[RELbeta] Oblivion Intensity

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:05 am

Thanks Cryonaut, It's tempting to wait a month for 0.94 but let's be real, that probably means the end of the Easter holidays so I will go ahead and play the full game on 93c. Enjoy the break - it's deserved

I am amazed that anyone can play Oblivion without using bash though. It's a work of genius. As OI does touches practically every aspect, I guess that means tagging just about everything.
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Sunny Under
Posts: 3368
Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:31 pm

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:37 am

Bash tag suggestion (Haven't tested much. I also find you edit Armour Names and textures path. If they are really import, you should also add Names and Graphics)
% {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.Stats, Delev, Factions, Invent, Relev, Scripts, Stats}}
Details refers to screenshots: http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=6119685tag00.png|http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=4009503tag01.png|http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=8966824tag02.png|http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=1024557tag03.png|http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=6749151tag04.png|http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=7883860tag05.png
Also, found Dirty Edits.

(version 0.93c) CRC: 539685D1, UDR: 100, ITM: 1 (via TES4Edit)
Removing: [REFR:00094A91] (places CaveGrayishAmb600 [LIGH:0003C01B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheSerpentsWakeLowerDeck "Serpents Wake Cargo Hold" [CELL:00094932])
[Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records: 11792 Removed Records: 1 Elapsed Time: 00:00
Undeleting: [ACRE:000979D5] (places CreatureSheep "Sheep" [CREA:000151DD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShardrockExterior [CELL:00007D57] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -27,2))
Undeleting: [ACRE:000979D2] (places CreatureSheepRam "Sheep" [CREA:0005D558] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShardrockExterior [CELL:00007D57] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -27,2))
Undeleting: [ACRE:000979CA] (places CreatureSheep "Sheep" [CREA:000151DD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShardrockExterior [CELL:00007D57] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -27,2))
Undeleting: [REFR:00030D41] (places ClutterLoveLetter03 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictTheMainIngredientUpstairs "The Main Ingredient Private Quarters" [CELL:0004B955])
Undeleting: [REFR:00073446] (places ClutterPotionRecipe03 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinRosentiaGallenusHouse2ndFloor "Rosentia Gallenus's House 2nd Floor" [CELL:0003E0ED])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A1F24] (places ClutterPotionRecipe03 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaCastleLordsManor "Lords Manor" [CELL:0002DB99])
Undeleting: [REFR:0002D4E0] (places ClutterShoppingList05 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CDA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictRindirsStaffs "Rindir's Staffs" [CELL:0002C16D])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6B52] (places ClutterShoppingList06 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CDB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictMysticEmporium "Mystic Emporium" [CELL:0002C163])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A3C22] (places ClutterPotionRecipe01 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of CheydinhalFightersGuild "Cheydinhal Fighter's Guild" [CELL:00030425])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009CEAF] (places ClutterPotionRecipe02 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICElvenGardensHerminiaCinnasHouseUpstairs "Herminia Cinna's Private Quarters" [CELL:00047CA1])
Undeleting: [REFR:000858B5] (places ClutterShoppingList05 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CDA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICTempleDistrictRolandJensericsBasemant "Roland Jenseric's Basemant" [CELL:0004D84F])
Undeleting: SEDredhwenVendorChestRef [REFR:0008DCC1] (places SEDredhwenVendorChest "Chest" [CONT:0008DCBC] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of SEPasswallTheWastrelsPurse "The Wastrel's Purse" [CELL:00012D3F])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A1F23] (places ClutterInstructions04 "Note" [BOOK:00068C17] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaCastleServiceHall "Service Hall" [CELL:0002DB98])
