Reporting an issue, perhaps with the new support plugin, perhaps with the new OBGE build that it requires. Since updating those files, Whenever I activate either the ColorMood or ColorEffects shader, the scene becomes, I don't know, pixelated or something. Here's an of it with the ColorMood shader disabled. And here's an with the shader active. The problem is subtle, but it's most noticeable if you look at the text in the message box.
-I'm on Windows 7 x64.
-I've an HD5770
OBSE: initialize (version = 18.5 010201A0)oblivion root = C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\plugin directory = C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Elys_USV.dllplugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Elys_USV.dll (00000001 Elys_USV 0000005D) loaded correctlychecking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\FastExit2.dllplugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\FastExit2.dll (00000001 FastExit 00000002) loaded correctlychecking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\NifScript.dllSetOpcodeBase 000024F0RegisterCommand NifGetAltGrip (24F0)RegisterCommand NifGetOffHand (24F1)RegisterCommand NifGetBackShield (24F2)RegisterCommand NifOpen (24F3)RegisterCommand NifClose (24F4)RegisterCommand NifGetNthExtraDataName (24F5)RegisterCommand NifGetNthExtraDataType (24F6)RegisterCommand NifGetExtraDataTypeByName (24F7)RegisterCommand NifSetNthExtraDataString (24F8)RegisterCommand NifSetExtraDataStringByName (24F9)RegisterCommand NifDeleteNthExtraData (24FA)RegisterCommand NifDeleteExtraDataByName (24FB)RegisterCommand NifGetPath (24FC)RegisterCommand NifGetNthExtraDataString (24FD)RegisterCommand NifGetExtraDataStringByName (24FE)plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\NifScript.dll (00000001 NifScript 00000001) loaded correctlychecking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dllSetOpcodeBase 00002100RegisterCommand GetAvailableGraphicsMemory (2100)RegisterCommand GetScreenWidth (2101)RegisterCommand GetScreenHeight (2102)RegisterCommand LoadShader (2103)RegisterCommand ApplyFullscreenShader (2104)RegisterCommand RemoveFullscreenShader (2105)RegisterCommand SetShaderInt (2106)RegisterCommand SetShaderFloat (2107)RegisterCommand SetShaderVector (2108)RegisterCommand SetShaderTexture (2109)RegisterCommand ForceGraphicsReset (210A)RegisterCommand LoadTexture (210B)RegisterCommand FreeTexture (210C)RegisterCommand CreateHUDElement (210D)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementTexture (210E)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementColour (210F)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementPosition (2110)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementScale (2111)RegisterCommand SetHUDElementRotation (2112)RegisterCommand PurgeManagedTextures (2113)RegisterCommand IsShaderEnabled (2114)plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll (00000001 OBGEv2 00000002) loaded correctlychecking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Elys_Pluggy_HUD.dllSetOpcodeBase 00002330RegisterCommand GetEsp (2330)RegisterCommand CreateArray (2331)RegisterCommand DestroyArray (2332)RegisterCommand ArraySize (2333)RegisterCommand ArrayCount (2334)RegisterCommand SetInArray (2335)RegisterCommand SetFloatInArray (2336)RegisterCommand GetInArray (2337)RegisterCommand GetTypeInArray (2338)RegisterCommand RemInArray (2339)RegisterCommand FindInArray (233A)RegisterCommand FindFloatInArray (233B)RegisterCommand SetRefInArray (233C)RegisterCommand FindRefInArray (233D)RegisterCommand CopyArray (233E)RegisterCommand ArrayEsp (233F)RegisterCommand ArrayProtect (2340)RegisterCommand FirstInArray (2341)RegisterCommand DestroyAllArrays (2342)RegisterCommand PackArray (2343)RegisterCommand CreateString (2344)RegisterCommand DestroyString (2345)RegisterCommand SetString (2346)RegisterCommand StringEsp (2347)RegisterCommand StringProtect (2348)RegisterCommand StringLen (2349)RegisterCommand DestroyAllStrings (234A)RegisterCommand StringSetName (234B)RegisterCommand StringGetName (234C)RegisterCommand StringMsg (234D)RegisterCommand StringCat (234E)RegisterCommand UserFileExists (234F)SetOpcodeBase 00002378RegisterCommand RenFile (2378)RegisterCommand DelFile (2379)RegisterCommand StringToTxtFile (237A)RegisterCommand CopyString (237B)RegisterCommand IntToString (237C)RegisterCommand FloatToString (237D)RegisterCommand RefToString (237E)RegisterCommand IniReadInt (237F)RegisterCommand IniReadFloat (2380)RegisterCommand IniReadRef (2381)RegisterCommand IniWriteInt (2382)RegisterCommand IniWriteFloat (2383)RegisterCommand IniWriteRef (2384)RegisterCommand IniKeyExists (2385)RegisterCommand IniDelKey (2386)RegisterCommand EspToString (2387)RegisterCommand IniReadString (2388)RegisterCommand IniWriteString (2389)RegisterCommand ModRefEsp (238A)RegisterCommand GetRefEsp (238B)RegisterCommand StringToRef (238C)RegisterCommand StringCmp (238D)RegisterCommand FileToString (238E)RegisterCommand StringPos (238F)RegisterCommand StringToInt (2390)RegisterCommand StringToFloat (2391)RegisterCommand ArrayCmp (2392)RegisterCommand StringMsgBox (2393)RegisterCommand StringIns (2394)RegisterCommand StringRep (2395)RegisterCommand IntToHex (2396)RegisterCommand LC (2397)SetOpcodeBase 000023B0RegisterCommand FromTSFC (23B0)RegisterCommand ToTSFC (23B1)RegisterCommand StrLC (23B2)RegisterCommand CreateEspBook (23B3)RegisterCommand FmtString (23B4)RegisterCommand FixName (23B5)RegisterCommand ResetName (23B6)RegisterCommand HasFixedName (23B7)RegisterCommand csc (23B8)RegisterCommand StringSetNameEx (23B9)RegisterCommand StringGetNameEx (23BA)RegisterCommand FixNameEx (23BB)RegisterCommand IniGetNthSection (23BC)RegisterCommand IniSectionsCount (23BD)RegisterCommand RunBatString (23BE)RegisterCommand Halt (23BF)RegisterCommand RefToLong (23C0)RegisterCommand LongToRef (23C1)RegisterCommand FindFirstFile (23C2)RegisterCommand FindNextFile (23C3)RegisterCommand GetFileSize (23C4)RegisterCommand