I would like to request an effect if possible: After you stare in to the sun your vision gets dark and blurry for a few seconds.
This already happens if you have HDR on in Oblivion? The effect may not be strong enough, though..
Something I would like to see happen is to have the DoF shader be configurable. I don't know if I'd like it in
normal play, but the option to toggle it would be nice
for screenshots. But aside from that, I'd also like a "mode" for when you're using a bow and arrow which has a more pronounced DoF, which gets (slightly) stronger the further you zoom in. (After you've leveled Marksman enough to do this) ... I know this doesn't correctly mimic actual optics, though... Because if I'm not mistaken focal length does not change DoF in any way. But it's a nice effect.

I was playing the Uncharted 2 demo the other week and really liked the DoF while aiming...
I honestly couldn't care that much about SSAO... It's a flawed solution at best. It's really only part of a solution (Global Illumination) and thus doesn't carry much realism by itself. Have a look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bRkyG3R-eI&fmt=18 for an awesome "SSGI" solution. You'll notice it takes into account the light direction, and does a light bounce to approximate GI. The effect is pretty amazing. Especially looking at the models where part of the shadow gets filled in by the sky dome (the blue tinge).
But I would of course always welcome SSAO, I just think it's low on a very long list.