Undeleting: [REFR:0002DFE8] (places WeaponRackWide01 [STAT:00000E23] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictSlashNSmash "Slash 'N Smash" [CELL:0002C162])
Undeleting: [REFR:0003800A] (places ChestVendorSmithBladesI01 "Chest" [CONT:000244BF] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of ICMarketDistrictSlashNSmash "Slash 'N Smash" [CELL:0002C162])
Undeleting: SlashnSmashUrbulChest [REFR:00038009] (places ChestVendorSmithBluntsI01 "Chest" [CONT:000244C0] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of ICMarketDistrictSlashNSmash "Slash 'N Smash" [CELL:0002C162])
Undeleting: [REFR:000AE560] (places ClutterLoveLetter02 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTownGuardBarracks "City Watch Barracks" [CELL:0000BFB6])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A540E] (places ClutterBusiness04 "Letter from Nord Winds" [BOOK:0006B5C7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilCastlePrivateQuarters "Private Quarters" [CELL:00007966])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A540D] (places ClutterPotionRecipe03 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilCastlePrivateQuarters "Private Quarters" [CELL:00007966])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A540B] (places ClutterPotionRecipe01 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilCastlePrivateQuarters "Private Quarters" [CELL:00007966])
Undeleting: [REFR:000311B7] (places ClutterLoveLetter03 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictTheMerchantsInnUpstairs "The Merchants Inn Rooms" [CELL:00049032])
Undeleting: [REFR:00031141] (places ClutterLoveLetter01 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictTheMerchantsInnUpstairs "The Merchants Inn Rooms" [CELL:00049032])
Undeleting: [REFR:000AE4DD] (places ClutterShoppingList06 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CDB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheFocslePrivateRooms "The Fo'c's'le Private Rooms" [CELL:000308CA])
Undeleting: [REFR:000AE497] (places ClutterShoppingList06 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CDB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheFocslePrivateRooms "The Fo'c's'le Private Rooms" [CELL:000308CA])
Undeleting: [REFR:000AE496] (places ClutterInstructions04 "Note" [BOOK:00068C17] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheFocslePrivateRooms "The Fo'c's'le Private Rooms" [CELL:000308CA])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A3755] (places ClutterBusiness04 "Letter from Nord Winds" [BOOK:0006B5C7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaArnorasHouse "Arnora's House" [CELL:000302E4])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009D072] (places ClutterPotionRecipe05 "Shopping List" [BOOK:0006DBBE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICElvenGardensJastiaSintavsHouseUpstairs "Jastia Sintav's Private Quarters" [CELL:00047C96])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009D071] (places ClutterPotionRecipe03 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICElvenGardensJastiaSintavsHouseUpstairs "Jastia Sintav's Private Quarters" [CELL:00047C96])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6BDB] (places ClutterLoveLetter03 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictMysticEmporiumUpstairs "Mystic Emporium Private Quarters" [CELL:0004B953])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6BDA] (places ClutterPotionRecipe03 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictMysticEmporiumUpstairs "Mystic Emporium Private Quarters" [CELL:0004B953])
Undeleting: [REFR:0007C14E] (places ClutterPotionRecipe02 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictMysticEmporiumUpstairs "Mystic Emporium Private Quarters" [CELL:0004B953])
Undeleting: [REFR:000307A5] (places ClutterInstructions03 "Note" [BOOK:00068C16] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictTheCopiousCoinpurse "The Copious Coinpurse" [CELL:0002C16B])
Undeleting: [REFR:00030799] (places ClutterPotionRecipe02 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictTheCopiousCoinpurse "The Copious Coinpurse" [CELL:0002C16B])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A2993] (places ClutterPotionRecipe03 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICElvenGardensMarinusCatiotusHouse "Marinus Catiotus' House" [CELL:0002C1BB])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A2992] (places ClutterPotionRecipe02 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICElvenGardensMarinusCatiotusHouse "Marinus Catiotus' House" [CELL:0002C1BB])
