Technically, all that he said is possible. It's just whether or not anyone actually implements itSo... you're happy with actor shadows?

Wrong. Unless the ambient occlusion and indirect lighting shaders we have NOW for OBLIVION automagically make your graphics card use DX10/11? Source Engine, Serious Engine 3, and I think even Unreal Engine 3 does stuff like that. Admittedly, I've yet so see any non-Serious Sam games use Serious Engine 3, but the other two are vastly popular - and I'm only speaking out of memory here, so who knows what else has them? Eh, it seems to be less about "possible" and more about "optimised well-enough for normal usage". Like real-time raytracing!
I'll try to be nice.

For one, you know exactly what I meant about "ANY" shadows. You can take it out of context if you want, and you did, so I won't respond to it further.
Wrong. Unless the ambient occlusion and indirect lighting shaders we have NOW for OBLIVION automagically make your graphics card use DX10/11?
You're simply not correct about this point. Indirect shadowing is a lot more than simple AO. Indirect shadowing is shadowing from an occluder that is preventing indirect illumination (light that has already bounced) from reaching a surface. Indirect illumination is, say, the bright red light that shines on a wall when light bounces off a red ball. Now place a cube in between the wall and ball, and the shadow formed is indirect shadowing. There is no feasible way to generate shadowing from a bounce without.... Shader Model 5.0! dun dun dunnnnnn.
Have you actually attempted to use the SSII shader? I simply can't, for one, it's far too slow. And secondly the engine certainly doesn't have a good enough renderer to make any use of Indirect Illumination. This isn't anything against the person who created the SSII shader. It's good for what it is, and for what OBGE gives us access to, but it's extremely subtle and not too accurate for the cost. But this is based on little observation. I will however make a mod with a Cornell Box and take images if you'd like.
Secondly, "possible" doesn't mean "I did it but it blew up my computer". It means "feasible" and by "feasible" I mean capable of running in realtime without penalty. Honestly, Indirect Illumination and Shadowing should only be attempted on engines with Deferred Shading, which Oblivion definitely is not. And even then, many a team has TRIED GI/II/IS and scrapped it even with the benefits of Deferred Shading, take the STALKER team for example. They scrapped it because it was... NOT POSSIBLE. (By which I mean feasible) ... By the way, in case you're not aware, Oblivion can barely handle a few lights, like most forward-rendered games. You really can only "see" the benefits of Indirect Illumination with many lights. And, it especially helps to use deferred shading instead, and since you can use more lights at least some of the GI can be faked with additional lights.
Thirdly, take what I said verbatim: "Things like [indirect illumination AND indirect shadowing] are just now becoming possible..." and realize that there is still not a single game with both, and only a few tech demos with both, which I have compiled and run myself. Have you?
I think probably the first engine to ship a game with any form of fake (but dynamic) GI/II will be CryEngine 3, and those are simple Light Propagation Volumes at incredibly low resolution. And of course, no Indirect Shadowing.
Source Engine, Serious Engine 3, and I think even Unreal Engine 3 does stuff like that. Admittedly, I've yet so see any non-Serious Sam games use Serious Engine 3, but the other two are vastly popular - and I'm only speaking out of memory here, so who knows what else has them?
That's great, if so. But because you can name three engines doesn't make you right, and doesn't mean there are many more examples. Prove to me they do, and I will accept it, but I won't just take your testimony. Mostly because at least two of those engines are known for having pre-computed lightmaps/GI, so I can't even be sure you're addressing the shadows that are dynamic with your statement. Which in that case it's not even a great feat as 95% of the shadows in those engines are static, and it's no great chore faking GI/fill lights for the rest.
I still can't think of any
shipped games, and I wasn't saying that means it doesn't exist. I know of CryEngine modders who place additional lights to fake an ambient fill in shadows and dark areas. This is simply faking GI with lights. I was saying I haven't seen anybody bother doing it because it doesn't provide a very big benefit.
Eh, it seems to be less about "possible" and more about "optimised well-enough for normal usage". Like real-time raytracing!
Hey, look! After arguing all of my points, then you infer my intent!

If you'd like to learn more about what I meant, look into the Deferred Shading implementation by Intel that uses a Compute Shader to speed up the light shading. It's an incredible speedup, only made
possible by DirectX 11. And with the more speedups we get from the new graphics pipeline and the new Shader Models the more extra room we have to start implementing GI/II/IS etc.
I'm sorry my reply was so long. I tend to write a lot when people try to pick apart everything I say without provocation.

And again, possible/feasible meant and continues to mean applicable to realtime graphics. It also means that I may be right now but that doesn't mean someone won't come up with a fast DirectX 9 implementation of Indirect Shadowing. If they do, then, great!