Sorry for what most likely is a quite stupid question, but I've been trying to use the search function using many different words to find an answer without luck. I'm thinking it might be down to english not being my first language and thus I simply couldn't find the proper keyword to search for to find an answer, but anyways - to ze question!
I have an ATI 5770 1gb, ie a gpu that is not all that great. I also run a heavily modified Oblivion. I am using the latest OBGE v3 RC, mostly for the Liquid Water addon but also for the Godrays. Now, SSAO is out of the question for me, it turns my game into a slideshow sadly. However, one of the AA options seems like a "must have" to me, but I'm having a hard time figuring out which option is the most lightweight? I don't need anything fancy, just something to remove the jaggies, but pretty much all the descriptions simply say "removes jaggies" etc.

I figure it SHOULD be either DLAA or MLAA, but as I know nothing about these things I figured I'd ask.
Also while I'm at it, another question that I however haven't really spent time searching for, is if the LHDR comes with any performance loss? Thanks in advance.