[WIP] Oblivion Horses Revamped

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:56 am

Oblivion Horses Revamped


Because there are several improvements to vanilla horses in Oblivion, using more than one of those horse mods at a time can break functionality of another one.
This project proposes an integration of new ideas with some of the most popular vanilla horses improvements: horse equipment, (re)textures and behaviour (AI).


I started modding after dev_akm's attempt to bring the AlienSlof's textures to OOO. Even then, I thought it could use some more work and started my Ulrim's Horses mod. It added more compatibility pluggins for other mods. Later, when I started knowing more about Qarl's Harvest and the ability to "heal" horses by feeding them with hay, I had the notion that it would take more that compatibility patches to make the mod fully compatible with the vanilla horse mods repertoire out there. At the time, Maboroshi was still working on his latest horse saddle bags, with dynamic speed adjustments. It was getting more and more difficult to cope with the scripting involved to make the compatibility plugins for the more complex horse mods I had been playing with. I decided to leave the Ulrims Horses mod in a halt and started working on a personal vision: horse equipment you could carry in a custom bag (to pack each type of horse equipment), equipable on any vanilla horse you own (anywhere and anytime), with custom horse AI, horse commands and ability to name horses. This, of course, using AlienSlof's textures and fully compatible with the mods I was playing. The only things I didn't finish was to add the feeding script to heal the horse with hay-bundles and make it compatible with Maboroshi's saddle bags scripting.

Essential improvements can be divided into horse equipment, (re)textures and behaviour (AI). With this in mind, being one of the most popular of the essential improvements, AlienSlof's Oblivion Horses is, most often than not, considered by modders when they add compatibility patches. For those who purchased the Official DLCHorseArmor Plugin, several beautiful horse armor re-textures can be found at TESNexus or other modding sites. However, these new textures usually replace the default ones and you get no diversity. This is where Horse Armor Revamped saves the day. Besides those armors, different and new forms of horse equipment are already available, i.e., by another talented modder: Zira. So far, so good. But it gets even better when Maboroshi released his Saddle Bags. These mods could be easily considered the basis of vanilla horse improvement. But wait, where's horse commands and AI? Apart from overhaul-centric mods that add new diversity to animal behaviour (such as Martigens Monster Mod), the cherry on top of the essential horse improvement list would be the ability to give commands to your horse. There are a few - but none flawlessly compatible (that I know of) with the other vanilla horses mods, so we get to sense those certain trade-off doubts again.

Speaking of trade-offs, as you know, there are several mods that improve vanilla Oblivion horses. Each one of those mods was made by a different modder that envisioned a different improvement. However, when using mods that change the same thing at the same time, some features of the mods are overrided. This is why some modders usually make compatibility patches, allowing several mods to work together.

Every time a new idea comes up, usually in the form of a mod, compatibility patches have to be done again. To help mitigate the effort that has to be made, this project welcomes the participation of people interested in making a mod that integrates work already done by talented modders, with new ideas and improvements for the vanilla Oblivion horses.


Making or adding patches for texture mods is not so hard compared to more complex mods. But even then, there is no mod out there that lets you have customised control of your horse, while at the same time being able to equip and un-equip your mount on-the-go, with several choices of armors. There is also the bonus feature that, since you don't have to use other horse mods that change vanilla horses, it is currently compatible with any mod out there.

Oblivion Horses Revamped project is my intention to end the essential/popular horse mods incompatibilities; a centralized place to provide all-in-one horse equipment handling and commands. Also because, in my opinion, these are the hardest to make compatible with simple patch add-ons for multiple mods due to scripting and other modding techniques involved.

(Some may say it is sort of a "COBL" version for horses.)


Although there are patches that allow AlienSlof's textures to work in other mods, it gets more serious when complex mods appear. It is hard to blend mods such as Maboroshi's Saddle Bags because of the scripting involved. Horse Armor Revamped had a patch for Maboroshi's at one time or another, I believe. Creating patch add-ons for a mod like "The Horse Gear Bags" for different mod combinations would require much more effort.

