Ingnoring message.
Ingnoring message.
Pre Hook
RESZ format supported.
Depth buffer texture (INTZ) (1680,1050) created OK.
Depth buffer attached OK. 0
Ingnoring message.
Received load game message.
Loading a game.
Creating vertex buffers.
Creating shader textures.
Width = 1680, Height = 1050
Setting shader surfaces.
Setting depth texture.
Loading the shaders.
Error opening shaderlist.txt file.
Added to list OK.
Loading the shaders.
Error opening shaderlist.txt file.
Save file links 0 textures.
Shader Index = 19
Shader num = 0
Filename = NormalFilterAA.fx
Enabled = 1
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\NormalFilterAA.fx)
Float filterStrength = 1.000000(1)
Float filterSpread = 3.000000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float m44proj = 1.086021(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 1
Filename = SSII.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\SSII.fx)
Float scale = 2.000000(1)
Float IIRadiusMultiplier = 10.000000(1)
Float IIStrengthMultiplier = 1.000000(1)
Float FOV = 75.000000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 2
Filename = HBAO.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\HBAO.fx)
Float scale = 1.000000(1)
Float aoRadiusMultiplier = 5.000000(1)
Float aoStrengthMultiplier = 2.000000(1)
Float aoClamp = 0.400000(1)
Float Attenuation_Factor = 0.010000(1)
Float FOV = 75.000000(1)
Float luminosity_threshold = 0.300000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 3
Filename = Ring_SSAO.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\Ring_SSAO.fx)
Float scale = 2.000000(1)
Float aoRadiusMultiplier = 4.000000(1)
Float aoStrengthMultiplier = 1.000000(1)
Float aoCap = 1.000000(1)
Float aoClamp = 0.300000(1)
Float angleBias = 20.000000(1)
Float aorange = 150.000000(1)
Float FOV = 75.000000(1)
Float luminosity_threshold = 0.300000(1)
Float Blur_DropThreshhold = 20.000000(1)
Float Blur_RadiusMultiplier = 1.000000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 4
Filename = Volumetric_SSAO.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\Volumetric_SSAO.fx)
Float scale = 1.000000(1)
Float aoRadiusMultiplier = 2.000000(1)
Float aoStrengthMultiplier = 1.000000(1)
Float aoClamp = 0.500000(1)
Float ThicknessModel = 100.000000(1)
Float FOV = 75.000000(1)
Float luminosity_threshold = 0.300000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 5
Filename = DepthOfField.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)
Float DoFAmount = 7.000000(1)
Float FullFocusRange = 0.100000(1)
Float NoFocusRange = 0.400000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float f4Time = 0.000000(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 6
Filename = CrysisDoF.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\CrysisDoF.fx)
Float NearBlurDepth = 0.400000(1)
Float FarBlurDepth = 0.400000(1)
Float MaxBlurCutoff = 1.000000(1)
Float dofMinThreshold = 0.200000(1)
Float ApertureDiameter = 3.000000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Float poisson = 0.000000(8)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 7
Filename = Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx
Enabled = 1
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx)
Float fr = 60.000000(1)
Float fp = 60.000000(1)
Float fpa = 10.000000(1)
Float base_blur_radius = 1.500000(1)
Float R = 16.000000(1)
Float weaponblur_cutoff = 0.800000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float m44proj = 1.086021(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 8
Filename = Bokeh_Hexagon_DoF.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\Bokeh_Hexagon_DoF.fx)
Float fr = 60.000000(1)
Float fp = 60.000000(1)
Float fpa = 10.000000(1)
Float base_blur_radius = 1.500000(1)
Float R = 16.000000(1)
Float weaponblur_cutoff = 0.800000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 9
Filename = Pseudo_Bokeh_DoF.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\Pseudo_Bokeh_DoF.fx)
Float fr = 60.000000(1)
Float fp = 60.000000(1)
Float fpa = 10.000000(1)
Float dmax = 0.009000(1)
Float base_blur_radius = 1.000000(1)
Float blur_falloff = 2.000000(1)
Float R = 8.000000(1)
Float distantblur_startrange = 250.000000(1)
Float distantblur_endrange = 1000.000000(1)
Float distantblur_pow = 1.000000(1)
Float weaponblur_cutoff = 0.800000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 10
Filename = Godrays.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\Godrays.fx)
Float globalmul = 1.000000(1)
Float morningshaftex = 2.300000(1)
Float eveningshaftex = 3.500000(1)
Float goldendecay = 0.990000(1)
Float noonshaftex = 1.000000(1)
Float noondecay = 0.990000(1)
Float moonshaftex = 0.090000(1)
