Oblivion Graphics Extender "OBGE"

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:55 am

The original OBGE DDL file is bugged (constant CTD not nice to have), and the new graphical effects have not jet been integrated in one working package. It will take some time before it can be used safely and with a high fun level.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:29 am

The original OBGE DDL file is bugged (constant CTD not nice to have), and the new graphical effects have not jet been integrated in one working package. It will take some time before it can be used safely and with a high fun level.

Isn't there a debugged dll? I'm pretty sure there is on the nexus.
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Mel E
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:06 am

Even so, you don't need the OBGE.dll. Scanti's plugin will work just fine with the shaders. But im not saying there won't be bugs.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:41 am

I was wondering, if it would be possible to implement cloud shadows like this to weather mods:

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoFSY4s46Yw

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8A50ix-cDE

Found some info:

- http://nis-lab.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~nis/abs_sig.html#sig93 "A Simple, Efficient Method for Realistic Animation of Clouds,"
- http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article2093.asp

Would love to see this in Oblivion.

SSAO vs SSDO, your opinions people?


- http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~ritschel/SSDO/
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:05 am

From Old thread..

I am away so I had no time this week but for next week I will work on something to fix the problems with this godrays shader.
In the mean time I want to point to Scanti's post with a tweaked version, I am sure it is better: :P

PS. In godrays shader there are some tweakables.

//edit for sunshafts intensity decay exposurefloat Density=0.9;float Decay=0.99;float Weight=0.44;float Exposure=0.22;//sky brightpassstatic const float Luminance = 0.44;static const float fMiddleGray = 0.99f;static const float fWhiteCutoff = 0.99f;//edit for light colorness, lower the value for more desaturated ray colors...static const float saturate = 0.540f;

Lowering exposure will lower the power of godrays.
Lowering 'decay' will shorten them.
With lowering fMiddleGray you can lower how much of the bright parts of the sky would create the rays.
Commenting last 2-3 passes at the end you can see what parts of the sky enters the shader or only lightshafts before merging them with original image...

To Core PC - Which file should I open to edit? Thanks

you edit the godrays.fx file itself with notepad..read above on what to change..

i only have the GodraysforOblivionv001a.fx & Godrays.fx in my shaderlist.txt

Do not think you need both GodraysforOblivion001a.fx and Godrays.fx, use only one and remove the one you are not using shaderlist.txt and directory..

Posible solution to God ray / HDR problem:

Ad-in a function switch that can be activated for HDR use.
Make a function that calculates the amount of light emitted from every pixel on the screen. Set a maximum value for max illumination, and set the God ray affect (brightness and intensity) accordingly.

It's just an idea.

I would like to see that function has well..at least detect if hdr is enabled or not..
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:54 am

A quick question, would it be possible to port any of this into Fallout 3? It's not a request, just a question if it is possible at all.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:47 am

Ignorance rears it's ugly head, I'm talking about me!
The images I have seen are superb, but I'm somewhat in the dark about what files I need, where they need to go and how to impliment them, can someone show in baby steps how to do it please? or point me to a non geek explanation?(no offense to geeks).

While I'm here I had started a thread (seems long gone now) about using shaders to produce the effect of wet surfaces when it's raining, is this possible, any chance this project might head in that direction?, I always liked the wet ground effect in Stalker clearsky (oh and the fact rain never came through the roof/shelter)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:18 am

I like the sound of that :liplick: , how is the SSAO project coming along HawkleyFox :whistle:

On hold until I get home from Illinois. Thanksgiving vacation and all.

SSAO vs SSDO, your opinions people?


- http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~ritschel/SSDO/

That's a very beautiful effect. I can't tell, myself, if this algorithm can be implemented with the information we have available to us yet (and I should mention, I'm not sure exactly what ALL I have access to, seeing as I've just gotten into this), but I am intrigued. I'll definately play with the ideas in this paper to see how plausible it is. I haven't yet gotten to play with normals and view vectors and such. This will be fun. Even if I can't implement it as the paper suggests, I might be able to use some of it's ideas to make a similar effect.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 am

"On hold until I get home from Illinois. Thanksgiving vacation and all."

I totally forgot, you mentioned that in a previous post. Have A Happy Thanksgiving :wave:

"I'll definately play with the ideas in this paper to see how plausible it is."