Talking about the copyright issues, I had to make different copies of the original DLCHorseArmor meshes to use the respective textures for each of the vanilla armor retexture. I don't know how to pack the mod like, i.e., Horse Armor Revamped, so it can be legaly distributed. The re-textures are also done by known talented modders and since this mod was built for me I haven't asked for their permission yet.

Then there are the current limitations of the mod. This mod only works with vanilla horses. Support for Maboroshi's Saddle Bags involves more planing and thinking and I simply do not have time to do it alone. It is feasible but requires a certain level of expertise and cunning to make it elegant. The horse hay feeding should not be very hard though.


The objective is to achieve the reunion of the essential improvements I have talked about (horse equipment, (re)textures and behaviour (AI)) with the idealised horse gear bags.

On the technical side, since it is already a working mod, the "building blocks" of the mod are already set. A knowledgeable modder should have very little effort digging in.
Adding or tweaking some custom AI - such as drinking near water (a-la MMM) - should be easy.
Mods that add new equipment (namely, horse armors or armor re-texturing) should be integrated in this mod for the sake of simplicity (also because it's the way it was meant to be). Authors of armor re-texture and other horse equipment are welcome to contribute to this project.
Adding support for mods that add new horses would be troublesome as it is right now. This is mainly because of the way the mod works and the simple scripting involved. It would be hell to do it with add-on plugins. Some serious scripting overhaul had to be done to recognized active mod and add texturing and stats to the horse involved, etc. Actually, adding support for new horses is simple (more than I though so, after looking into it again).


The mod is built uppon integration with several mods that alter, in a form or another, the vanilla horses. The end result is a tight integration of several pieces of work made by talented moders. The best part is that it works well and wihout hassle. The worst part is that without "manpower" help, I cannot release the mod or continue the work on the mod's limitations.


After a couple years, here I am with this concept. This is where you can help me. There's a lot I don't know but I don't have the time to support this alone any more. If you help me finish this project, it won't make Planet Earth a greener place, but you get the opportunity to customise your vanilla ride any time (equipment stays until you un-equip it), with any armor (adding custom armors and equipment is easy), with simple and effective horse commands and AI, keeping AlienSlof's texturing.

Other considerations

Even though the mod "just works ™", there are a few wishes I always had in mind in terms of "immersion" and completeness.
These are: adding merchants to sell the armors (the horse gear bags just drop in front of you as of now and the command switch is "delivered" to you as it is... LOL!).
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:10 am

(***General uodates and work in progress will be shown in this post.***)

If you are interested in being part of the team, check this out:

Did you just made your new shiny armor but dont want it to be stuck on one horse... Forever?! Join the team!

Found something you don't agree? Want to test the mod? A new idea you know about? Be welcome to share!

Like to open CS to change new places, add NPCs maybe? There's a place for you here, too :)

Curret status of the mod:

Name: Oblivion Horses Overhaul
Version: 0.1
Date: 2010/05/01
Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes
Requirements: OBSE 16+, Tibixes String Collection, Slof's horses textures
Author(s): Ulrim (project founder)
Source: (Pending Approval)
Forum: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1090759-wip-oblivion-horses-revamped/

For the modder:
This project is dedicated to those who like to make changes to horses. Fixes and enhancements can be discussed and applied in unified fashion. This eliminates incompatibility issues from using several mods that change different aspects of vanilla horses at the same time. In addition to that, it provides a method for modders that like to create new outfits. Instead of relying on replacement textures for horse armor, new re-textures and outfits can be added without conflict. Adding a new horse, or new horse outfit can be easier with this project, since you don't have to go through all the same work. Improvements can be discussed and integrated with the help of others. New horses from other mods are supported, provided the person who is interested, or the author, takes the time to join the team and participate.

For the user:
The main aspect of this mod is the addition of horse gear bags, which hold horse armors and other horse outfits. Buyable gear bags allow the player to outfit a horse, with the several choices of gear that is currently supported by the team.
Included is an optional Horse Command plugin. The objective of this plugin is to support any horse and prevent incompatibility with other horse mods that already contain behaviour management or horse commands.

For this release, the functionality of this mod is limited, for demonstration purposes. It only works for vanilla horses.