Float moondecay = 0.880000(1)
Float showraypass = 0.000000(1)
Float scale = 2.000000(1)
Float startsunrise = 4.000000(1)
Float endsunrise = 10.000000(1)
Float startevening = 17.000000(1)
Float endevening = 21.000000(1)
Float Density = 0.700000(1)
Float Weight = 0.700000(1)
Float goldensaturate = 0.540000(1)
Float noonsaturate = 0.010000(1)
Float Luminance = 0.440000(1)
Float fMiddleGray = 0.990000(1)
Float fWhiteCutoff = 0.400000(1)
Float m44view = 0.000000(1)
Float f3EyeForward = 0.000000(1)
Float f4SunDir = 0.000000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float f4Time = 0.000000(1)
Float t = 0.767327(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 11
Filename = CelShader+EdgeAA.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\CelShader+EdgeAA.fx)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(2)
Float edgeStrength = 10.000000(1)
Float edgeAABlurAmt = 0.040000(1)
Float blurCoordWG = -2.000000(8)
Float blurMagnitudeWG = 1.000000(8)
Float blurCoord = 1.000000(12)
Float blurMagnitude = 1.000000(12)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 12
Filename = ColorEffects.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx)
Float Saturation = 1.000000(1)
Float Brightness = 1.000000(1)
Float Contrast = 1.000000(1)
Float GContrast = 1.000000(1)
Float GBrightness = 1.000000(1)
Float FGIntensity = 0.000000(1)
Float BHMagnitude = 10.000000(1)
Float BHBrightness = 4.000000(1)
Float f4Time = 0.000000(1)
Float greyscale = 0.299000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 13
Filename = ColorMood.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorMood.fx)
Float fRatio = 1.000000(1)
Float moodR = 0.400000(1)
Float moodG = 0.270000(1)
Float moodB = 0.330000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 14
Filename = ENBColorEffect.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ENBColorEffect.fx)
Float OffsetMult = 0.700000(1)
Float BrightnessMult = 1.120000(1)
Float BrightnessPow = 0.660000(1)
Float tempF9 = 0.760800(1)
Float tempF0 = 0.096000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float offset = -1.000000(8)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 15
Filename = HLSLbleachbypass.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\HLSLbleachbypass.fx)
Float Opacity = 0.370000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 16
Filename = HLSLColorGrading02.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\HLSLColorGrading02.fx)
Float saturatex = 0.650000(1)
Float opacity = 0.800000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)
Float f4Time = 0.000000(1)
Float weights = 0.125000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 17
Filename = HLSLvignette.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\HLSLvignette.fx)
Float radius = 4.000000(1)
Float darkness = 0.550000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 18
Filename = obsharpen.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 1F000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\obsharpen.fx)
Float sharpval = 8.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Ingnoring message.
Alt Render target - width = 1680, height = 1050
Shader (NormalFilterAA.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (SSII.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (HBAO.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (Ring_SSAO.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (Volumetric_SSAO.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (DepthOfField.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (CrysisDoF.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (Bokeh_Hexagon_DoF.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (Pseudo_Bokeh_DoF.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (Godrays.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (CelShader+EdgeAA.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (ColorEffects.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (ColorMood.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (ENBColorEffect.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (HLSLbleachbypass.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (HLSLColorGrading02.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (HLSLvignette.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (obsharpen.fx) - Script refID = 1f000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Alt Render target - width = 1680, height = 1050
Alt Render target - width = 1680, height = 1050
Alt Render target - width = 1680, height = 1050
Alt Render target - width = 1680, height = 1050
Alt Render target - width = 256, height = 256
Received save game message.
