or "Oblivion graphics Extender", is currently a work in progress addition for OBSE, a modular for TES:IV Oblivion.
While it is still in its EARLY!!! stages, the dedicated modders are working hard to bring a new age to Oblivion. If you would like to contribute, please feel free to participate in the sharing of knowledge and ideas to help us strive to complete our goal. Also if you find useful resources that can benefit the project, please feel free to share them as well.
This is a open discussion thread for OBGE and its development. Please respect the hard working people that take their time to bring this project together. If you see any other OBGE related threads about bugs or problems, please direct them to this thread.
Thank You
Link to Earlier Threads- - -> http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1050580 Thread 4
Link to Godrays Test Shader- - -> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519253/Godrays.fx
Link to Depth of Field with toggle distance blur- - -> http://cid-465896b69b9940e8.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/Oblivion%20Shaders/DepthOfField.fx
A few screens to see the current stuff in action
*Is this a RELz? Should I download this?
OBGE, like MGE, will be a growing project with many new applications added on with each feature. So far we only have a few test plugins and shaders but we encourage all to try them out.
*Does this require OBSE? If so any specific version?
Yes it does require OBSE. As for the version, currently we are not sure. Best to just keep the current OBSE in release.
*Stuff like Godrays, Depth of Field, and SSAO won't seem to work?
Make sure you installed Scanti's OBGE updates and his shaders correctly placed (data/shaders "...") Make sure to remove the depth.fx and testshader.fx from the shaderlist to see working shaders. From there follow these instructions:
1. Run oblivion with the OBSE loader.
2. Ingame, type this console command "ShowTestShader"
3. If you installed everything correctly, you should see working Godrays, DoF, and such
Your shader files go in this directory as posted above..."Data/Shaders"
Your OBGE file goes into the..."data/obse/plugins" folder
*Will shaders work on ATI cards?
Yes we are certain they will

*When starting Godrays, my game crashes or screen blacksout?
The Godrays is a PS 3.0 shader. You need a Graphics card that supports Pixel Shading 3.0 or greater
*Can I add to this project?
Yes feel free to add as many things as you want.
*I found a bug...
Good for you. If you find a bug, please list the error in-detail here. We can help you more when you explain the problem better
*My Godrays is just a searchlight in clear weather.
First off, Godrays is best displayed on cloudy weather types, in the morning from 6 to 8am and 7 to 9pm. But if you get the searchlight effect, you have to edit the shader FOV for Godrays to match your ingame FOV for oblivion. Example would be if your playing Oblivion on a 95 FOV, you have to edit your Godrays to a 95 FOV. The shader line should be "DefineFOV" near the top of the code.
*Which version of OBGE do I use?
So far, any version is confirmed to work. We haven't really fully tested them yet but its safe to just use Scanti's updates (as they are needed to run shaders.)
*How do I reduce over bright kill and whiteout in the sky when I stare at the sun with Godrays Enabled?
Use http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519253/NoGlare.7z texture fix for sunglare and disable HDR. You can optionally enable bloom to keep some white effect and brightness of the sun.
*Why do objects in the distant have weird black stuff on them when fog weather is active?
That is from the test SSAO. The author stated that it had some fog bugs. Until it's fixed, they will be there.
*Once I got Godrays to work, my AA disappeared? WHY?!?
Godrays seems to disable AA for some odd reason. No confirmed fix is available and no confirmed hardware (ATI or Nvidia cards) seem to help.
*What is the most recent version of this project?
As of Monday, 11/23/09 at 4:50 pm, Scanti's OBGE updates v.3 is the most recent and so far stable version.
This project is a Test Alpha. Expect bugs with some things like created new shaders and problems trying to run it yourself.