The horse gear bags allow the player to customize the horse with outfits.

In the future, there's the possibility to include the work done so far in other mods (i.e. Ulrim's Horses and others, such as horse sanity, responsible horses, etc.). Also, new ideas, such as special variants of armor (or other outfit) that modifies horses with enchantments, including visual effects, and quests to support unique horse mods that only provide the horse, outfits, armors and retextures.

Prior to installation, you should go to a spacious area before activating the plugin. Once you activate the plugin, a few horse gear bags, with different horse armor sets inside each, appear arround you. You just have to pick them up. They weight a bit so make sure you have some space in your inventory. Once you have the bags, you can hold them and throw them out or go near a horse, open inventory and activate them. Script is fairly simple but I took precaution to warn if you try to equip an already equipped horse, etc. To unequip the horse, go near it, open inventory and activate the bag again.

Filled bags gain weight and value according to the armor they store, empty bags weight nothing and have no value. Horse stats and hit points are adjusted to make up for wearing the armors. Special effects and enchantments can be added in the future.

About the Horse Command, this plugin adds a letter to your inventory when you activate it. I wanted to make a quest for it but it just didn't happen yet, so you get the letter straight away.
There is still a riddle to make it work. Just read the letter carefully.

This mod integrates work done by the following modders:

By http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=User.Profile&id=211993:
A few armors from http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.detail&id=3501

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=448877:
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15770, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14634

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=490678:
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15329, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14476

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=103797:

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=273626:
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12515, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8092

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=568398:

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=78097:

I'm personally interested in the following mods, and will be developing them further for my own personal game experience. If anyone wishes to contribute to this project, please feel free to enter the team, for testing and development (after approval of the modder in question of course).

Mods that have potential for this project (in no particular order):

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=490678:
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17257, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26788
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29680 - Develop the methods found here to allow Zira to use same functionality of gear exchange in her/his mod.

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=298068:
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27988 - Making a quest where you can get the horse and the outfit.

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=618863:
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21063, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21274, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21065, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20948, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21289 - Outfit add-ons.

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=258945:
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21382 - Outfit add-on.

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=397636:
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24067, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24068 - Outfit add-ons.

By http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=118103:
Glass Horse Armor Pack http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3550 and http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3544 - Outfit add-ons.

Install & Uninstall
BAIN Ready Mod. Use Wrye Bash or just unpack it in Data folder.
Activate HorseGearBags.esp and HorseCommandStone.esp and play.

To uninstall, you have to remove the armors from your horses first, before you deactivate the HorseGearBags plugin. After you deactivate, uninstall with Wrye Bash or just delete the content.


Recommended load order

Compatibility and Issues
For HorseGearBags:
Made so you could equip any vanilla horse.
Slof's horses base v2.0 must be used (esp-less Slof's horses optional).

Horses already equipped with armor from the DLCHorseArmor plugin cannot wear the new equipment. This plugin requires that the horse you are equipping is armor-free.

For HorseCommandStone:
Compatible with any horse.
Tested also with Kylin.


0.1, 2010/05/01 - Demonstration for functionality and testing purposes.

You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as 'ulrim'
You can find me on TESNexus as 'Ulrim'
You can send me an email to ulrimnohraar@gmail.com

(Pending Approval)

Tools Used
TES Construction Set - http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_utilities.htm
Wrye Bash - http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Bash.html

(Pending approval)


2010/05/03 - Project started. (tidy up original post).
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:02 am

So, there it is. I have it working. Only major things to be done:

  • Just need help to re-pack (so it can be distributed) and
  • Add Horse Saddle Bags to the mod.
  • Add Vendors to sell the Horse Gear Bags (or bags with armors and cloths to vendors...)

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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:15 am

ulrim's horses revamped? hell yeah! welcome back! :)

one little thing you will definitely need to add to this: Irresponsible Horses. check for it on Tesnexus, it's one of those small tweaks that make you wish they were always there ;)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:13 am

First off Yay Ulrim is back to modding!! (do you come back like once a year or what?)

