Heh, unfortunately no. I had problems converting it from view space to world space, or something - I needed to get the clouds fixed according to the world, whereas they are currently fixed according to the camera, which means when you turn or move, so do the clouds. My coordinate transformations (or something else) must have been pretty wrong though, because all I got was a garbled mess.
Then I just ended up being too busy fixing bugs in All Natural, and now I'm too busy working on BOSS. It's a hard life.
I'm afraid I haven't been paying much attention to OGE, especially after repeatedly failing to compile a working plugin, but it's just one of these things I'll get back to - my modding goes in cycles of concentration, and I suspect that after BOSS it'll be a quick hop back to All Natural + a small update to EW, and then OGE will be the main thing again.