NewHudS (23C5)RegisterCommand DelHudS (23C6)RegisterCommand ScreenInfo (23C7)RegisterCommand HudS_X (23C8)RegisterCommand HudS_SclX (23C9)RegisterCommand HudS_Show (23CA)RegisterCommand HudS_Opac (23CB)RegisterCommand HudS_Align (23CC)RegisterCommand AutoSclHudS (23CD)RegisterCommand HudS_Y (23CE)RegisterCommand HudSEsp (23CF)RegisterCommand HudSProtect (23D0)RegisterCommand HudsInfo (23D1)RegisterCommand DelAllHudSs (23D2)RegisterCommand HudS_L (23D3)RegisterCommand rcsc (23D4)RegisterCommand HudS_SclY (23D5)RegisterCommand NewHudT (23D6)RegisterCommand DelHudT (23D7)RegisterCommand HudT_X (23D8)RegisterCommand HudT_SclX (23D9)RegisterCommand HudT_Show (23DA)RegisterCommand HudT_Opac (23DB)RegisterCommand HudT_Align (23DC)RegisterCommand AutoSclHudT (23DD)RegisterCommand HudT_Y (23DE)RegisterCommand HudTEsp (23DF)RegisterCommand HudTProtect (23E0)RegisterCommand HudTInfo (23E1)RegisterCommand DelAllHudTs (23E2)RegisterCommand HudT_L (23E3)RegisterCommand HudT_SclY (23E4)RegisterCommand PauseBox (23E5)RegisterCommand KillMenu (23E6)RegisterCommand SetHudT (23E7)RegisterCommand HudT_Text (23E8)RegisterCommand HudS_Tex (23E9)RegisterCommand SanString (23EA)RegisterCommand IsHUDEnabled (23EB)RegisterCommand IsPluggyDataReset (23EC)SetOpcodeBase 000023FFRegisterCommand PlgySpcl (23FF)plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Elys_Pluggy_HUD.dll (00000001 OBSE_Elys_Pluggy 0000007D) loaded correctlychecking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Elys_Uncapper.dllplugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Elys_Uncapper.dll (00000001 OBSE_Elys_Uncapper 0000005E) loaded correctlychecking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\refstuff_plugin.dllSetOpcodeBase 00002350RegisterCommand DropNthItems (2350)RegisterCommand GiveNthItems (2351)RegisterCommand GetItemsCount (2352)RegisterCommand GetNthItemsCount (2353)RegisterCommand GetItemsChangedCount (2354)RegisterCommand GetCount (2355)RegisterCommand SetCount (2356)RegisterCommand ModCount (2357)RegisterCommand DestroyRef (2358)RegisterCommand DestroyClonedForm (2359)SetOpcodeBase 0000236ERegisterCommand DumpItem (236E)RegisterCommand DumpContainer (236F)plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\refstuff_plugin.dll (00000001 refstuff 00000002) loaded correctlychecking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.dllplugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.dll (00000001 sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover 00004100) loaded correctlychecking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dllplugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dll (00000001 weOCPS 01328DD8) loaded correctlypatchedDoLoadGameHook: C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_2.essloading from C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_2.obseLoading stringsLoading array variablesplugin didn't finish reading chunkplugin didn't finish reading chunkplugin didn't finish reading chunkplugin didn't finish reading chunkplugin didn't finish reading chunkplugin didn't finish reading chunkplugin didn't finish reading chunkplugin did not read all of its data (at 000000000000A862 expected 000000000000A863)Error in script a800080cInvalid array access - the array was not initialized. File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0BE8 Command: Error in script a800080cOperator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0BE8 Command: Error in script a800080cAn expression failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0BE8 Command: Error in script a8000800Invalid array access - the array was not initialized. File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Invalid array access - the array was not initialized. File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Invalid array access - the array was not initialized. File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator == failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800Operator == failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x098D Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x09B8 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800Invalid array access - the array was not initialized. File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Invalid array access - the array was not initialized. File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetRenameGameHook: C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_3.ess -> C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_3.bakrenaming C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_3.obse -> C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_3.obse.bakDoSaveGameHook: C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_3.esssaving to C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_3.obseError in script a8000800Invalid array access - the array was not initialized. File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0735 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator == failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800Operator == failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x098D Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x09B8 Command: LetError in script a8000800Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: Error in script a8000800An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result File: Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp Offset: 0x0001 Command: RenameGameHook: C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_4.ess -> C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_4.bakrenaming C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_4.obse -> C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_4.obse.bakDoSaveGameHook: C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_4.esssaving to C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_4.obseRenameGameHook: C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_5.ess -> C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_5.bakrenaming C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_5.obse -> C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_5.obse.bakDoSaveGameHook: C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_5.esssaving to C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_5.obseRenameGameHook: C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_6.ess -> C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_6.bakrenaming C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_6.obse -> C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_6.obse.bakDoSaveGameHook: C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_6.esssaving to C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Streamsave_6.obse