This is so needed. Many modders handle only one aspect of horses and it always feels like a juggle to stay on top. Heck I've found that even if you did have 5 or 6 horse mods loaded that horses are, for me, more of a pain than anything else. So you want suggestions - here I am.

A good resource: http://www.gamesas.com/?showtopic=976260&hl=

Recently there was a discussion in TheNiceOne's Map Marker Overhaul thread (great mod btw) discussing the disliked by many feature of the horse always fast traveling with you. Starting http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1085073-relz-map-marker-overhaul/page__view__findpost__p__15838576. This is annoying because you may not want to take a horse with you to a giant dungeon where you know you could be for an entire day or going to very dangerous places or wait outside an oblivion gate. Not to mention with the opening of other provinces that perhaps you would not like to take your horse to summeset isle.

The conclusions I had were that I wish horses had these features:
I kind of agree that having horses not fast travel with you is beyond the scope of this mod. It really ought to be part of a mod like horse commands/horse sanity. Not that I wouldn't like to see it implemented it is just that to do the idea justice needs more attention than a mod about map markers can give room to.

Really that concept needs to have these factors as well:
1. the ability to stable the horse (if not at home then a charge for using a city stable). Which would in turn mean:
* The horse will stay at that stable no matter what until you un-stable it.
* The rider could even own another horse and have the same control over it.
* The horse would not be so attached to the rider as to ever show up when fast traveling without it.
2. The ability to disown the horse (make it go wild - lose it - not have it follow you).
3. The ability to sell the horse (there is http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6762 for that actually).

To this I would add the ability to own more than one horse that you could custom outfit yourself. An ini file would be offered to for background processing of horse AI with features such as:
  • The ability to stable the horses yes or no
  • How many horses per stable
  • how many horses can be owned.
  • Whether the currently active horse follows you on fast travel
Perhaps a few options could be stat controlled.

I use Kuertee's latest horse commands (but in the past have used just about every other horse control mod) - it has a very simple saddlabag feature and an ini that allows for customization of horse encumbrance and so on. I also use MMM which integrates both of Slofs Horse mods as well as the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27675 so between those even mod added horses get better textures and really basic looking saddle bags.

I've not used Zira mods - they look great though.

And of course would welcome realism aspects (I liked using Qarls Harvest before) of feeding and healing.

Thank you for taking this project up and if you agree that stabling features are worth doing then I'd be glad to play test.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:41 am

It's good to be back :foodndrink:


Hilarious! I saw that setting a lot... but never wondered about the "repercussions". LOL!


Yeah, I think it's a good idea to have a sort of Horse Resource project, where all the awesome modders that like to mod horses could contribute to. Would really help keep things neat and simple.

I'll definitely be checking out http://www.gamesas.com/?showtopic=976260&hl= and try to keep up with the community.

About the horse behaviour aspect, I tackled those features, more or less, in my mod.
There's a setting, for instance, that puts your horse on hold in one place, giving it wander AI within a small radius for realism. If you want you can call it back. If you change mounts it stays there, because it is a new custom AI package. If you want you can tell your mount to follow and take another ride - the horse follows too.

What's more, I already took the liberty of adding combat stances. For instance, your horse is on combat stance, when he is following, you can set it to go to a marked location or keep distance. You can mark any location and send it there prior to adventuring if you want. After that, all you need to get your horse back is to call it. Be aware though, I added some realism settings so the horse does not suddenly appear behind a tree somewhere. He runs from where he is and takes time to get to you. If he's lost you are warned with something like "Your seems to be taking too long. Perhaps it is lost and needs to hear your call again." If it is too far away, it may not hear you (preventing you to call it from the other side of the map etc.)

I made the AI because it involves scripting and I wanted to "merge" successfully some of the mods that use specific scripting to achieve the goals the modder had in mind. With the AI and command scripting in place, it is now much easier to add, for instance, Maboroshi's Saddle Bags, a mod that involves quite advanced horse management capabilities in order to make those Saddle Bags equipable.

About the custom outfits for each horse, in this mod you already have the horse armors (more variations than there are in Horse Armor Revamped already...) with the possibility to carry them in the bags or equip any one in any horse. All this without conflicting with each horse AI package and the changes you make are there for the next save. It is a nice touch, I think.

