength, one of its basic strategies.

However, I`m not planning to support the Wrye Bash part of Oblivion Evolution, because it`s completely optional for the user. It would be impossible to support every mod combination you could think of using only parts of Oblivion Evolution. However, as I stated in the opening post there a lot of remarks in the Oblivion Evolution database that will make the life of those people, who want to customize Oblivion Evolution a lot easier. You just click on a installer inside Wrye Bash and you get all the info you need on mod dependencies, rebuilding your Bashed Patch, applying a Filter Patch, etc. This could even be useful for people, who know how to use Wrye Bash. What will be fully supported is the untouched complete mod setup provided by Oblivion Evolution.

While choosing mod content for Oblivion Evolution I paid attention to only include mods that are not known for making problems - by themselves, but also in conjuction with other mods. There are only very advanced mods in this package, that are known for not causing any issues. I repeat, there are no bug-ridden mods still in beta phase included in Oblivion Evolution! I`m inviting the community to choose well-trusted and experienced people to look into this setup, I`m really glad to hand it over, because I`m sure most experienced mod users would come to the conclusion that this mod setup is totally unproblematic and simple compared to mod setups like FCOM. Oblivion Evolution should and will work without issues as it is, because I spent a lot of time to make sure it will! And people will be very happy to get a perfectly tweaked Wrye Bash essential mods setup ready to play and work with, something that usually takes hundreds of hours to set up for starters.
This will probably be my last post on this project for a while as I decided to let it rest, probably forever. However, I`ll still be active in the forums, searching for help and helping others too, where I can. If you have something to add to the following post, you can send me a message, as this thread will get closed.

But why did I decide to let it rest? I tried my best and never gave up the hope to get this project realised, but I`ve come to a point I don`t have any influence over its success or failure... unless I wanted to cross a line of course. I`m talking about outstanding permissions. There are a lot of them and I definitively can`t continue without them. For example, one of the most important mods with outstanding permission status is DarNified UI. I was in contact with DarN as I tweaked his UI to my liking and he helped me a lot too with it. Unfortunately he seems to be gone since last december, leaving no life sign on his own forum for about 10 months, so I probably won`t get a permission from him anytime soon. Without DarNified UI I consider the interface improvements category incomplete. It`s just too essential to let it drop. And this is just an example.

I`ve read through this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1216676-on-getting-permissions/page__st__40__p__18243951__hl__on+getting+permissions__fromsearch__1#entry18243951 on getting permissions and know what kind of permission policy some of the forum users have. I respect their opinion, they certainly have a share of the truth, but I certainly can`t agree with them, at least not completely and I`m obviously not disrespecting the modders and their work or I wouldn`t have taken the time to send permission requests. I think there is no completely “right” policy on this issue. There is no truth out there, there are just arguments. The case of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Kafka#Literary_career comes to my mind and it`s impossible to decide what would have been the right thing to do regarding his last will.

My argument is, that compilations are something necessary and important: they save the work of human beings for the posterity. I already mentioned the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Manesse once, which is basically a compilation. There will be no people left tweaking their Oblivion mod setups in 25 years. These mods and the knowledge to make them work will be lost. With that in my mind I encourage you to see the long-time benefit of compilations. If you don`t trust me to make it as it should be, then trust someone else. Maybe after the release of Skyrim someone should do something like that again, with a wider scope of course and including mods from all categories. Someone trusted. It really should be done. Not for my sake, not for your sake, but for the sake of the generations to come.

With that in mind maybe it would be even a obligation to get this compilation done. But why didn`t I cross the line then? Because I always wanted to make this project a community-wide effort. For example, I planned to include influential modders from these forums to take part in this project during the betatesting. Without the blessing and the support of the community a big project like this one simply can`t last. Kingpix obviously did a great job with his Morrowind Overhaul and one of the reasons is because the Morrowind modding community supported it. Having a well-made, canonical compilation also sets an end to the endless discussions about having or not having compilations. Rest assured, this topic will come up pretty soon again, maybe with people having less ambition and less respect towards mod authors than me. So take the burial of this project as a last sign of my good intentions.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:07 pm

Very interested in seeing this mod released. I really love the interface changes.

Cheers for the well thought out responses and planning.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 2:11 pm

I expect anyone who opts to respond in this thread to ask questions about the WIP mod compilation. And before you do that, read the OP.

What I do not want to see in this thread is a repeat of the last one, where a number of people well and truly derailed the discussion to instead get on soapboxes about mod compilations, snipe at each other and take potshots at the topic starter, etc. If the OP is trying to do something within careful guidelines, with getting permissions and so on, you will have to accept that it is a valid option, if done properly. This is not a discussion for how you think people need to edumacate themselves about mods or installing mods or using mod tools and so on. It's not a forum to air your contempt for certain types of mods/types of mod users/gamers or for an attempt at a mod compilation.

