Ingnoring message.RESZ format supported.Depth buffer texture (INTZ) (1366,768) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK. 0Releasing the original depth surface.Received load game message.Loading a game.Creating vertex buffers.Creating screen texture.Width = 1366, Height = 768Setting screen surface.Setting depth texture.Loading the shaders.Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\CelShader+EdgeAA.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\obsharpen.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Added to list OK.Loading the shaders.Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\CelShader+EdgeAA.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\obsharpen.fx)Setting effects screen texture.No texture data found in save file.No shader data in save file.width = 1366, height = 768
Ingnoring message.RESZ format supported.Depth buffer texture (INTZ) (1680,1050) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK. 0Releasing the original depth surface.Received load game message.Loading a game.Creating vertex buffers.Creating screen texture.Width = 1680, Height = 1050Setting screen surface.Setting depth texture.ShaderList has been disabled by the INI file.Added to list OK.ShaderList has been disabled by the INI file.Save file links 0 textures.Shader Index = 9Shader num = 0Filename = ssao_perf.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A7000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_perf.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Float m44proj = 1.086021(1)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 1Filename = ssao_test.fxEnabled = 1RefID = A7000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_test.fx)Found filename : ssao\RandomNoiseB.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\ssao\ effects screen texture.Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Float m44proj = 1.086021(1)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 2Filename = DepthOfField.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A7000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float DoFAmount = 0.000000(1)Float FullFocusRange = 0.100000(1)Float NoFocusRange = 0.600000(1)Int DepthPower = 0(1)Float FocusPoint = 0.500000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Float f4Time = 36108.648438(1)Float m44proj = 1.086021(1)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 4Filename = CelShader+EdgeAA.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A7000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\CelShader+EdgeAA.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float rcpres = 0.000595(2)Float edgeStrength = 15.000000(1)Float edgeAABlurAmt = 0.000000(1)Float blurCoordWG = -2.000000(8)Float blurMagnitudeWG = 1.000000(8)Float blurCoord = 1.000000(12)Float blurMagnitude = 1.000000(12)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 5Filename = ColorEffects.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A7000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float Saturation = 0.000000(1)Float Brightness = 1.000000(1)Float Contrast = 0.000000(1)Float GContrast = 1.000000(1)Float GBrightness = 1.000000(1)Float FGIntensity = 1.000000(1)Float BHMagnitude = 10.000000(1)Float BHBrightness = 4.000000(1)Float f4Time = 36080.882813(1)Float greyscale = 0.299000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 6Filename = ColorMood.fxEnabled = 1RefID = A7000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorMood.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float fRatio = 1.000000(1)Float moodR = 0.000000(1)Float moodG = 0.270000(1)Float moodB = 0.330000(1)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 7Filename = obsharpen.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A7000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\obsharpen.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float sharpval = 0.000000(1)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 8Filename = Godrays.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A7000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\Godrays.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float morningshaftex = 0.040000(1)Float eveningshaftex = 0.200000(1)Float goldendecay = 0.990000(1)Float noonshaftex = 0.490000(1)Float noondecay = 0.630000(1)Float moonshaftex = 0.090000(1)Float moondecay = 0.880000(1)Float startsunrise = 4.000000(1)Float endsunrise = 10.000000(1)Float startevening = 17.000000(1)Float endevening = 21.000000(1)Float Density = 0.900000(1)Float Weight = 0.440000(1)Float m44view = 0.852748(1)Float f3EyeForward = -0.516663(1)Float f4SunDir = -0.753716(1)Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Float f4Time = 60801.179688(1)Float t = 0.767327(1)Float gScaleFactor = 1.500000(1)Float gWeights3x3 = 0.062500(9)Inserting the shader into the list.width = 1680, height = 1050Shader (ssao_perf.fx) - Script refID = a7000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ssao_test.fx) - Script refID = a7000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (DepthOfField.fx) - Script refID = a7000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (Godrays.fx) - Script refID = a7000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (CelShader+EdgeAA.fx) - Script refID = a7000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ColorEffects.fx) - Script refID = a7000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ColorMood.fx) - Script refID = a7000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (obsharpen.fx) - Script refID = a7000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050Received ExitGame message.Calling Release DeviceReleasing thisframe surface.Releasing lastpass surface.Releasing lastframe surface.Releasing thisframe texture.Releasing lastpass texture.Releasing lastframe texture.Releasing shader vertex buffer.
