A quick question, would it be possible to port any of this into Fallout 3? It's not a request, just a question if it is possible at all.
Fallout 3 is based on the same engine so if the class structure and technique used are similar then it could be possible.
Ignorance rears it's ugly head, I'm talking about me!
The images I have seen are superb, but I'm somewhat in the dark about what files I need, where they need to go and how to impliment them, can someone show in baby steps how to do it please? or point me to a non geek explanation?(no offense to geeks).
While I'm here I had started a thread (seems long gone now) about using shaders to produce the effect of wet surfaces when it's raining, is this possible, any chance this project might head in that direction?, I always liked the wet ground effect in Stalker clearsky (oh and the fact rain never came through the roof/shelter)
I've found the state manager for the game's engine so I could in theory play around with the render states to make everything look shiny.
I'm having some problems with OGBE, and I think its something to do with my installation process. I was hoping perhaps someone might know what I did wrong.
So maybe someone can see if I'm missing any files that might be causing this problem. I haven't tried downloading the DirectX update yet. I'm reluctant to, since its such a large file and I think I have a recent version of DirectX already. My graphics card is a 280GTX, in case that's relevant.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Okay, http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a36/Sypron/oblivion-20091128-124321.jpg Hope it helps
Try disabling anti-aliasing if you have it enabled. The depth buffer is getting disabled and usually the reason for this is that AA is switched on.
Edit: A quick update. I've found out what is causing the problems when the game in alt-tabbed so that should be fixed in the next version.