Undeleting: [REFR:0007345C] (places ClutterLoveLetter01 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinJBarisHouse "J'Bari's House" [CELL:00030531])
Undeleting: [REFR:0007345B] (places ClutterLoveLetter04 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinJBarisHouse "J'Bari's House" [CELL:00030531])
Undeleting: [REFR:000C530B] (places ClutterPotionRecipe05 "Shopping List" [BOOK:0006DBBE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilMagesGuildLivingQuarters "Mages Guild Living Quarters" [CELL:000097B5])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009CF29] (places ClutterLoveLetter03 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICElvenGardensInielSintavsHouseUpstairs "Iniel Sintav's Private Quarters" [CELL:0003FC07])
Undeleting: SECutterVendorChest [REFR:00042B9D] (places ChestVendorSmithAllI01 "Chest" [CONT:000244BC] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of SENSCuttersWeapons "Cutter's Weapons" [CELL:0001231F])
Undeleting: [REFR:000C457E] (places ClutterPotionRecipe02 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LakeArriusShrineAntechamber02 "Shrine Living Quarters" [CELL:00022DCC])
Undeleting: [REFR:000C457F] (places ClutterShoppingList01 "Letter" [BOOK:00154CD6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LakeArriusShrineAntechamber02 "Shrine Living Quarters" [CELL:00022DCC])
Undeleting: [REFR:000C4582] (places ClutterDirections04 "Note" [BOOK:00068C13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LakeArriusShrineAntechamber02 "Shrine Living Quarters" [CELL:00022DCC])
Undeleting: StonewallShieldsViatorChest [REFR:00038000] (places ChestVendorSmithArmorI01 "Chest" [CONT:000244BE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of ICMarketDistrictStonewallShields "Stonewall Shields" [CELL:0002C16A])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A2741] (places ClutterLoveLetter04 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICElvenGardensWumeeksHouseUpstairs "Wumeek's Private Quarters" [CELL:0003F31E])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A273F] (places ClutterLoveLetter02 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICElvenGardensWumeeksHouseUpstairs "Wumeek's Private Quarters" [CELL:0003F31E])
Undeleting: [REFR:000C4917] (places ClutterInstructions01 "Note" [BOOK:00068C14] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICWaterfrontMarieElenaCaptainsCabin "Captain's Cabin" [CELL:0003ED42])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6A52] (places ClutterShoppingList01 "Letter" [BOOK:00154CD6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictFirstEditionUpstairs "First Edition Private Quarters" [CELL:00049E2C])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6A51] (places ClutterShoppingList02 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CD7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictFirstEditionUpstairs "First Edition Private Quarters" [CELL:00049E2C])
Undeleting: [REFR:0007344E] (places ClutterPotionRecipe05 "Shopping List" [BOOK:0006DBBE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinMagesGuildLibrary "Mages Guild 2nd Floor East" [CELL:0003ABDE])
Undeleting: [REFR:000ACF8B] (places ClutterLoveLetter04 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinAhdarjisHouse2ndFloorWest "Ahdarji's House 2nd Floor West" [CELL:0003E0E9])
Undeleting: [ACRE:000055B2] (places MSWraithSpectralSailor "Spectral Sailor" [CREA:000055AC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheSerpentsWake "The Serpent's Wake" [CELL:000308BD])
Undeleting: [REFR:0007343F] (places ClutterShoppingList05 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CDA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinSouthernBooks "Southern Books" [CELL:00030539])
Undeleting: [REFR:0002F7F9] (places ClutterShoppingList04 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CD9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictStonewallShieldsUpstairs "Stonewall Shields Private Quarters" [CELL:00049E2B])
Undeleting: [REFR:0002F7F8] (places ClutterLoveLetter04 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictStonewallShieldsUpstairs "Stonewall Shields Private Quarters" [CELL:00049E2B])
Undeleting: SEDumagVendorChest [REFR:00042BA2] (places ChestVendorSmithArmorI01 "Chest" [CONT:000244BE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of SENSTheMissingPauldron "The Missing Pauldron" [CELL:0001231D])
