Oblivion Graphics Extender "OBGE"

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:20 pm

Hmm so whats the WIP atm? It'd be nice if the OP put what was WIP, just an idea.
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:10 pm

You need scanti's latest plugin in the OP Stewie12
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:41 pm

@ Mr. Tissue Box: I believe that sort of thing has been tried lots of times before, but to the conclusion that it isn't possible. I live in hope though. :P

@ SimpleFoo: Everything is WIP. Scanti's plugin, my Depth of Field shader, the Godray shader, the SSAO shader and whatever else the other guys are working on but yet to release are all WIP.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 am

Hmm so whats the WIP atm? It'd be nice if the OP put what was WIP, just an idea.

EDIT: Ninja'd by that darn wrinklyninja ;)
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jason worrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:10 am

@ Mr. Tissue Box: I believe that sort of thing has been tried lots of times before, but to the conclusion that it isn't possible. I live in hope though. :P

@ SimpleFoo: Everything is WIP. Scanti's plugin, my Depth of Field shader, the Godray shader, the SSAO shader and whatever else the other guys are working on but yet to release are all WIP.

Yes I know this stuff is beta, i'm talking about the ideas, stuff they want to develop but haven't gotten to yet.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 am

Hi guys sorry I haven't been around for the last week. Lots of real life stuff to deal with. (The company I work for has gone into administration for the second time this year). Just to let you know I'm still working on the plug-in, in case anyone was starting to worry. I've set myself a deadline for Christmas for the first beta version but hopefully it should be done before then.

I'm going to stick with the command set of the previous (Timeslip's) version of OBGE but I'll add some optional variables to few of the existing commands to improve their functionality. One example is the LoadShader command will have an optional AllowDuplicates flag. This means that if you try to load the same shader twice and the flag is disabled. Instead of loading in the shader twice it will return the index of the previously loaded shader. This will hopefully stop shaders from stacking up.
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:20 am

Sounds great, thank you scanti :icecream:
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:45 am

Yep, sounding good, keep up the good work! :thumbsup:
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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:26 pm

Yes I know this stuff is beta, i'm talking about the ideas, stuff they want to develop but haven't gotten to yet.

That's the point of reading the thread ;)
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:45 am

@ SimpleFoo: I personally don't like airing such ideas to the public (unless I'm unsure on something and need advice), since ideas more often than not fail, and yet people can put a heck of a lot of hope behind them. Therefore, in order to avoid disappointment, I don't (well, with a few exceptions) give any word on them until I have at least a proof of concept working. I'd imagine that the same goes for all the other people working on stuff.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 am

Hi, do you have some good settings for godrays with HDR turned on?
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Sammie LM
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:42 pm

Hi Guys,

First off, I have to say this is wonderful work. These shaders are all quite astounding.

I thought it might be of use to report an anomaly I have. Can't find any other posts with the same problem. It may just be my system. It may not. To be honest I have a very limited (read non-existent) understanding of what's going on here.

The problem I have seems to do with textures/meshes and the way they seem to overlay on objects. For instance, in Chorral, when walking down a street, the window textures look like they're being rendered at exactly the same depth as the wall textures on buildings. It's hard to describe, but as the player viewpoint changes (rotation or x,y,z) these textures (wall and window) kinda interlace creating a banding effect. This banding changes with view direction and distance. The effect is very much like when in a 3d modelling package you place two textured plains exactly on top of each other. When working in the preview screen the renderer doesn't know which texture should take priority so you end up with an alternate, shimmering/flickering striping of the two textures.

The problem disappears when close to the object in game. But the further away from the object the camera goes, the worse the interlacing. I probably haven't explained this very well, so if you need a screenshot or two I'll see if I can get some.

FYI -- Happens in vanilla oblivion with no mods and ONLY when testshader3.7 is placed in the respective oblivion directories. Happens with or without shaders enabled from console. Graphix card is HD2600pro w/ shader3 support. Latest catalyst drivers (but problem also exists with previous version catalyst also). Full DX9 and DX10 loaded on system.

Thought it might be video LOD problem so messed with catalyst textureLOD adjustment -- made no difference to this problem. Deleted testshader3.7 files and the problem went away.

Anyway, outstanding work. Hope this helps.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:10 pm

Which, IMO, it would be better to let the engine sort the objects by class and determine what will be passed to the render engine as shadow caster/receiver. Beth did that. They just restricted the list to rigged objects. Originally they were using cubemaps for shadows (ref: E3 demo) and even clutter was casting shadows. But performance was an issue so they axed the whole system before release.

You are totally correct about this; the things I know are that:

1. The list of all object classes is still in the game code.
2. The selection parameters are still present in the game code.
3. The Oblivion code on shadow casting can't be looked into.
4. The Fallout code on shadow casting can be looked into.
5. The code on shadow casting for Oblivion and Fallout are the same.

The only problem is I can't change the things I found to make it work jet.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:19 am

DLL injection?
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:07 am

Hi Guys,

First off, I have to say this is wonderful work. These shaders are all quite astounding.

I thought it might be of use to report an anomaly I have. Can't find any other posts with the same problem. It may just be my system. It may not. To be honest I have a very limited (read non-existent) understanding of what's going on here.

The problem I have seems to do with textures/meshes and the way they seem to overlay on objects. For instance, in Chorral, when walking down a street, the window textures look like they're being rendered at exactly the same depth as the wall textures on buildings. It's hard to describe, but as the player viewpoint changes (rotation or x,y,z) these textures (wall and window) kinda interlace creating a banding effect. This banding changes with view direction and distance. The effect is very much like when in a 3d modelling package you place two textured plains exactly on top of each other. When working in the preview screen the renderer doesn't know which texture should take priority so you end up with an alternate, shimmering/flickering striping of the two textures.

