Oblivion Gate Bug PLEASE Help!

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:03 pm

So I just started the oblivion main quest line after finishing the mages guild quests
I am having some problems when I come close to an oblivion gate.
I have to go to Kvatch to get martin but when I start walking up the hill, the sky does not turn red, it stays blue.

Also when I get to the oblivion gate itself, theres a blurry blob / blotch in the middle of it.

My mods are not causing this, atleast the ones with .esp files since i disabled everyone of them and checked it.

I even moved my Meshes and Textures folder out of the oblivion data folder, and still nothing.
I have OBSE and OBMM installed also.
Should I list my mods and extra files that I am using?

If anyone can help me I would be grateful.
Please and Thank You.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:37 am

So I just started the oblivion main quest line after finishing the mages guild quests
I am having some problems when I come close to an oblivion gate.
I have to go to Kvatch to get martin but when I start walking up the hill, the sky does not turn red, it stays blue.

Also when I get to the oblivion gate itself, theres a blurry blob / blotch in the middle of it.

My mods are not causing this, atleast the ones with .esp files since i disabled everyone of them and checked it.

I even moved my Meshes and Textures folder out of the oblivion data folder, and still nothing.
I have OBSE and OBMM installed also.
Should I list my mods and extra files that I am using?

If anyone can help me I would be grateful.
Please and Thank You.

This is a mod-related problem, most likely. Please post your load order - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=know_how_to#PostYourLoadOrder

This the wrong forum for this issue. ALWAYS test the problem without mods before posting, and then post in the appropriate forum.

Edit: Also, you almost ALWAYS need to post your load order when you are asking us to help you with mod-related issues.
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Nicholas C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:15 pm

Here is my load order
And as I have already said, i tested it without using mods, and also by temporarily getting rid of the Meshes and Textures folder.

Here is the load order and screenshots of the issue

DA Run Fatigue.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
Visually Enchanted Fire 1.esp
Visually Enchanted Frost 1.esp
Visually Enchanted Shock 1.esp
Visually Enchanted Fire 3.esp
Visually Enchanted Frost 3.esp
Visually Enchanted Shock 3.esp
Visually Enchanted Frost 2.esp
Visually Enchanted Shock 2.esp
Everlasting Corpses v 1.0.esp
Ethereal - Armor Imperial Legion Edition AR.esp
Crowded Roads 15.esp
Travelers Inns.esp
Book Jackets Oblivion.esp
300 Regal Imperial City 2.esp
Smaller Elf ears.esp
DA Sprint.esp
Visually Realistic Deadly Lava.esp
S.P.A.M. option - Fastest Minor.esp
S.P.A.M. option - Fastest Major.esp
No Glow Grass.esp
Beautiful People.esp
S.P.A.M. option - Restore Fav.esp
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Daniel Holgate
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