[RELWIP] Oblivion Graphics Extender

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:09 am

Try to reduce fRatio value at the top of ColorMood.fx and Opacity in HLSLbleachbypass.fx
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:22 am

For what? Without LHDR everything looks normal.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:27 am

Excuse me, but I really need some help. Ever since I updated to OBGE 3.1, I get a weird black screen in some areas of the game (UI still visible, game not) like the imperial city. The only other OBGE dependent mods I have besides Liquid Water is Luminance HDR, SKIN, and parallax occlusion mapping. I have the current shaders enabled:
Volumetric SSAO
Crysis DOF
HLSL Bleach Bypass

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance!
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:20 am

Many-many thanx to OBGE creators for the exceptional gfx / shader effects!

@ woopersnaper:
with the same effects I use OBGE v2 nicely.
Also heard some strangeness about Liquid Water usability...but my memory can fail me of course..

Also I am uninformed:
I don't know if it is worth to update above OBGE v2 for any reason - other than for Liquid Water?
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:51 am


I'm having an awful time installing/using anything OBGE related.

I tried it once, and everything was way too dark - I tried removing all the OBGE modules but but then I had a complete blackout.... Finally got back to start by reinstalling game.

Well I just tried installing OBGE again, this time using the .7z archives... and WB...

Same problems... WAY dark, i can see occasionally a shadow of myself where my skin is white, but
it's about 10% brightness... everything else is darker.

So I going through the settings on the wiki...

So tried setting load/save data to 1, user sharer override=0 save=1, compile=1, optimize=1...

tried depth buffer... all I got was complete black with those settings...not even a menu would show up.

So I tried removing them and disabling settings, -- first the screen effects -- my menu went away. Then tried removing OBGE again and setting enabled=0, but now it just crashes on load.

So tried it with the 'foolproof EXE install.. and with the .7z install .. but am doing something unexpected or something wrong... but...

um hints?

Thanks... (gonna go see if I can repair my game dir ... *sigh*....



Game running but broken now...after load graphics re messed up...

and I hear a regular bang sound that sound like someone shooting something off (with no visible source).

Things appeared normal at first, until I moved out of the forest, then when I get near the city, the city disappears...

Everything i get close to becomes transparent and I see other textures in back of it -- the ground gives the effect of being mirrored, but it isn't a mirror image of what it would be if it was truely a mirror -- just that it breaks through to another view below me....


Grumble...foolproof...install...yeah...well we ain't got none of them there fools around here... just
us users.... Ya know, a 'foolproof installer' is no substitute for a well written out manual install procedure
as a backup...on the ever so slight chance that the human race will develop superior fools! ;-)
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:20 pm

The bang sound solution is to use a script effect silencer. Wrye Bash has it in the bashed patch options, alternately, you can use Duke Patrick's Script effect silencer (look on Nexus or TESAlliance).

Are you using ENB series or similar in addition to OBGE? I suggest uninstalling all OBGE mods completely, and installing the exe (or 7z) package from scratch. Make sure you are using HDR (some shaders don't work with Bloom), and turn of AA. Also, start with a one shader effect at any given time. Test and see if it is working before you turn others on. Also, did you read the wiki and get the latest version of shader files and OBGE core?
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:45 am

I remember there was a problem with one of the shaders if Night Eye was active, with would cause a Black screen, (I played a Theif, and had a Toggle for Night eye) don't recall witch shader though... :shrug:
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:54 am

The bang sound solution is to use a script effect silencer. Wrye Bash has it in the bashed patch options, alternately, you can use Duke Patrick's Script effect silencer (look on Nexus or TESAlliance).

Are you using ENB series or similar in addition to OBGE? I suggest uninstalling all OBGE mods completely, and installing the exe (or 7z) package from scratch. Make sure you are using HDR (some shaders don't work with Bloom), and turn of AA. Also, start with a one shader effect at any given time. Test and see if it is working before you turn others on. Also, did you read the wiki and get the latest version of shader files and OBGE core?