The problem disappears when close to the object in game. But the further away from the object the camera goes, the worse the interlacing. I probably haven't explained this very well, so if you need a screenshot or two I'll see if I can get some.

FYI -- Happens in vanilla oblivion with no mods and ONLY when testshader3.7 is placed in the respective oblivion directories. Happens with or without shaders enabled from console. Graphix card is HD2600pro w/ shader3 support. Latest catalyst drivers (but problem also exists with previous version catalyst also). Full DX9 and DX10 loaded on system.

Thought it might be video LOD problem so messed with catalyst textureLOD adjustment -- made no difference to this problem. Deleted testshader3.7 files and the problem went away.

Anyway, outstanding work. Hope this helps.

Yep this is a problem with pre 4xxx series ati cards. Enabling a readable depth buffer disables stencilling. You mostly don't notice it but it does mess up LOD land and water. Once I get get a stable release I'll work on smoothing out all the little problems.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 pm

Just to make a comment. The focusing effect made by this Depth of field mimics a flaw found only in cameras and other electronic recording devices.

The world of Oblivion is supposed to be seen through the eyes of your character, not a video camera.

So this focusing blur in my opinion seems a little much...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:41 am

Yep this is a problem with pre 4xxx series ati cards. Enabling a readable depth buffer disables stencilling. You mostly don't notice it but it does mess up LOD land and water. Once I get get a stable release I'll work on smoothing out all the little problems.

I wondered about that thanks, since i had the lod land and water banding myself. ATI 3650, so hope you get smoothed out. There are alot of 3XXX users still around.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:27 pm

Just to make a comment. The focusing effect made by this Depth of field mimics a flaw found only in cameras and other electronic recording devices.

The world of Oblivion is supposed to be seen through the eyes of your character, not a video camera.

So this focusing blur in my opinion seems a little much...

This isn't quite accurate per se...a simple experiment: focus on the edge of your monitor, or the edge of anything for that matter, and take note of the fact that when focusing on the edge of the foreground object, all background objects become blurred and out of focus Thus, this isn't a flaw of just 'recording devices' but your eyes as well. Besides that, this is all academic anyway, since installation of the mod isn't mandatory for anyone, and those who prefer it can use it, and those who don't , won't
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:17 am

Hmm...I really see no problem with Depth of Field. As Indefiance said, the shader is totally by choice.

WrinklyNinja explained that Depth of Field does happen with the real eye as its a lens, as like everything else. Another experiment will be to focus on the tip of your index finger. Everything around it does get blurry. Although your eye makes it happen faster than any shader can.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:48 pm

Just to make a comment. The focusing effect made by this Depth of field mimics a flaw found only in cameras and other electronic recording devices.

The world of Oblivion is supposed to be seen through the eyes of your character, not a video camera.

So this focusing blur in my opinion seems a little much...
You may want to look into these articles - http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/understanding-series/dof.shtml | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth_of_field#Ophthalmology_and_optometry
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:22 pm

Well, I'm back at work now trying to implement the ideas in the Screen Space Directional Occlusion. It requires me to have surface normals of the scene's geometry (probably best without normal mapping taken into consideration; the extra detail would cause problems), but I'm having difficulty pulling them up. I assumed at first that all this information is automatically generated, and all I would have to do is modify the Vertex Shader input structure to include a variable with the NORMAL0 semantic to get it to provide it, but that didn't seem to work. So, I'm starting to think this information needs to be explicitly given to the shader or it is only available in earlier stages of the rendering process, but I'm not familiar enough with DirectX to know if that's truly the case or not and Google isn't helping, so I'm asking to make sure!

Does anyone know how to get the normal vectors, or know why I can't? If I can't get them, then I guess the SSDO shader will have to wait until later. In such a case, I'll just finish getting that first SSAO algorithm looking good, instead.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:14 am

Well, I'm back at work now trying to implement the ideas in the Screen Space Directional Occlusion. It requires me to have surface normals of the scene's geometry (probably best without normal mapping taken into consideration; the extra detail would cause problems), but I'm having difficulty pulling them up. I assumed at first that all this information is automatically generated, and all I would have to do is modify the Vertex Shader input structure to include a variable with the NORMAL0 semantic to get it to provide it, but that didn't seem to work. So, I'm starting to think this information needs to be explicitly given to the shader or it is only available in earlier stages of the rendering process, but I'm not familiar enough with DirectX to know if that's truly the case or not and Google isn't helping, so I'm asking to make sure!

Does anyone know how to get the normal vectors, or know why I can't? If I can't get them, then I guess the SSDO shader will have to wait until later. In such a case, I'll just finish getting that first SSAO algorithm looking good, instead.

You can't get any normal information from the full screen shader. That information is lost during rendering. To be able to get the normals I would need to create something that is know as a g buffer or geometry buffer. It's my ultimate goal but it would require a much better understanding of the rendering system Oblivion uses than I currently have.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:59 am

It is not working
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:51 am

It is not working

Remove the testshader.fx and depth.fx from your shaderlist. This problem has been answered many times.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:54 pm

I just downloaded the Scanti's OBGE package, and installed it. I removed the depth.fx and testshader.fx from the shaderlist.txt file, after getting the same effect UK47Howard and others were getting. After restarting Oblivion, I typed 'showtestshader' in the console, and my screen went grey. I am using an NVidia 8800GT (non-overclocked) with Windows Vista. Could this be the Nvidia fog error rearing it's ugly head again? Any suggestions on how I can get this working?

Here are the contents of my DepthShaderTest.log file:
Ingnoring messageDepth buffer texture (INTZ) (1024,768) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK.Ingnoring messageCreating vertex buffers.Creating screen texture.Width = 1024, Height = 768Setting screen surface.Setting depth texture.Loading the shaders.Added to list OK.

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