Undeleting: [REFR:00030A8B] (places ClutterInstructions03 "Note" [BOOK:00068C16] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictTheFeedBagUpstairs "The Feed Bag Private Quarters" [CELL:00049AED])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A68B8] (places ClutterShoppingList03 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CD8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictBlackHorseCourierUpstairs "Black Horse Courier Upstairs Offices" [CELL:0004B950])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A68B5] (places ClutterShoppingList06 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CDB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictBlackHorseCourierUpstairs "Black Horse Courier Upstairs Offices" [CELL:0004B950])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A594F] (places ClutterBusiness01 "Letter from Olfand" [BOOK:0006B5C4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilHeinrichOakenHallsHouseSecondFloor "Oaken-Hull's Private Rooms" [CELL:0008331E])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A5950] (places ClutterLoveLetter02 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilHeinrichOakenHallsHouseSecondFloor "Oaken-Hull's Private Rooms" [CELL:0008331E])
Undeleting: [REFR:000AE14F] (places ClutterInstructions02 "Note" [BOOK:00068C15] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilPinarusInventiusHouse "Pinarus Inventius' House" [CELL:000308C6])
Undeleting: [REFR:000052A1] (places ClutterPotionRecipe04 "Shopping List" [BOOK:0006DBBD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BravilCastlePrivateQuartersNorthWing "Lord's Manor North Wing" [CELL:00031A50])
Undeleting: [REFR:00073445] (places ClutterLoveLetter01 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinRosentiaGallenusHouse "Rosentia Gallenus's House" [CELL:0003052E])
Undeleting: [REFR:00073449] (places ClutterLoveLetter02 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinThreesistersInnRoom03 "Three Sister's Inn 3rd Floor West" [CELL:00038FD0])
Undeleting: [REFR:000785D4] (places ClutterShoppingList01 "Letter" [BOOK:00154CD6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of CheydinhalSanctuaryQuarters "Dark Brotherhood Living Quarters" [CELL:0004B94F])
Undeleting: [REFR:000785D3] (places ClutterLoveLetter03 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of CheydinhalSanctuaryQuarters "Dark Brotherhood Living Quarters" [CELL:0004B94F])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009CB0E] (places ClutterPotionRecipe02 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICElvenGardensAdrianDecaniusHouse "Adrian Decanius' House" [CELL:0002C1C1])
Undeleting: [ACRE:000055B1] (places MSWraithSpectralSailor "Spectral Sailor" [CREA:000055AC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheSerpentsWakeMidDeck "Serpents Wake Mid Deck" [CELL:00094933])
Undeleting: [ACRE:000055B0] (places MSWraithSpectralSailor "Spectral Sailor" [CREA:000055AC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheSerpentsWakeMidDeck "Serpents Wake Mid Deck" [CELL:00094933])
Undeleting: [REFR:000C540B] (places ClutterDirections03 "Note" [BOOK:00068C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheSerpentsWakeMidDeck "Serpents Wake Mid Deck" [CELL:00094933])
Undeleting: [REFR:00030C70] (places ClutterPotionRecipe04 "Shopping List" [BOOK:0006DBBD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictTheGildedCarafeUpstairs "The Gilded Carafe Private Quarters" [CELL:0004873B])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6DFA] (places ClutterInstructions04 "Note" [BOOK:00068C17] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaJerallView "Jerall View Inn" [CELL:000302F3])
Undeleting: [REFR:000AE1F9] (places ClutterShoppingList02 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CD7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilSilgorBradusHouse "Silgor Bradus' House" [CELL:000308C5])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6E02] (places ClutterShoppingList04 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CD9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaLyraRosentiasHouse "Lyra Rosentia's House" [CELL:000302E9])
Undeleting: [REFR:000ACF87] (places ClutterLoveLetter02 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinMargartesHouse "Margarte's House" [CELL:0003052D])
Undeleting: SEEarilVendorChest [REFR:00042BA4] (places ChestVendorEnchanterI02 "Item's Chest" [CONT:000244AD] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of SENSEarilsMysteries "Earil's Mysteries" [CELL:0001231B])
Undeleting: [REFR:00042BA3] (places ChestVendorScrolls01 "Scroll's Chest" [CONT:00037CD9] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of SENSEarilsMysteries "Earil's Mysteries" [CELL:0001231B])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A2CEE] (places ClutterShoppingList03 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CD8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaFightersGuildBasemant "Fighters Guild Basemant" [CELL:00003AAF])