ENB? I uninstalled all after .exe installing them -- and resinstalled with .7z, and .. well now have found the problem module

Name: Forward Motion Blur
Version: 1.1a
Date: 3/02/2008
Category: Visual Effects
Requirements: Oblivion Patch, Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE)
Included Requirements: Oblivion Graphics Extender (OBGE)
Recommended: Oblivion Mod Manager
Author(s): quetzilla
Source: www.tesnexus.com


I take it that they above works only with a very old version of OBGE?

There's also a "Motion Blur.esp", that relies on OBGE, but doesn't seem to be causing problems -- but also
doesn't seem to be working that I've noticed...

Author: Ilmyrn Akios
Adds full view-space motion blur when the camera is moved. Unfortunately fully object-based blur is impossible at this point due to Bethesda being a bit greedy with their use of shader registers. Requires OBSE v11 or newer and a copy of Timeslip's OBGE.

I also noticed __apparent__, incompats with the 'Slipstream' module -- I think it tried to tweak my graphics settings down too

I **Still**, occasionally, get the 'mirror effect', but am not getting all black.

The mirror effect is basically any surface that is < "X" feet away from me becomes transparent and I see other surfaces
behind it. That give a mirror-*like* effect, but without a true reflection of what you are seeing...

Looks a bit like a pool of water is all around you (no waves, perfectly still).

When that happens, I just have to quit and reload.

Right now, am getting up to 10 minutes at a time, though as little as 2-3 minutes between crashes.... but that I'm not going to worry about *too* much until I get my graphics card replaced (due Tuesday, under warrantee)...

Any forward motion mods that are compat with the current OBGE?
For my problem to occur, it was sufficient to have OBGE (the dll specifically) installed -- though all esp's inactive and
OBGE bEnabled=0,) and have Forward Motion in my load order, and I'd get the problem. It doesn't have a dll, but does have
a shader and esp -- so it didn't occur to me at first that it might be causing the problem (and it didn't have a big OBGE
label in the front of the name)...

There are a couple of older shaders on texus -- one included v1 of obse. Thought that was part of my problem the first time.

Also -- a bit of confusion on my part...

When I install the .7z, I see menu of Subpackages and ESp/m filters

Under sub-patckages, I have base, Godrays-sunglare, Support plugin (needed or dev?), Controller [?], Compat [??w/what?

Under esp/m filter, I have
Menusys (a dependency)
OBGv3 Controller GR6
OBGv3 Controller
Common Components
Standalone effects (Multi or single).

So I get that Menusys and the common and 1 of the stand alone effects are needed.

But intially, I think it conflicted with the EXE install -- it had a 'standalone effects' (no version)....

So what's with the controller? and where are they aimed?

A weird message I get when I enter WB, is that it thinks all the files intalled MEnu, Common, Standalone are 'unrecognzied or
corrupt -- yet they agree with the installed 7z file...so I'm not sure but something I think is of the wrong version mix
in my system.

i think part of the problem is trying to use EXE's with Wrye Bash-- it doesn't know anything about the external stuff and it really messes things up.... Then it's not clear what the EXE is doing -- so it's hard to tell if I'm doing the right thing with the 7z version as there are no instructions (just a fool proof EXE.. HA but not computer scientst proof....I probably overcomplicated something that I didn't need to .... -- or at least have done that with somethings..)...

So what modules should I have installed from the 7z? it's not very well designed like many of them --
i.e.. they aren't numbered so I have an idea I need to pick from "one of the 10's", or that some are optional... I someone convinced everyone to only go with EXE's that tell the user nothing -- but that doesn't help those of us using WryeBash -- in fact it's sorta harmful (I even have oblivion and all the DLC "in modules") as my first installs -- so I can quantify damage done to them by installed extensions. Modules in omod form i try to convert to archive, but a few are too painful...(BBB, for example).
or the walk-modules that adapat to an install -- but do it at install time, not at runtime, like the new weather mod...