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++//ENBSeries:,*THIS IS HLSL (HIGH LEVEL SHADER LANGUAGE) FILE FOR EXECUTING ADDITIONALHARDWARE EFFECTS. MAKE THE COPY BEFORE CHANGING IT!*///keyboard controled variablesfloat tempF1;float tempF2;float tempF3;float tempF4;float tempF5;float tempF6;float tempF7;float tempF8;float tempF9;float tempF0;//global variables, already set before executing this codefloat ScreenSize; //width of the display resolution (1024 f.e.)float ScreenScaleY; //screen proportions (1.333 for 1024/768)float4 ScreenBrightness;//rgba(0..1) color of the screen with time dependent inertiafloat ScreenBrightnessAdaptation;//(-10..10) for bloom it controls how much to dark in the night or when scene is dark (user defined constant factor)float bloomPower;//(0..10) actually used for bloom, but may be useful here (user defined constant factor)float useBloom;//(0 or 1) if bloom enabled by user//texturestexture2D texColor;texture2D texBloom;sampler2D SamplerColor = sampler_state{ Texture =; MinFilter = LINEAR; MagFilter = LINEAR; MipFilter = LINEAR;//NONE; AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; SRGBTexture=FALSE;};sampler2D SamplerBloom = sampler_state{ Texture = ; MinFilter = LINEAR; MagFilter = LINEAR; MipFilter = NONE;//NONE; AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; SRGBTexture=FALSE;};struct VS_OUTPUT_POST { float4 vpos : POSITION; float2 txcoord : TEXCOORD0;};struct VS_INPUT_POST { float3 pos : POSITION; float2 txcoord : TEXCOORD0;};//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++////++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++VS_OUTPUT_POST VS_PostProcess(VS_INPUT_POST IN){ VS_OUTPUT_POST OUT; float4 pos=float4(IN.pos.x,IN.pos.y,IN.pos.z,1.0); OUT.vpos=pos; OUT.txcoord.xy=IN.txcoord.xy; return OUT;}float4 PS_PostProcess(VS_OUTPUT_POST In) : COLOR{ float2 offset[4]= { float2(-1.0,-1.0), float2(-1.0, 1.0), float2( 1.0, 1.0), float2( 1.0,-1.0) }; float4 res=0.0; float4 coord=0.0; coord.xy=In.txcoord.xy; float4 origcolor=tex2D(SamplerColor, coord.xy); float origgray=max(origcolor.r, max(origcolor.g, origcolor.B)); res+=origcolor; float range=0.7*tempF9/ScreenSize; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { coord.xy=In.txcoord+offset[i]*range; float4 color; float gray; color=tex2D(SamplerColor, coord.xy); float4 colordiff=abs(origcolor-color); gray=dot(colordiff.rgb,0.333); float lerpfact=saturate(4.0*abs(gray)*color.a);//saturate res+=lerp(origcolor, color, lerpfact); } res=res*0.2;//res=origcolor;coord.xy=In.txcoord.xy;coord.w=2.5*tempF1;float4 envcol1=tex2Dbias(SamplerColor, coord);coord.w=3.5*tempF2;float4 envcol2=tex2Dbias(SamplerColor, coord);float4 envcol3=tex2D(SamplerBloom, coord.xy);float4 bloom=envcol3;float4 envcol=(envcol1+envcol2+envcol3)*0.333; // Controls overall Brightness. //envcol=tempF5*pow(envcol,tempF4);//envcol=envcol*tempF7/(1.0+envcol*tempF8);//envcol=dot(,0.333);//envcol=max(envcol.x, max(envcol.y, envcol.z));float4 tempcol;//=max(envcol.x, max(envcol.y, envcol.z));//envcol=lerp(tempcol, envcol, tempF3);//;//float diff=dot(, 0.333);//float srcgray=dot(,0.333);//**(1.0-saturate(srcgray));envcol=tempF5*pow(envcol,tempF4);res=lerp(res, res*envcol, tempF6);//res=res*tempF7/(1.0+res*tempF8);//res+=tempF7*pow(bloom,4.0*tempF8);//desaturate float middlegray=(res.r+res.g+res.B)*0.333; float3 diffcolor=res.rgb-middlegray; res.rgb-=diffcolor*0.4*tempF0;if (tempF3>1.1) res=origcolor; res.a=1.0; return res;}/*float4 PS_PostProcess(VS_OUTPUT_POST In) : COLOR{ float2 offset[4]= { float2(-1.0,-1.0), float2(-1.0, 1.0), float2( 1.0, 1.0), float2( 1.0,-1.0) }; float4 res=0.0; float4 coord=0.0; coord.xy=In.txcoord.xy; float4 origcolor=tex2Dlod(SamplerColor, coord); float origgray=max(origcolor.r, max(origcolor.g, origcolor.B)); res+=origcolor; float range=tempF5*0.001;// /ScreenSize.x for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { coord.xy=In.txcoord+offset[i]*range; float4 color; float gray; color=tex2Dlod(SamplerColor, coord); float4 colordiff=abs(origcolor-color); gray=max(colordiff.r, max(colordiff.g, colordiff.B)); float lerpfact=saturate(tempF6*abs(gray));//saturate res+=lerp(origcolor, color, lerpfact); } res=res/5.0; res.a=1.0; return res;}*///++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++////++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++technique PostProcess{ pass P0 { VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_PostProcess(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS_PostProcess(); FogEnable=FALSE; ALPHATESTENABLE=FALSE; SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE=FALSE; AlphaBlendEnable=FALSE; FogEnable=FALSE; SRGBWRITEENABLE=FALSE; }}