Thank you, that would be great :clap:
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:03 am

Bah nevermind, i misread the answer to the problem, ignore this.
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Chris Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:25 am

Well iam happy to report that my slow down was not from Godrays after all it was http://omnichron.net/dt/
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:45 pm

Sorry, do you need OBGE from TESnexus for this to work? After installing everything as advised (ie scanti's plugin an godrays), my game bugged out to the degree that its completely unplayable now. Land is disappearing left right and centre, and I keep getting "You can't go this way..." messages wherever I try to go. Its unlikely that this has been caused by this new shader, but it would seem that OBSE keeps complaining too. Have I done something stupid here?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:10 pm

Sorry, do you need OBGE from TESnexus for this to work? After installing everything as advised (ie scanti's plugin an godrays), my game bugged out to the degree that its completely unplayable now. Land is disappearing left right and centre, and I keep getting "You can't go this way..." messages wherever I try to go. Its unlikely that this has been caused by this new shader, but it would seem that OBSE keeps complaining too. Have I done something stupid here?

hmm LO please dont think its this mod thats doing that and OBSE is not required
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 am

I didn't think it was to be honest. But OBSE is required, as scanti's plugin does, er, something with it! Anyway, I was asking if the other OBGE was required, the old one.

As to my issue, it occurred after installing this, so something has changed due to it. However, its not important, as I am in the process now of reinstalling Oblivion right now. It'll just give me an excuse to install some new mods that I've been looking at recently, so there's no problem really.
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Elle H
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:53 am

Directional Occlussion / Global illumination would be so awesome! ;__;

Can indirect light bounces be calculated in post though? For all lights?
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Nicole M
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:59 am

I didn't think it was to be honest. But OBSE is required, as scanti's plugin does, er, something with it! Anyway, I was asking if the other OBGE was required, the old one.

As to my issue, it occurred after installing this, so something has changed due to it. However, its not important, as I am in the process now of reinstalling Oblivion right now. It'll just give me an excuse to install some new mods that I've been looking at recently, so there's no problem really.

damn looks like i didnt read your post properly i though you said OBGE not OBSE :facepalm:
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:27 pm

Directional Occlussion / Global illumination would be so awesome! ;__;

Can indirect light bounces be calculated in post though? For all lights?

Yes, it is possible to do it. The bounces, in that directional occlusion algorithm, are approximations only, not real raytraces. The algorithm examines the normals of "occluders", adjacent pixels that are likely to be limiting light to the pixel being evaluated. If it is plausible for the light to bounce off the occluder (by comparing the light vector to the occluder's normal vector), then that occluder will contribute some of it's color data to the pixel being evaluated.

But, I'm still not clear on how you get a light vector from screen space alone, though. I can see how you can calculate likely light vectors by examining the depth buffer and surface normals, which is sort of how ambient occlusion works (the less vectors that light can possibly come from, the darker the pixel should be). The only way I see to recieve a reliable/accurate light vector is to get it as a shader constant. Unless I'm missing something obvious on this paper...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:59 pm

I just though ill post this http://www.xfire.com/video/19dfcb/ for you guys its got some nice godrays at sunset + the funniest bug ive ever seen in oblivion. :rofl:
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:01 pm

Nice sounds in that vid! Care to share? :D
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 pm

Nice sounds in that vid! Care to share? :D

like what ? iam just useing

More Immersive Sound

Ambient Town Sounds Edited

Better Music System v2.0.beta 11

Enhanced Music & Control v0.72 b

Symphony Of Violence v0.5

The PowerAttack Voicemod Shivering Isles 1.3

and Sound Commands
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:43 am

I'm having some problems with OGBE, and I think its something to do with my installation process. I was hoping perhaps someone might know what I did wrong.
I started with OBSEv0016 installed.
-Downloaded Scanti's latest OBGE updates (from page 1 of thread)
-Downloaded obge.dll and placed in data\obse\plugins folder
-Try running Oblivion. No changes. Tried console command 'ShowTestShader'. System responded unrecognised command.
-Update to OBSEv0017 (most recent stable)
-Try running Oblivion. No main menu text, save game loaded using arrow keys. No loading screen. Once game was loaded, severe graphical errors (Screenshot soon).

