I'm pretty sure anything like occlusion culling is out of the question. I imagine everything is already rendered by the time we have access to it at any kind of attainable level. Without things like EXE hacking of course (and of course that is not an option). Though it'd be a welcome surprise if I'm wrong. Of course things like culling are probably not worth the effort involved anyway... Too little payoff.
I reinstalled Oblivion on my roommate's PC (still on a PowerMac.. though I may soon be getting one of the new iMacs released today!) so that I can play around with things as they come out from this project, but also because I had found that the reason that SSAO does not work when forced through nHancer (with Fallout 3 compat.) was actually a bug in nHancer! It was fixed in the latest version so I reinstalled that and the game to test things out.
SSAO is pretty noticeable in the beginning dungeon but there are several issues. For one, the "rays of light" are meshes and such have a fat, black line on the floor where the mesh intersects it. And of course since the mesh always stays rotated toward you you can follow the "scorch mark" around on the floor and it'll chase you. =p If it stayed put it wouldn't be nearly as noticeable.
Of course this is only an nVidia thing, and the effect is weak at best, but I was concerned that the poor design decisions of Bethesda when it comes to all the super-fake lighting now have another way of biting us on the butt... when it comes to SSAO. I'm not sure what nVidia employs in the driver, obviously, but I imagine SSAO doesn't have a lot of variation between solutions. nVidia's solution is actually pretty buggy, too. The starting prison cell, if I stepped near the wall, SSAO turned off entirely. The "fog" in dungeons sort of disables the effect on the whole screen too...
So maybe (hopefully) one of the goals of OBGE could be to disable all the fake light meshes and replace them with volumetric lighting? =p Ambitious, I know. But just a thought, if we're going to run into problems with mesh fakery/trickery.
(Maybe someone can look at the rays of light in the caves with the depth buffer turned on?

I'll be installing it sometime tonight or tomorrow myself, though, if not...)