That's what they need to do .. use a OBSE version to auto-adapt at runtime. My load list certtainly hasn't gotten stable and I'm
doing without several mods I'd like to add in -- but that don't play nice with my other mods...

(Better Cities, several 'lovers', mods (had them working but not w/current load list...so not sure where conflict is)...

I do try to clean modules and restore them in my local archives, so they stay clean through uninstalls/reinstalls...

i.e. -- TRYING to keep things clean... (using BOSS) -- but I think there is as much of a need for a BOIS as BOSS -- i.e.
a Better Oblivion Install Sorter...(and knowledge about what mods can be loaded/installed with which others)...

At least making progress....very slow though at times...

BTW -- I managed (somehow) to get rid of the banging sound. Not sure what was causing it, -- Since I have so many mods installed (I did hit 255 at one point, down to about 70-80 below that now, trying to go toward stable).

That installing them 1 at a time, and testing them 1 at a time, is too much for me. I'm a binary search type-a-gal...

When things were crashing up front, I needed to get things to be installable/uninstallable...(one reason for moving to WB), so I didn't have to keep reinstalling the game dir (did that about 4-5 times... gets old)...

But in tracking I could use binary search to install/uninstall modules to narrow down problems.

But I realize that such a way may catch 'conflicts', but causes might be in a still loaded mod...(sigh)...

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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:58 am

For most of the Exe. installers, you can install them to a "Dummy" directory then pack that into a BAIN package... :cool:
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:46 am

You don't need any esp/esm files from OBGE to make it work, they are just in-game options to change shaders settings. It is recommended to tune your shaders out of game via shaderlist.txt and direct editing of *.fx files.
As for mods relying on OBGE - here is the http://obge.paradice-insight.us/wiki/Mods_%28Effects%29 (disable javascript in your browser, it is bugged a little). Those are safe to use, just install the original mod and overwrite its shader fx file with those in the list (copy/paste from site).
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:50 am

For most of the Exe. installers, you can install them to a "Dummy" directory then pack that into a BAIN package... :cool:
I've done that with some -- some of these installers you have to install a fair bit of infrastructure to fake it into going ahead with the install
(game, obse, obge)... I did that with the base and one of the EXE's, when I found the newer versions in .7z form...

Zilav -- I would like the in-game menu to work -- otherwise I can't see what the effects do.

If I want to make them perm -- then I put them in the ini... but to try out, my game load time is easily a minute or two or maybe more...
(my character saves come off of a network Harddisk, as it's in my Doc folder -- on a local network drive)... Game itself is on an aging SSD... that didn't get good trim support for use in a RAID0 like I have them.... (caveat me!)

What does the OBGE.esp do? Vs. the 'standalone effects(multimoduleinst+common+menusysframework). I.e. is needed to support the others?
Or does it get in the way?

Doesn't the standalone effects module replace (have the same functionality) as the screenEffects addon?

Thanks for the mention of the shaders -- I copied 3 of them (MotionBlur, DungeonAmbience and ScreenEffects as have those, though screen effects is currently disabled, because it seemed to be part of my earlier problems...but that might just have been the forward motion blur module.

My game has actually stayed up for almost an hour straight tonight....wow!... (after well over 1000 crashes -- more like 1500 according to Win7's applog)..

Naw, I'm not persistent....not stubborn neither!... Uh uh! ;-)
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:00 am

Is their anyway around the horrible mouse lag? I am getting 40 to 45 fps with bokeh hex. HDAO, Seems really bad.
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:04 pm

I am using 3.1.0 in the bain format. When i activate a shader in game like DOF it doesnt work, However it has worked before. Am i doing anything wrong? Can someone help me out.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:01 am

I am using 3.1.0 in the bain format. When i activate a shader in game like DOF it doesnt work, However it has worked before. Am i doing anything wrong? Can someone help me out.
A good starting point is to post your shaderlist.txt and obge.log files.
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how solid
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:23 am

Were is the log file? Is it the OBGE V2? If so this is it.

