» Fri May 04, 2012 10:40 am
Thanks all, oops sorry Darkhumbug for my inappropriate use of apostrophe's (lol that was a joke!)
@blahs44, it's easy-ish!
2) set a good resolution in Oblivion
3) Use the console cmmands(tm, tgm, tfc)
4)Use setfov, around 80-100, different figures will give different results
5) Find somewhere beautiful! remember to do a 360 spin and have a look around , height really can impact the panorama
6) Choose a focal point ie a rock or a key object, you will need to remember this as the next step kinda requires it
7) Take a screenshot, then rotate to the left or right with a 30% overlap(this take time to visualise and get right in your head)
8) Repeat until you've done a 360, then repeat with the camera pointed up say with a 30% overlap(i.e from the starting focal point look up until only 30% of the original view can be seen)
9) repeat step 7
10) Return to your focal point(only has to be rough) then look down(30% overlap) then repeat step 7
11) you must NOT MOVE during the process, as it requires a fixed location, otherwise when you try and stitch later on it will screw up. I normally end up with around 26-30pics for a full-ish 360, remember the goal is not to capture a full 360 rotation as often you'll run into issues if you try and capture the very top and bottom of a location, you'll se this when you try it, best to go thropugh a few tests and you'll pick up v easy what works and what does not(objects very close can distort very easily so try and have a little space between you and your surrounding)
12) Use Autopano Giga or any other good stitching software to stitch all the pics , make sure setting are on full quality, (takes a bit of fiddling, I can post my setting if they are needed)
13) Render!
14) Check the pic in PS, often you'll have to crop, tewak, adjust levels, and bump up the vibrance a bit, if you really like the pic, and you end up with black corners(you'll know what I mean when u see it...) then use the content aware restore to fix it(sky is easy, grass is too, but anything else will often be a manual fix)
16) repeat whole process for several locations, sometimes what you expect to look good, looks crap, and an ok location ,looking stunning when fully stitched together.
17) Share and enjoy!