» Tue May 08, 2012 6:39 pm
at least I seem to have an empty oblivion folder of unused mods, but I have a Question: what about the unused meshes and textures?
Suppose I install a large mod, then find that I do not want it, then remove the esp. the files are still in there, in the data folder and
these meshes and textures are not attributed to any esp/esm. Are *they* also "looked at" by the oblivion exe, and
then thus maybe confusing the program much in the same way unused esps/esms seem to be?
recently I installed MMM, then I Discovered the Wonder of T.I.E. my MMM meshes and textures are still there in the data folder.
"sense" would tell me that all that these files would do is to take up space; but now i am not so sure after reading this
I Have to ask this, of course: in an old morrowinf thread post I actually asked "does the morrowind fps counter, when activated
in the ini file, does it use up fps cycles itself as the program displays the fps"?! the consensus is "no"!
how much affect would the oblivion fps indicator have on fps, when activated in the console?!! probably
Zilch, but I have to Ask, knowing the weirdness of this all.
probably the next Big Discovery might be.....that *any* esp/esm, in *any* folder on one's hard drive, or even on another hard drive
that is "used" by the same operating system, might affect the stable-ness of the game!!