Ingnoring message.
Saving a game.
Calling TextureManager::SaveGame
Shader index = 19
Shader NormalFilterAA.fx has 9 parameters.
Found float: name - filterStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - filterSpread, size - 1, data[0] - 3.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader SSII.fx has 12 parameters.
Found float: name - scale, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found float: name - IIRadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - IIStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FOV, size - 1, data[0] - 75.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Shader HBAO.fx has 15 parameters.
Found float: name - scale, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - aoRadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 5.000000
Found float: name - aoStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found float: name - aoClamp, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - Attenuation_Factor, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - FOV, size - 1, data[0] - 75.000000
Found float: name - luminosity_threshold, size - 1, data[0] - 0.300000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Shader Ring_SSAO.fx has 19 parameters.
Found float: name - scale, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found float: name - aoRadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - aoStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - aoCap, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - aoClamp, size - 1, data[0] - 0.300000
Found float: name - angleBias, size - 1, data[0] - 20.000000
Found float: name - aorange, size - 1, data[0] - 150.000000
Found float: name - FOV, size - 1, data[0] - 75.000000
Found float: name - luminosity_threshold, size - 1, data[0] - 0.300000
Found float: name - Blur_DropThreshhold, size - 1, data[0] - 20.000000
Found float: name - Blur_RadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Shader Volumetric_SSAO.fx has 15 parameters.
Found float: name - scale, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - aoRadiusMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found float: name - aoStrengthMultiplier, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - aoClamp, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - ThicknessModel, size - 1, data[0] - 100.000000
Found float: name - FOV, size - 1, data[0] - 75.000000
Found float: name - luminosity_threshold, size - 1, data[0] - 0.300000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Shader DepthOfField.fx has 12 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 7.000000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader CrysisDoF.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - NearBlurDepth, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - FarBlurDepth, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - MaxBlurCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - dofMinThreshold, size - 1, data[0] - 0.200000
Found float: name - ApertureDiameter, size - 1, data[0] - 3.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - poisson, size - 8, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Shader Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - fr, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fp, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fpa, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - base_blur_radius, size - 1, data[0] - 1.500000
Found float: name - R, size - 1, data[0] - 16.000000
Found float: name - weaponblur_cutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader Bokeh_Hexagon_DoF.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - fr, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fp, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fpa, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - base_blur_radius, size - 1, data[0] - 1.500000
Found float: name - R, size - 1, data[0] - 16.000000
Found float: name - weaponblur_cutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader Pseudo_Bokeh_DoF.fx has 21 parameters.
Found float: name - fr, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fp, size - 1, data[0] - 60.000000
Found float: name - fpa, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - dmax, size - 1, data[0] - 0.009000
Found float: name - base_blur_radius, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blur_falloff, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found float: name - R, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
Found float: name - distantblur_startrange, size - 1, data[0] - 250.000000
Found float: name - distantblur_endrange, size - 1, data[0] - 1000.000000
Found float: name - distantblur_pow, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - weaponblur_cutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader Godrays.fx has 34 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - scale, size - 1, data[0] - 2.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.700000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.700000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Shader ColorEffects.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Shader ENBColorEffect.fx has 9 parameters.
Found float: name - OffsetMult, size - 1, data[0] - 0.700000
Found float: name - BrightnessMult, size - 1, data[0] - 1.120000
Found float: name - BrightnessPow, size - 1, data[0] - 0.660000
Found float: name - tempF9, size - 1, data[0] - 0.760800
Found float: name - tempF0, size - 1, data[0] - 0.096000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - offset, size - 8, data[0] - -1.000000
Shader HLSLbleachbypass.fx has 3 parameters.
Found float: name - Opacity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.370000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Shader HLSLColorGrading02.fx has 11 parameters.
Found float: name - saturatex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.650000
Found float: name - opacity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - weights, size - 1, data[0] - 0.125000
Shader HLSLvignette.fx has 4 parameters.
Found float: name - radius, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - darkness, size - 1, data[0] - 0.550000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Shader obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000