I am at the point in MQ where I am to sacrifice one daedric artifact to Martin and was on my way to collect my weekly income from Thieves Den when I remembered I can get an extra Sigil Stone from the Oblivion Gate near Fort Sutch. I arrived there and there are no soldiers, no daedra, no Oblivion Gate! I have closed only one Oblivion Gate so far, the Kvatch one and have discovered about 4 or 6 of them. UESP says the gate will open once the Dagon Shrine quest is complete and I have completed another quest after completing the Dagon Shrine quest, so where is the problem here? I tried to reload a save game, leave the area and reentering it, going into nearby Bleak Mine and head back, quicktraveling and so on but there is still no gate near Forth Sutch. I clearly remember there was a gate there in my previous games and I do not use any mods that might affect anything that's related to the Oblivion Gates. The only mod I use is Toggleable Quantity Prompt which deals with Mercantile and I also have the unofficial patches for Oblivion, SI and the DLCs.
Is there some logical solution here or some way to force the gate to open? I know there are console commands http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Oblivion_Gates#Console_Commands to force the gates to open but will it trigger this non-journal quest to "start"?