I am also using the bain version. When i fire up wrye bash i always get this message

Warning unrecognised/corrupt files.

OBGE 3.1 common componets.esp
OBGE 3.1 stadalone effects (multi module.esp)
OBGE 3.1 stadalone effects (single module.esp)

Things like enb series and sharpen work. HBAO works fine its just DOF for some reason.

I am also unable to get the OBGE menu in game.

Creating lod vertex buffers.
Added to list OK.
Received save game message.
Saving a game.
Save-game will reference 5 textures.
Save-game will reference 0 meshes.
Save-game will reference 37 effects.
pEffect data\shaders\Volumetric_SSAO.fx has 18 parameters.
Found float: name - luminosity_threshold, size - 1, data[0] - 0.300000
Found float: name - aoRadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - aoStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - aoClamp, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - ThicknessModel, size - 1, data[0] - 100.000000
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - oblv_FogRange, size - 1, data[0] - 600.000000
Found float: name - oblv_FogColor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.070588
pEffect data\shaders\Volumetric_SSII.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - IIRadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - IIStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 3.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - oblv_FogRange, size - 1, data[0] - 600.000000
Found float: name - oblv_FogColor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.070588
pEffect data\shaders\Volumetric_SSGI.fx has 19 parameters.
Found float: name - giRadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - iiStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 3.000000
Found float: name - aoStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - giClamp, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - ThicknessModel, size - 1, data[0] - 100.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - oblv_FogRange, size - 1, data[0] - 600.000000
Found float: name - oblv_FogColor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.070588
pEffect data\shaders\Ring_SSAO.fx has 22 parameters.
Found float: name - luminosity_threshold, size - 1, data[0] - 0.300000
Found float: name - aoRadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - aoStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - aoCap, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - aoClamp, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - angleBias, size - 1, data[0] - 45.000000
Found float: name - aoRange, size - 1, data[0] - 100.000000
Found float: name - Blur_DropThreshhold, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Blur_RadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - oblv_FogRange, size - 1, data[0] - 600.000000
Found float: name - oblv_FogColor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.070588
pEffect data\shaders\CrysisAO.fx has 15 parameters.
Found float: name - distance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.002500
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - oblv_FogRange, size - 1, data[0] - 600.000000
Found float: name - oblv_FogColor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.070588
pEffect data\shaders\HBAO.fx has 20 parameters.
Found float: name - luminosity_threshold, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - aoRadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 16.000000
Found float: name - aoStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found float: name - aoClamp, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - Attenuation_Factor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - oblv_FogRange, size - 1, data[0] - 600.000000
Found float: name - oblv_FogColor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.070588
pEffect data\shaders\HDAO.fx has 15 parameters.
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - oblv_FogRange, size - 1, data[0] - 600.000000
Found float: name - oblv_FogColor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.070588
Found float: name - g_fHDAOIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - g_fHDAORejectRadius, size - 1, data[0] - 0.001430
Found float: name - g_fHDAOAcceptRadius, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - g_fNormalScale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.012300
Found float: name - g_fAcceptAngle, size - 1, data[0] - 0.980000
pEffect data\shaders\JakobsenAO.fx has 14 parameters.
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - oblv_FogRange, size - 1, data[0] - 600.000000
Found float: name - oblv_FogColor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.070588
pEffect data\shaders\NormalFilterAA.fx has 7 parameters.
Found float: name - filterStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - filterSpread, size - 1, data[0] - 3.000000
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
pEffect data\shaders\DLAA.fx has 5 parameters.
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
pEffect data\shaders\FXAA2.fx has 5 parameters.
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - LuminanceConv, size - 1, data[0] - 0.212500
pEffect data\shaders\FXAA3.fx has 6 parameters.
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - LuminanceConv, size - 1, data[0] - 0.212500
pEffect data\shaders\MLAA.fx has 17 parameters.
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
pEffect data\shaders\MDLAA.fx has 17 parameters.
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
pEffect data\shaders\MFXAA.fx has 17 parameters.
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
pEffect data\shaders\Godrays05.fx has 44 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - scale, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.700000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.700000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.200000
Found int: name - obge_Tick, size - 1, data[0] - 1522
Found int: name - oblv_GameTime, size - 1, data[0] - 3668
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_CameraFrustum_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - -4317.437988
Found float: name - oblv_CameraForward_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - -0.846596
Found float: name - oblv_WorldTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionInverse_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 1.023103
Found float: name - oblv_ViewTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.522688
Found float: name - oblv_ViewInverse_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.522688
Found float: name - oblv_ViewProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.510885
Found float: name - oblv_ViewProjectionInverse_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.534763
Found float: name - oblv_WorldViewProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.510885
Found float: name - oblv_WorldViewProjectionInverse_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.534763
Found float: name - oblv_SunDirection, size - 1, data[0] - -1.#IND00
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - -0.201786
pEffect data\shaders\Godrays06.fx has 42 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 4.500000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 22.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 1.990000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - scalex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found int: name - obge_Tick, size - 1, data[0] - 1522
Found int: name - oblv_GameTime, size - 1, data[0] - 3668
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_CameraFrustum_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - -4317.437988
Found float: name - oblv_CameraForward_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - -0.846596