If I see a repeat of some of the behavior and posts that was in the other thread, I will be handing out warnings and posting suspensions. Do not make the cat cranky again. :stare: Behave in this thread how you would want people to behave in your own WIP or RELz thread.
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 3:55 pm

Glad to see this thread open.
As I said before, good luck. Make something good :)
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:02 pm

Klaus, one of the compilations I'd be interested in seeing would be one made up of texture replacement mods. Especially if you could package it up so that it was aimed at different hardware levels. For example, Qarls and some of the other high resolution texture overhauls for high end machines. Perhaps Bomrets and a couple of others for mid-range machines. These are just examples. But I would love to see a package that included the different aspects of texture replacers because quite frankly, I always found the process of matching up the various replacers to be extremely confusing! I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but it is something I would appreciate.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:22 am

+1 for that. It would be a far less contentious issue and it *IS* something that would be widely beneficial without the conflict and maintenance risks.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 5:25 am

Well, good luck. I'm pretty glad you didn't just poof after the first thread too, it shows you've got some dedication. I'd probably never use it myself, as I've actually grown a little fond of tracking down a bunch of mods to overhaul the game myself, but more power to you for this. My brother is all too distrusting of the idea of modding Oblivion at all due to his attempts at playing with Garry's Mod, despite my assurances that on the whole the Oblivion (and Morrowind!) modding community is really awesome and generally helpful provided you read the proper documentation they've made readily available. Something like this might convince him otherwise.

Myself, I'll just stick to my own thing, ultimately leading to the biggest pool of options even if it can be much more difficult. Next time I re-install Oblivion, I plan to make a guide to modding it (really more like a list of what mods/in what order to install them), and trying mods I never tried before.

As an aside that is really more relevant to the topic at hand, that font makes it feel like everyone is yelling at me. I'd suggest keeping the all-caps to the main menu, or perhaps making it an option to not change the font at all.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:14 am

Klaus, one of the compilations I'd be interested in seeing would be one made up of texture replacement mods. Especially if you could package it up so that it was aimed at different hardware levels. For example, Qarls and some of the other high resolution texture overhauls for high end machines. Perhaps Bomrets and a couple of others for mid-range machines. These are just examples. But I would love to see a package that included the different aspects of texture replacers because quite frankly, I always found the process of matching up the various replacers to be extremely confusing! I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but it is something I would appreciate.

Oblivion Evolution features a graphics overhaul subcategory only for texture replacers and I think most of the must-haves are included, in the right installation order of course, so you don`t need to worry about that. As long as you have 1 GB of VRAM you won`t notice any difference performance-wise.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:09 pm

As an aside that is really more relevant to the topic at hand, that font makes it feel like everyone is yelling at me. I'd suggest keeping the all-caps to the main menu, or perhaps making it an option to not change the font at all.

The new standard font is modular. Uncheck the according subpackage and it`s gone! Oops, sorry for double post.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:04 am

Oblivion Evolution features a graphics overhaul subcategory only for texture replacers and I think most of the must-haves are included, in the right installation order of course, so you don`t need to worry about that. As long as you have 1 GB of VRAM you won`t notice any difference performance-wise.

I'll have to check it out then! Are there alternatives or is it just one package? I don't like Qarl for example.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:49 pm

On thing I do with texture packs is break them down into sub-packages based on what is textured.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:47 pm

I'll have to check it out then! Are there alternatives or is it just one package? I don't like Qarl for example.

On thing I do with texture packs is break them down into sub-packages based on what is textured.

Every single mod has its own BAIN installer named exactly after the mod and mod version. This way customizability is guaranteed and updates made easy, as I didn`t touch the folder structure of the downloaded archives. If the downloaded archive isn`t BAIN-ready, I made it BAIN-ready. And yeah, I know how to make them BAIN-ready the right way, so don`t worry.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 1:37 pm

Glad to see you held your ground,Klaus.
After the public storm and the silence on the receiving end i was afraid u might have taken it badly.
Glad to see i was wrong :) cuz the more i read the more interested i become.

Just out of curiousity (spell fail) , wich aspects of the game do u plan to cover with the project?
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:06 am

Glad to see you weren't bullied out of pursuing this

Again, good luck with it
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:07 am

It was quiet from my side the last days, but I was working on Oblivion Evolution. I`ve sent about 25%-30% of all permission requests now. Most of them are not answered yet, because the modders have retired. However, I did not get a single definitive permission refusal yet, but a lot, I repeat: a lot of permissions, so that`s very good news. I thought it would be a boring task asking all the people for their permission, but actually it`s a lot of fun getting in touch with all the people and listening to what they say about this project. Sorry, if I did not answer to all of their replies yet, but I will, guaranteed.

