I wonder why you think it's stupid thread? I admit I put an inflammatory title...but it was purely a joke. The fact is there is a statistically significant population of Elder Scrolls fans who were underwhelmed with Oblivion. This discussion is mean to be a level headed comparison between it, and what we know so far about Skyrim.
I put this question to you Silvade, and not who you were quoting, because I've seen your posts and you're usually pretty smart. Also, the fact that I'm a Clockwork Orange fan helps your case. I only hope you read the book, too.
I know you didn't meant to flame or anything.
But to answer your question, what I meant was: Is it really necessary to create a thread expressing any kind of hate and hostility towards Oblivion? Sure it was flawed, yes Morrowind "
is" better. However, we all enjoyed it for what it was, we all played countless hours and had so much fun.
So now that Skyrim is nearing, it is looking so good in many ways. We should forget about Oblivion, it's flaws, and try to be a little opmistic. I have faith that Bethesda will provide us, once again, hours and hours of fun.
Plus it's no good for a developer's morale to see this "hate" on Oblivion.
And about the Clockwork Orange, as I grow older (Still 14, unfortunately) I keep getting interested in different stuff and trying to diverge myself from the "mainstream". So I started to listen to different songs, watching different movies, etc. And this grew on me, now I have this taste for arts that is very unique and different from the people I live with.
My dad recognized this change and recommended me to watch 2001 - A Space Oddisey, so I did, and I loved it so much! This got me interested in Stanley Kubrick's works, so I rented A Clockwork Orange and once again, fell in love with Kubrick's movies.
Now I plan to read the book if I do find it, though I am not one the kind of person that likes reading books. But I am trying to start reading.