Found float: name - oblv_WorldTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionInverse_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 1.023103
Found float: name - oblv_ViewTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.522688
Found float: name - oblv_ViewInverse_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.522688
Found float: name - oblv_ViewProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.510885
Found float: name - oblv_ViewProjectionInverse_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.534763
Found float: name - oblv_WorldViewProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.510885
Found float: name - oblv_WorldViewProjectionInverse_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.534763
Found float: name - oblv_SunDirection, size - 1, data[0] - -1.#IND00
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - sunColor, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
pEffect data\shaders\CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 12 parameters.
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
pEffect data\shaders\SMAA.fx has 17 parameters.
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
pEffect data\shaders\Shaped_Bokeh_DoF.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
pEffect data\shaders\Bokeh_Hexagon_DoF.fx has 17 parameters.
Found float: name - fr, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fp, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fpa, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - base_blur_radius, size - 1, data[0] - 0.750000
Found float: name - R, size - 1, data[0] - 16.000000
Found float: name - weaponblur_cutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
pEffect data\shaders\Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx has 17 parameters.
Found float: name - fr, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fp, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fpa, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - base_blur_radius, size - 1, data[0] - 0.750000
Found float: name - R, size - 1, data[0] - 16.000000
Found float: name - weaponblur_cutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
pEffect data\shaders\Pseudo_Bokeh_DoF.fx has 21 parameters.
Found float: name - fr, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fp, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fpa, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - dmax, size - 1, data[0] - 0.009000
Found float: name - base_blur_radius, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - blur_falloff, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found float: name - R, size - 1, data[0] - 16.000000
Found float: name - distantblur_startrange, size - 1, data[0] - 250.000000
Found float: name - distantblur_endrange, size - 1, data[0] - 1000.000000
Found float: name - distantblur_pow, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - weaponblur_cutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
pEffect data\shaders\CrysisDoF.fx has 15 parameters.
Found float: name - NearBlurDepth, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - FarBlurDepth, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - MaxBlurCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - dofMinThreshold, size - 1, data[0] - 0.200000
Found float: name - ApertureDiameter, size - 1, data[0] - 3.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
pEffect data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx has 13 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
pEffect data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx has 15 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.300000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found int: name - obge_Tick, size - 1, data[0] - 1522
Found int: name - oblv_GameTime, size - 1, data[0] - 3668
pEffect data\shaders\ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.300000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
pEffect data\shaders\ENBColorEffect.fx has 10 parameters.
Found float: name - OffsetMult, size - 1, data[0] - 0.700000
Found float: name - BrightnessMult, size - 1, data[0] - 1.120000
Found float: name - BrightnessPow, size - 1, data[0] - 0.660000
Found float: name - tempF9, size - 1, data[0] - 0.760800
Found float: name - tempF0, size - 1, data[0] - 0.096000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - offset, size - 8, data[0] - -1.000000
pEffect data\shaders\HLSLbleachbypass.fx has 3 parameters.
Found float: name - Opacity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.370000
pEffect data\shaders\HLSLColorGrading02.fx has 8 parameters.
Found float: name - saturatex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.650000
Found float: name - opacity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
pEffect data\shaders\HLSLColorGrading03.fx has 7 parameters.
Found float: name - saturatex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.650000
Found float: name - opacity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
pEffect data\shaders\HLSLvignette.fx has 6 parameters.
Found float: name - radius, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - darkness, size - 1, data[0] - 0.550000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
pEffect data\shaders\obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
pEffect data\shaders\Toon.fx has 12 parameters.
Found float: name - thresholds, size - 1, data[0] - 5.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionFoV_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.796817
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionDepthRange_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - oblv_ProjectionTransform_MAINPASS, size - 1, data[0] - 0.977419
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
pEffect data\shaders\Film16.fx has 18 parameters.
Found float: name - Strenght, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - BaseGamma, size - 1, data[0] - 1.600000
Found float: name - Fade, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - -0.100000
Found float: name - Bleach, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - RedCurve, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GreenCurve, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - BlueCurve, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - BaseCurve, size - 1, data[0] - 1.500000
Found float: name - EffectGammaR, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - EffectGammaG, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - EffectGammaB, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - EffectGamma, size - 1, data[0] - 1.500000
Found float: name - Linearization, size - 1, data[0] - 1.100000
Found float: name - obge_Gamma, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
pEffect data\shaders\SmartSat.fx has 5 parameters.
Found float: name - saturation_amount, size - 1, data[0] - 30.000000
Found float: name - saturation_min, size - 1, data[0] - 0.950000
Found float: name - saturation_max, size - 1, data[0] - 1.050000
pEffect data\shaders\Technicolor3.fx has 7 parameters.
Found float: name - techni3_amount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - techni3_power, size - 1, data[0] - 4.500000
Found float: name - techni3_redNegativeAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - techni3_greenNegativeAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.920000
Found float: name - techni3_blueNegativeAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Received ExitGame message.
Depth buffer : Lost device callback.
Releasing the depth buffer surface.
Releasing the depth buffer texture.
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Tamara Primo
Posts: 3483
Joined: Fri Jul 28, 2006 7:15 am