I also added a new section in the opening post revealing more about the categories Oblivion Evolution is covering and some of the mods I am planning to feature. This was requested by some users.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:33 am

I love the user-friendly aim and the documentation. It looks very well thought out. In fact, the only things I didn't like was the centered dialog and the choice of Oblivion XP. I don't like the choice of the latter because #1 a die-hard smooth leveling fan and #2 the experience points-based leveling system is a subjective choice in great contrast to what I think of as Oblivion's leveling system. I've always found XP kind of weird... Plus, there are non-skill-related rewards for doing tasks such as completing quests, whether it be fame, money, sated curiosity, or a good story line to remember a mod for or something.

Anyway, this sounds like a good project with good intentions. Most of the mods I saw listed in your Installers tabs are must-haves for me (including OOO ;).)

Good luck and happy gaming!
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john palmer
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:43 pm

And to one-two a topic - Better Music System is extremely heavy handed mod that requires a bit of configuring to even use its appealing parts (expanded music settings) + as I just posted it can mess with mods that require combat starting to initiate scripts.

I'd recommend Strategy master's version over it.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:08 pm

And to one-two a topic - Better Music System is extremely heavy handed mod that requires a bit of configuring to even use its appealing parts (expanded music settings) + as I just posted it can mess with mods that require combat starting to initiate scripts.

I'd recommend Strategy master's version over it.
What is Strategy Master's version? ...It still requires that potentially-buggy OBSE plugin though. :L Go Musical Immersion! :!

Anyway, +1 to reconsidering BMS.

Happy gaming!
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Jade Payton
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 5:31 am


It too uses Enhanced Music Control - A known source of problems. So now I retract recommending either.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 3:46 pm

At good last, there is the subcategory called Major Gameplay Changes, at the bottom of the installers list. The main feature of this category is Oscuro`s Oblivion Overhaul with carefully updated or replaced parts of its bundled mods (OMOBS, Harvest Flora, OOO Geomancy & Gem Dust, Enhanced Economy instead of Living Economy, and Drop Lit Torches OBSE).

At this time no approach has been made to either use or alter any part of Oscuro's mod.
Before you proceed adding this to any planned compilation I must insist that you contact Corepc who is the current OOO Team Leader to discuss your proposals.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:38 pm

At this time no approach has been made to either use or alter any part of Oscuro's mod.
Before you proceed adding this to any planned compilation I must insist that you contact Corepc who is the current OOO Team Leader to discuss your proposals.

Furthermore, not every author of these mods did get a permission request yet. With 100 featured mods sometimes created by several authors this process takes some time, as I`m sending most of the requests to their TES Nexus account, their Bethesda Softworks Official Forums account and (if available) to their email account. So you`ll get the requests sooner or later.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 5:23 am

Hope you making some progress!
Looking forward to see this mod succeed
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:16 pm

Very interested in this. I really appreciated what OAVO (Oblivion audio and visual overhaul) did and used that a couple times to setup my base before I went my own way. Anyway, one of the nice feautes of OAVO was that the author combined some of the esp files into one, helping to conserve esp slots. Drawback for some would be that a merged esp forces you to use all the merged mods.

Suggestions if not already offered would be options for loading screens that would fgo with a particular UI.

Other suggestions:
Have all the meshes already pyffied
ESP files cleaned

..probably a given but I thought I should mention it. Looking forward to the finished work.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:29 pm

Thanks for hinting to OAVO, I haven`t heard of it. I`m gonna download it to see how this guy has handled it two years ago. But did he collect permissions to use these mods?

I won`t merge any ESPs exactly for the reason you named. There won`t be pyffied meshes too, because I want to preserve the original files provided by the mod authors. That means I would have to add the meshes twice. I never pyffied my meshes, so I`m curious if the difference is that significant performance-wise? ESPs will be cleaned though, where necessary. The cleaned ESP will be added on top of the original content as a custom Oblivion Evolution plugin.

As for the progress, I`ve sent about 75% of all permission requests now, starting soon with the requests for the gameplay changing mods. I got about a 30 positive answers till now, waiting for a lot more replies.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:42 pm

The OAVO author got permission from most of the mods. But I think you can expect that some authors have dropped off the map so 100% may be tough. IMO I do not think that should stop you from including their work and give credit.

As for pyffi, it makes quite a difference in vram usage. Although the end user can pyffi themselves from your compilations, having the meshes pyffied already is a great incentive (tedious process) :)

Good luck! :thumbsup:
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Tamika Jett
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