oblivion goty deluxe

Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:39 pm

My oblivion disk recently broke(just when i uninstalled it...) and i found that a different GOTY version was released, i didn't want to buy it on steam(modding, installing place and other reasons) so is there anywhere i can buy a physical disk, preferably online?
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:57 pm

The GOTY Deluxe edition is exclusive to Steam (It is really just a combined download that bundles the normal GOTY edition with the other DLCs as a package so to get the same retail you'd need the GOTY edition and a retail copy of the KOTN (which includes the DLC) - though then you'd be missing the Stronghold.

They are going to be releasing a 5th anniversary edition jULY 12TH but not sure what all is included in it ( It says it will include the game - SI and KOTN but not sure if the new KOTN will include the DLCs or not --- IT will retail for $30 and include a $10 discount coupon towards SKYRIM so is not a bad deal if you will be buying that.
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