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:29 am

Were is the log file? Is it the OBGE V2? If so this is it.

I am also using the bain version. When i fire up wrye bash i always get this message

Warning unrecognised/corrupt files.

OBGE 3.1 common componets.esp
OBGE 3.1 stadalone effects (multi module.esp)
OBGE 3.1 stadalone effects (single module.esp)

Things like enb series and sharpen work. HBAO works fine its just DOF for some reason.

I know you shoukld only have one of the single vs. multi loaded,

multi, if I understand it correctly, is supposed to adapt the in game menu to what OBGE effects/plugins you have installed.

I think the unrecognized version thing (I got it on entry to BASH as well when I was trying to get OBGE to work (gave up for now)),
has to do with them distributing different version in their EXE's vs. what's in BAIN format. But the versions on the plugins all seem
off from each other by a just a bit...don't know if that's because they don't match or they just happen to be close to being
in sync...

You got the menu module, I didn't include the obge module (the dll yes, the obge.esp, no)...but yes on the common...
then in game menu was on items page where 'keys' and such where...
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Rob Smith
Posts: 3424
Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:30 pm

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:17 pm

I got it all working.

Seems like OBGE 3 runs alot worse than OBGE V2. I will wait for the fixes. sli 470 should be getting put down to 20fps with a few shaders/
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Alessandra Botham
Posts: 3440
Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:27 pm


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