Hey guys, I only got into examining all the possibilities OBGE has to offer recently, and I was wondering: is this project mostly about adding super cool (and horribly costly for the GPU) effects? Or since you're taking apart most of the rendering pipeline with v3, do you intend to dig into some of the more basic Oblivion shaders like HDR lightning, and try to optimize them or make them more configurable?
I'd love anything that could give me better performance than around 18 FPS (at least 25 FPS) in this scene in Kvatch, for instance: http://imagebin.org/184650 (tips are welcome as well in case I overlooked something)
The performance killer seems to be the number of lights, but no performance mod or tweak to the .ini file seems to help, my meshes are already PyFFIed, I have Oblivion Stutter Remover, etc. Reducing all the sliders for view/object distance shaves off a meager 2 FPS and looks far uglier. Curiously, changing the resolution has zero effect: I get the same FPS in 1680x1050 and 800x600.
Changing to Bloom instead of HDR doesn't change anything. Ah yes, activating fullbright lighting does give 50 FPS, but it looks worse than Morrowind

My graphics card: Radeon 4850 HD
Proc: Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz
So, any tips, and what are your plans?