Thank you for the feedback Five! I'm glad you're enjoying it...
I absolutely hate the monsters spawning mid-air and falling. I wish nothing more than to be able to ensure they always only spawn level with the terrain. I got my hopes up for a moment with your suggestion, but then saw it is specific to OBSE, and I really REALLY want to avoid forcing my mod to be dependent on OBSE.

I see....Well, thats a tough one. Without using OBSE I guess the only solution is to use moveTo instead of placeAtMe, then use an activator below the spawner's position in the z axis to check GetLos with the spawner's reference. If getLos is positive it'd mean theres nothing in between them, you can them proceed to lower the activator more and more until getLos returns 0, at which point you can move the spawn a little above the activators position. But that would require creating a reference of the Leveled Creature list, as well as an exclusive gameMode script to loop this, since you can't use while or goto. Too much trouble if you ask me.
Hmmm... too many easy monsters you say??? I'll definitely have to look into that... So you're just waltzing around in Oblivion at only level 7 and not getting murdered??? This surprises me!
Well I wouldn't say I'm waltzing around, I'm having some tough moments too

but you shouldn't take my level as a reference. In reality I'm more like a level 12-15.( I'm a vampire, with +20 to most of my stats and before killing me they need to empty my blood pool, so I guess that turns things into my favor a little

Wait... you're getting monsters spawning inside caves and dungeons??? That shouldn't even be possible...... the spawn point generator script is supposed to ONLY create spawns when the player is in an exterior! *head explodes*
Well It's definitely not your mod, I just looked into the creatures script to change the spawn distance and they wont spawn in interiors. Must be some other mod altering that cave.
BTW doubling the values from 1024 to 2048 and to 3072 worked wonderfully. I can no longer see stuff spawning in front of me, with detect life.