Ingnoring message.RESZ format supported.Depth buffer texture (INTZ) (1680,1050) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK. 0Releasing the original depth surface.Received load game message.Loading a game.Creating vertex buffers.Creating screen texture.Width = 1680, Height = 1050Setting screen surface.Setting depth texture.ShaderList has been disabled by the INI file.Added to list OK.ShaderList has been disabled by the INI file.Save file links 0 textures.Shader Index = 7Shader num = 0Filename = ssao_perf.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A8000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_perf.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Float m44proj = 1.086021(1)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 1Filename = ssao_test.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A8000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_test.fx)Found filename : ssao\RandomNoiseB.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\ssao\ effects screen texture.Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Float m44proj = 1.086021(1)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 2Filename = DepthOfField.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A8000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float DoFAmount = 0.000000(1)Float FullFocusRange = 0.100000(1)Float NoFocusRange = 0.600000(1)Int DepthPower = 0(1)Float FocusPoint = 0.500000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Float f4Time = 74336.070313(1)Float m44proj = 1.086021(1)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 3Filename = timelygodraysv3.fxEnabled = 1RefID = A8000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\timelygodraysv3.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float morningshaftex = 0.040000(1)Float eveningshaftex = 0.200000(1)Float goldendecay = 0.990000(1)Float noonshaftex = 0.490000(1)Float noondecay = 0.630000(1)Float moonshaftex = 0.090000(1)Float moondecay = 0.880000(1)Float startsunrise = 4.000000(1)Float endsunrise = 10.000000(1)Float startevening = 17.000000(1)Float endevening = 21.000000(1)Float Density = 0.900000(1)Float Weight = 0.440000(1)Float m44view = 0.012800(1)Float f3EyeForward = -0.976521(1)Float f4SunDir = 0.632681(1)Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Float f4Time = 34163.773438(1)Float t = 0.767327(1)Float gScaleFactor = 1.500000(1)Float gWeights3x3 = 0.062500(9)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 4Filename = CelShader+EdgeAA.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A8000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\CelShader+EdgeAA.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float rcpres = 0.000595(2)Float edgeStrength = 15.000000(1)Float edgeAABlurAmt = 0.000000(1)Float blurCoordWG = -2.000000(8)Float blurMagnitudeWG = 1.000000(8)Float blurCoord = 1.000000(12)Float blurMagnitude = 1.000000(12)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 5Filename = ColorEffects.fxEnabled = 0RefID = A8000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float Saturation = 0.000000(1)Float Brightness = 1.000000(1)Float Contrast = 0.000000(1)Float FGIntensity = 1.000000(1)Float NLCLumAdjust = 0.000000(1)Float NLCLumScale = 0.000000(1)Float NLCScale = 1.000000(1)Float BHMagnitude = 10.000000(1)Float BHBrightness = 4.000000(1)Float f4Time = 59177.308594(1)Float greyscale = 0.299000(1)Float rcpres = 0.000595(1)Float PixelCoordsDownFilter = 1.500000(16)Inserting the shader into the list.Shader num = 6Filename = ColorMood.fxEnabled = 1RefID = A8000800Is in use = 1Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorMood.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Float fRatio = 1.000000(1)Float moodR = 0.000000(1)Float moodG = 0.270000(1)Float moodB = 0.330000(1)Inserting the shader into the list.width = 1680, height = 1050Shader (ssao_perf.fx) - Script refID = a8000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ssao_test.fx) - Script refID = a8000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (DepthOfField.fx) - Script refID = a8000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (CelShader+EdgeAA.fx) - Script refID = a8000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ColorEffects.fx) - Script refID = a8000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (ColorMood.fx) - Script refID = a8000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.Shader (timelygodraysv3.fx) - Script refID = a8000800 Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 256, height = 256Received save game message.Ingnoring message.Saving a game.Calling TextureManager::SaveGameShaderManager::SaveGameShader index = 7Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000Found int: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 36108.648438Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader timelygodraysv3.fx has 29 parameters.Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.200000Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.490000Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.630000Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.866027Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - -0.499998Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.506345Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 36567.042969Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found float: name - gScaleFactor, size - 1, data[0] - 1.500000Found float: name - gWeights3x3, size - 9, data[0] - 0.062500Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000Shader ColorEffects.fx has 22 parameters.Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - NLCLumAdjust, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - NLCLumScale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - NLCScale, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 36080.882813Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - PixelCoordsDownFilter, size - 16, data[0] - 1.500000Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 256, height = 256Received save game message.Ingnoring message.Saving a game.Calling TextureManager::SaveGameShaderManager::SaveGameShader index = 7Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000Found int: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 36108.648438Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader timelygodraysv3.fx has 29 parameters.Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.200000Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.490000Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.630000Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - -0.235754Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - -0.927832Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.408709Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 39927.421875Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found float: name - gScaleFactor, size - 1, data[0] - 1.500000Found float: name - gWeights3x3, size - 9, data[0] - 0.062500Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000Shader ColorEffects.fx has 22 parameters.Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - NLCLumAdjust, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - NLCLumScale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - NLCScale, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 36080.882813Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - PixelCoordsDownFilter, size - 16, data[0] - 1.500000Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 256, height = 256Received save game message.Ingnoring message.Saving a game.Calling TextureManager::SaveGameShaderManager::SaveGameShader index = 7Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000Found int: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 36108.648438Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader timelygodraysv3.fx has 29 parameters.Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.200000Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.490000Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.630000Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.898241Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - -0.361844Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.222813Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 42105.488281Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found float: name - gScaleFactor, size - 1, data[0] - 1.500000Found float: name - gWeights3x3, size - 9, data[0] - 0.062500Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000Shader ColorEffects.fx has 22 parameters.Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - NLCLumAdjust, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - NLCLumScale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - NLCScale, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 36080.882813Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - PixelCoordsDownFilter, size - 16, data[0] - 1.500000Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 1680, height = 1050width = 256, height = 256Received save game message.Ingnoring message.Saving a game.Calling TextureManager::SaveGameShaderManager::SaveGameShader index = 7Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000Found int: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 36108.648438Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 1.086021Shader timelygodraysv3.fx has 29 parameters.Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.200000Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.490000Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.630000Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.995925Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - -0.078940Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.036802Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 46632.277344Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found float: name - gScaleFactor, size - 1, data[0] - 1.500000Found float: name - gWeights3x3, size - 9, data[0] - 0.062500Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000Shader ColorEffects.fx has 22 parameters.Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - NLCLumAdjust, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - NLCLumScale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - NLCScale, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 36080.882813Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000595Found float: name - PixelCoordsDownFilter, size - 16, data[0] - 1.500000Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000width = 1680, height = 1050Received ExitGame message.Calling Release DeviceReleasing thisframe surface.Releasing lastpass surface.Releasing lastframe surface.Releasing thisframe texture.Releasing lastpass texture.Releasing lastframe texture.Releasing shader vertex buffer.
-My shaderlist.txt is empty, as per the recommendations while using the support plugin.
[EDIT] If anyone knows why Photobucket is shrinking my screenshots, please let me know. With them the size that they are, I can't even see what I'm talking about, so how can I expect y'all to?