An ini file would be offered to for background processing of horse AI with features such as:
  • The ability to stable the horses yes or no
  • How many horses per stable
  • how many horses can be owned.
  • Whether the currently active horse follows you on fast travel
Perhaps a few options could be stat controlled.

Well, these could be done. I have some ideas that have to be tested but they are not implemented yet. Possibilities are endless.

I have yet to check out Kuertee's latest horse commands, though.

One thing I didn't know about was the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27675. Very nice, indeed!

Zira has made some http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26788.

On the realism aspect I have to say that, "obsessed" by horse mods as I can be, I'm all for it, too :)

Although, for testing, I don't suppose I can release the mod as it is, because it contains the meshes... I've seen the mesh released as a "modders resource"... But I don't know.

Until I know what to do about how to package the mod, all I think about right now is to make a demo version supporting only the official armors. That way you could test it and see how it goes. Requirements are OBSE, Tribixies string collection (to store and call the custom horse names in the functions) and, now with esp-less Slof's textures, that's about it.

:lightbulb: BTW, I just found out that it isn't really that hard to add compatibility to new added horses! I didn't remember how I made it but it turns out it was more simple than I was figuring out...

So, yeah, about some time I don't get modding something. But it is demanding and I can't afford all the time to it any more. Sad, but true... :sad:
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:01 am

I've http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1090759-wip-oblivion-horses-revamped/page__view__findpost__p__15908672 with aditional details about the mod.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:17 am

Work done so far:

With the help of Psymon's suggestions, I have finally got travel options for horses working.
Each vanilla horse is supported by the default quest that has new travel flag variables. The control flags allow vanilla horses travelling to a marked location, home stables, nearest stables or stop travelling, when you command it or change mounts.
The configuration is done inside the game. I don't have external ini file configuration because each command is different for each horse found in the game. Support for other horses is still being developed, more on this below.

Each horse can have unique settings. You can command as many mounts as you want, since the horse references are stored for each horse. I may have to test this better though.

The set of horse commands bundled has been reworked. It features some of the ideas by kuertee already, for example, though the way I started coding it is different.
Downsides for this project is that AI has changed for every horse, meaning it is not compatible with other horse mods that change their behaviour too.
The work done so far allows the horses to be equipped with any kind of outfit, and is compatible with Maboroshi's Saddle bags out-of-the-box, at last.

Now that I've sorted my new Oblivion installation, I got the chance of checking out some other mods for horses. Kuertee's horse commands for instance. It would be nice to know if modders like kuertee would like to contribute too. I checked his ideas on horse speed and ownership but I won't be adding them myself.

About the support for other horses:

The initial idea was to provide better horse management. Since OBSE now provides function creation and encapsulation techniques, this should make it much easier to allow other modders to start adding their ideas.
I have spoken to Zira, asking if she wanted to participate in the project. I believe she didn't want to get involved because of the difficulty, though I had approval to use her work. I should point out that horse textures and meshes are not all this is about. It's about the way you can use the equipment and putting it into the game.

An example is http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21526. You can buy the horses with the equipment. But you cannot use the equipment on other horse. Same thing that happened with the official DLChorsearmor plugin. And neither can use the shield or sword that are attached to the outfit - they're just for show. Not anymore! The methods I'm developing allow the horse to display each mesh according to the gear you want. You could attach the shield to the horse, much like Maboroshi allowed you to "attach" a saddlebag.
The idea is roughly the same as in the mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15605, except you have it equiped on the horse and it can be more than shields. Just like you could move the way the sword is positioned in Swords on back, it could be made an equip slot of sorts for the horse.

It is not spectacularly new idea, but it's fun and adds to game-play experience. With the examples given, modders that like modelling don't have to worry about scripting or dense thought behind the scenes. Just make the equipment so I can add support for it in game.

Work to be done:

Now that I have sorted out horse behaviour and added patches with help from suggestions, lets polish this.
The way it worked in the demo required the horses to use a cheating technique. I made them swap with clone vanilla horses with hard-coded meshes. One day I opened the CS and just started anew. Actually, it was more trouble than it was worth it, since the horse swapping made the horses head to the home stables every time they changed equipment. Now it works with any horse without cheap tricks involved. Thanks, again, to Psymon for testing this in the pre-release demonstration.