So, I'm not sure where I went wrong. Here's a file tree of some of the files I think it would be important to share.
(More OBSE Files)


(default oblivion shader files)

Depth Test\

So maybe someone can see if I'm missing any files that might be causing this problem. I haven't tried downloading the DirectX update yet. I'm reluctant to, since its such a large file and I think I have a recent version of DirectX already. My graphics card is a 280GTX, in case that's relevant.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Okay, http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a36/Sypron/oblivion-20091128-124321.jpg Hope it helps
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:18 am

I'm having some problems with OGBE, and I think its something to do with my installation process. I was hoping perhaps someone might know what I did wrong.

You're confusing things a little. ShowTestShader comand is not a part of OBGE. It is part of Scanti's Test Shader plugin, which is also how you use these new FX files (until the next release, anyways). The new shader support isn't yet integrated into OBGE. Check the first post of the thread, look for the link labeled, "Scanti's latest OBGE updates".

A little misleading, people. This isn't OBGE, in fact, this test plugin is totally non-dependant on OBGE. This is just a plugin to test if he found all the information he was trying to dig out of Oblivion, and shared it so we can get started on some effect ideas. I believe its going to be integrated into OBGE with the next release. I would suggest changing that link's label to what it is, "Scanti's Test Shader Plugin".
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:00 am

You're confusing things a little. ShowTestShader comand is not a part of OBGE. It is part of Scanti's Test Shader plugin, which is also how you use these new FX files (until the next release, anyways). The new shader support isn't yet integrated into OBGE. Check the first post of the thread, look for the link labeled, "Scanti's latest OBGE updates".

A little misleading, people. This isn't OBGE, in fact, this test plugin is totally non-dependant on OBGE. This is just a plugin to test if he found all the information he was trying to dig out of Oblivion, and shared it so we can get started on some effect ideas. I believe its going to be integrated into OBGE with the next release. I would suggest changing that link's label to what it is, "Scanti's Test Shader Plugin".

it wood allso help him if he had the godrays fx in his shader Folder and put it in shaderlist.txt + he needs to type ShowTestShader 1 not just ShowTestShader as for the pic well you got me there hmm maybe reinstall Oblivion ?
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:49 pm

A quick question, would it be possible to port any of this into Fallout 3? It's not a request, just a question if it is possible at all.

Fallout 3 is based on the same engine so if the class structure and technique used are similar then it could be possible.

Ignorance rears it's ugly head, I'm talking about me!
The images I have seen are superb, but I'm somewhat in the dark about what files I need, where they need to go and how to impliment them, can someone show in baby steps how to do it please? or point me to a non geek explanation?(no offense to geeks).

While I'm here I had started a thread (seems long gone now) about using shaders to produce the effect of wet surfaces when it's raining, is this possible, any chance this project might head in that direction?, I always liked the wet ground effect in Stalker clearsky (oh and the fact rain never came through the roof/shelter)

I've found the state manager for the game's engine so I could in theory play around with the render states to make everything look shiny.

I'm having some problems with OGBE, and I think its something to do with my installation process. I was hoping perhaps someone might know what I did wrong.

So maybe someone can see if I'm missing any files that might be causing this problem. I haven't tried downloading the DirectX update yet. I'm reluctant to, since its such a large file and I think I have a recent version of DirectX already. My graphics card is a 280GTX, in case that's relevant.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Okay, http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a36/Sypron/oblivion-20091128-124321.jpg Hope it helps

Try disabling anti-aliasing if you have it enabled. The depth buffer is getting disabled and usually the reason for this is that AA is switched on.

Edit: A quick update. I've found out what is causing the problems when the game in alt-tabbed so that should be fixed in the next version.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:19 pm

So you're saying that OBGE isn't required. That makes sense to me. Should I remove OGBE then?

EDIT: Haa! Progress!

I removed obge.dll, added the GodraysforOblivionv001a and DepthOfField to the Shaders folder, and added them to the shaderlist.txt file. I also disabled AA.
In game, everything looked normal so I typed in the command. After a small delay I got an effect which can only be described by http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a36/Sypron/oblivion-20091128-151213.jpg.

Upon closer inspection I could tell that the godrays AND depth of field were working perfectly. The only problem is the graphical glitch which clouds everything out.
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