Undeleting: [ACRE:000055AF] (places MSWraithSpectralSailor "Spectral Sailor" [CREA:000055AC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheSerpentsWakeLowerDeck "Serpents Wake Cargo Hold" [CELL:00094932])
Undeleting: [ACRE:000055AE] (places MSWraithSpectralSailor "Spectral Sailor" [CREA:000055AC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilTheSerpentsWakeLowerDeck "Serpents Wake Cargo Hold" [CELL:00094932])
Undeleting: [REFR:000CD104] (places ClutterLoveLetter03 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Crowhaven01 "Crowhaven" [CELL:00015E3E])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A4955] (places ClutterDirections03 "Note" [BOOK:00068C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilCastleBlacksmithQuarters "Smithy" [CELL:0003D312])
Undeleting: [REFR:00073443] (places ClutterPotionRecipe02 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinThreeSistersInnRoom01 "Three Sister's Inn 2nd Floor West" [CELL:000384F2])
Undeleting: [REFR:00073442] (places ClutterLoveLetter03 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinThreeSistersInnRoom01 "Three Sister's Inn 2nd Floor West" [CELL:000384F2])
Undeleting: [REFR:00071040] (places ClutterPotionRecipe01 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICArcaneUniversityArchMagesTowerCouncil "Arch-Mage's Tower Council Chambers" [CELL:0002C17A])
Undeleting: [REFR:0002E822] (places ClutterShoppingList03 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CD8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictSlashNSmashUpstairs "Slash 'N Smash Private Quarters" [CELL:0004B957])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6E46] (places ClutterBusiness01 "Letter from Olfand" [BOOK:0006B5C4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaNordWinds "Nord Winds" [CELL:000302F1])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6E43] (places ClutterInstructions03 "Note" [BOOK:00068C16] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaNordWinds "Nord Winds" [CELL:000302F1])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A3DE2] (places ClutterShoppingList05 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CDA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AnvilArvenaThelasHouse "Arvena Thelas' House" [CELL:000308C3])
Undeleting: [REFR:0007344B] (places ClutterPotionRecipe01 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinFightersGuild "Fighter's Guild" [CELL:00030535])
Undeleting: [REFR:00085744] (places ClutterShoppingList03 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CD8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICTempleDistrictRolandJensericsHouse "Roland Jenseric's House" [CELL:0002C18D])
Undeleting: [REFR:00088CE5] (places ClutterPotionRecipe01 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICTempleDistrictRolandJensericsHouseUpstairs "Roland Jenseric's Private Quarters" [CELL:0004E139])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A19B1] (places ClutterLoveLetter01 "Letter" [BOOK:0006B5C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaCastleBarracks "Castle Bruma Barracks" [CELL:0002DB9A])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A69EF] (places MiddleTable07 [STAT:0001C852] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictFirstEdition "First Edition" [CELL:0002C16E])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6DA2] (places ClutterBusiness04 "Letter from Nord Winds" [BOOK:0006B5C7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaHammerAndAxe "Hammer and Axe" [CELL:000302F0])
Undeleting: [REFR:000950A2] (places BarrelClutterMiddle03 "Barrel" [CONT:0002445B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaHammerAndAxe "Hammer and Axe" [CELL:000302F0])
Undeleting: [REFR:0007345E] (places ClutterShoppingList08 "Shopping List" [BOOK:00154CDD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of LeyawiinRaJahirrsHouse "Ra'Jahirr's House" [CELL:0003052A])
Undeleting: [REFR:000A6E25] (places ClutterPotionRecipe04 "Shopping List" [BOOK:0006DBBD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of BrumaMagesGuildBasemant "Mages Guild Living Quarters" [CELL:00003AAC])
Undeleting: [REFR:00088B9A] (places ClutterPotionRecipe02 "Recipe" [BOOK:0006DBBB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICTempleDistrictSeridursHouseUpstairs "Seridur's House Bedroom" [CELL:0004E138])
[Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: 11791 Undeleted Records: 100 Elapsed Time: 00:00
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Yvonne Gruening
Posts: 3503
Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:31 pm

