Tried the far right setting the other day. It’s not a game any longer, it’s stupid.
I'd certainly tend to agree. I've got better things to do than wave my index finger on a mouse button three hundred times; you could get a cramp, and wind up in the hospital, or worse...

I'd love to see a difficulty slider in TES games that actually did something to make the game challenging, other than just requiring my muscular warrior to hit a rat seventy-five times with a claymore before it finally goes down. Little things like making the locks harder, and making people not want to trust you with information, and you're more likely to catch diseases. Oh, and maybe putting some puzzles and challenges into the game, instead of leading you with a big bright arrow... Oh, and consequences for saying the wrong thing to people...
The amusing thing, to me, is that if you suggest to somebody the way to make a really challenging game, they think you're crazy.
Really, just build an Altmer with the Apprentice Birthsign, and use the vanilla Barbarian or Pilgrim class. Play the character straight, with no effort to efficiently level. Try that on default difficulty, with no cheats or exploits. It's a heck of a lot more genuinely challenging than building a "perfect" character and then turning up the silly slider.