The support for horses has to be coded though, so it does not display certain oddities, such as mesh clipping or pink textures appearing.
I am making a record to track known horses from already available mods. For example, if you have Knights of the White Stallion, now you can add or remove equipment just like any other vanilla horse.
Things that are most important to catalogue are the location of the equipment meshes and horse manes, for now.
If anyone would like to help me assemble this list would speed up my development greatly. Thanks in advance.

Other than this, I have to improve the way horse selection works. Maybe add a spell to search for the horses around and let you choose which mount you want to command at a time. Another option is to set a key to get reference from crosshair and add a ini to fetch what key you want to set. Any advice is welcome.

Oh! And I found out how to package the meshes now, from my Ulrim's horses mod (doh!) so I can release!

P.S.: I made a video with the horse equipment. You can see why I want to track the available mane meshes, for example, so it avoids clipping with certain armours equipped.


(Youtube sound audio-swap svcks. http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/s/Dreamscape/2q6Rpx. And nevermind the silly pipe thing...)

The horse equipment bags are actual items that display as, well, bags. Meshes used for the bags were made by Quarn. Notice how they gain or loose weight and value as you take the equipment.
Modellers, show your mesh suggestions!
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:34 pm

Can't wait to try this out!
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Austin England
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:35 am

Awesome news Ulrim - send me a link for testing and I will.

The great thing about Kuertee's Horse Command mod is that you can disable the horse command section of his mod and still use the horse speed and stolen horses options.

Would be nice to have them too at some point though.

This is gonna be great!
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:03 am

Hadn't seen this topic yet. Eagerly awaiting the release though
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Abi Emily
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:23 am

Work to be done:
The way it worked in the demo required the horses to use a cheating technique. I made them swap with clone vanilla horses with hard-coded meshes.

Unfortunately, I believe it has to be like that for now, since I can't script horses to change foot step sounds to armored foot step sounds.

If you know how to change sounds (other than crating a new sound set in the editor and directly changing the horses) let me hear about it.

This was a major drawback since I had to rewrite the scripts to accommodate each vanilla horse individually. (I don't have so much time to modding and that's why it's been taking so long.)

The idea was to assign a horse a new script. Since OBSE does not yet support it very well and there were times the scripts didn't start, I removed it. Shame, really. It would have made me save precious time.

Other than that, I've been playing with the responsibility setting for horses. I believe they were set to 50 responsibility to allow other NPC's to react upon killing some one else's horse, for instance. In order to make the horse stop "reporting" you when you steal it, or for the sake of it, something else in front of it, I believe it would have to be done inside a quest script. Otherwise, just removing the responsibility setting will also create the side effect of NPC's behaving indifferently.

Psymon, if you'd like to test the new AI stuff let me know. If it works, I'll make the horse gear use the "travel home" setting to prevent the horses from running away when you equip. This is another drawback, horse equipment mod must work with this horse AI mod, making it incompatible with other AI mods for horses. That's why I put some effort in creating a decent AI mod in the first place.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:38 pm

Use http://www.4shared.com/file/tixfh0H9/UlrimsHorsesCommandsWIP.html if you want to test the mod and help develop AI.

Things that have to be sorted: getting toggle horse home behavior working.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:52 pm

Use http://www.4shared.com/file/tixfh0H9/UlrimsHorsesCommandsWIP.html if you want to test the mod and help develop AI.

Things that have to be sorted: getting toggle horse home behavior working.

Is this more updated than the one I have?
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:49 pm

This is a rework/improvement of the AI menu part. Instead of a token, the command stone, the menu is now run with a hotkey. You can set the hotkey in the ini.

I am having trouble with scripting, so I am hoping someone can help me out in the Construction Set http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094730-using-a-ref-to-compare-to-editorid/ I made.

The horse gear bags version you have is not included in this download but it should work just the same.

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21862 to the rescue.

Result: I had been playing with a horse that is not the vanilla horse. Mods... eheh
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