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:22 am

Thanks for looking into the tags Bluesky...

I'm very concerned about what you found regarding dirty edits... Something has to be wrong there, because in version 92b I cleaned OI, and was VERY careful to follow the cleaning instructions exactly. I can't see how there could possibly be that many dirty edits after that. :(
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Posts: 3338
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:46 pm

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:59 pm

As it modifies death items and combat style why would these not be tagged?

By the way, I also found 1 ITM, 100 UDR
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Alexis Estrada
Posts: 3507
Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:22 pm

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:39 am

Cryonaut, do you have any update? Are you working on v0.94 of your great mod again or are you still in side-tracked mode?
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Mark Hepworth
Posts: 3490
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:32 am

I'm very concerned about what you found regarding dirty edits... Something has to be wrong there, because in version 92b I cleaned OI, and was VERY careful to follow the cleaning instructions exactly. I can't see how there could possibly be that many dirty edits after that. :(
I note that some other mod authors found similar differences in dirty edit reports to be due to the version of TES4Edit they were using. The latest is http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11536. Also, Wrye Bash will report different, generally higher numbers than TES4Edit due to what they count as 'dirty'. The WB team says to use the TES4Edit numbers.

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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:47 am

I have played with this mod for about 100 hours. Here are some comments which I hope will be helpful.

First, I believe its levelling approach is the right way to go. It is really nice to feel that the environment is there as predefined and is not adapting to you to make the game permanently just beatable (hey dad, how come I could beat you in chess when I was 5 and now I am 15 and much better I still only just beat you?) The levelling makes it difficult to progress a PC at first. For some character builds, just getting to Weynon Priory is impossible until you have earned some money and experience by doing quests inside the Imperial City, which is difficult. But the early challenge is interesting and it feels terrifically realistic. As you get slowly more advanced, it is all the more satisfying. It is also great that after you have killed a lot of rats at an early level you don't suddenly get killed by a level 30 super-rat. In fact, once you are a higher level the rats mostly leave you alone.

The problem of actors spawning and falling to the ground has already been observed. I also noticed them spawning visibly on the ground near me, which also feels unrealistic. I don’t remember seeing any spawning in vanilla or with OOO so there must be a solution. I saw a lot of it during the first 10-20 hours of play but none since. Maybe it gradually stops. It is possible that it hasn’t stopped but it is just that at the beginning I spent a lot of time standing around to see what happened, and that is when the spawning happens. If you stay in the same place for a few minutes in real time, more and more creatures seem to spawn and it feels unrealistic. If you don't stand still you don't seem to see any spawning. The extra spawning seems to happen most near the IC. This could be caused by Safer weye.esp or it may be that I just happened to do my standing around in that region.

I like the wildlife running around in different sizes and I like the way not everything attacks you. I don’t like the slime balls, just a personal view.

I found a couple of bugs which you may already know about. Many of the gigantified creatures are too big to get through passageways, enabling you to slowly kill them with ranged attacks. Many times this made it easy to kill a creature which should have slaughtered me. The problem is easily solved by making the biggest creatures smaller and I think this change is crying out to be made.

Sometimes I would leave a dead actor lying on the ground and come back several days later to find a strange bug. A wasp was stationary in the air. A bear was standing frozen to the spot. Bandits were standing like scarecrows with their arms outstretched. They were dead but looked alive. A single stroke would make them crumple to the ground.

There seems to be a bug making it impossible to complete the Rumare slaughterfish quest. I killed and got scales from the required number of them but the scales were not recognised by the quest Incidentally, finding the right number meant spending about a day of game time looking underwater during which time a huge number of fish spawned, making the lake a weird soup of dead fish.

I found a few conflicts. Brighter Torches wasn’t working in the normal BOSS order. I shoved it down the list and it was fine without any obvious negative consequences. I don't know if this is OI as I am using a long list of mods.

OI stopped Complete Names from working, even though I was using Bash. Putting Complete Names after OI in the load order (contrary to BOSS) made it work again.

Everywhere I go I find only novice alchemical equipment, even in the Arcane University. If there's a conflict I don't know what's causing it. I don’t even know if this is a conflict or fault, or just the way Oblivion plays, or maybe you have shoved the higher equipment into distant dungeons I haven't visited yet. As I got to around level 20, some of the alchemists shops started stocking higher equipment, which suggests OI’s delevelling may not be fully working.

I am getting some crazy meshes on deadric creatures and mage gowns. Again I am not sure this is relevant to OI but it’s worth mentioning. The effect is quite well known. Because of the hinge someone added to the skeleton mesh, the texture file fastens itself to a distant point and the actor walks around as if joined by a long straight ribbon to the wall. The mage gown problem seemed to be a conflict between CNRP (Cyrodiil NPC remodelling project) and Realistic Physics. I solved it by removing Realistic Physics but I haven’t solved the Daedra problem yet.

I have been getting corrupt save games which seem to be linked to horseriding. They occur on games saved either while on horseback or not long after dismounting. When they happen I always have to go back to a savegame prior to getting on horse. This happens both for stolen and bought horses. It may be a conflict with Kuertee’s Horse Command mod. I need to investigate this more.

I hope you will carry on working on this. Oblivion is an old game but has a lot of fans who still play and there is still time for this mod to join the ranks of OOO and Frans. You may not have the time but modularising it a bit would be really good as most people have a ton of favourite mods that overlap.
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