Was looking over the source code when I found the
OBME Design v1_beta2.txt file and I noticed it had alot of stuff that would be more in the area of mods than a plugin. I take it this file explains what you initially planned to do with OBME (before it grew/changed into the OBSE plugin that's currently released)?

That file is a sort of roadmap of everything I'd like to do (not necessarily in chronological order). The three basic features are
- New & expanded magic effects and effect handlers
- New 'meta' magic properties for magic items
- Creation of temporary, 'altered' spell instances at cast time
As of beta2, OBME is about 40% of the way through #1. There will probably be several more betas - some fundamental behind-the-scenes stuff left to implement - before a true release of 1.0. After that, regular stable releases will implement the rest of the planned content.
Keep in mind that OBME is not intended as a library of script functions, but as an extension of the magic system itself.
There are also a few things in the file - ideas for actual magic effects - that may eventually find their way into a separate 'mod' at some point as well.
Also, has anybody tried how this works with Custom Spell Icons (the most recent version)? I recall reading something about how OBME uses the actorValue field for SEFF (or was it for the SEFF handler?) and I know CSI also uses the actorValue field to determine if it should be unique or not. Or something like that. :unsure:
EDIT: Ok, here it is:
I'd like to dream that all script effects worthy of their own icon will someday be implemented as real magic effects. That kind of acceptance for OBME is a
looooong ways off, though. In the meantime, it is obviously very important to make OBME compatible with existing mods that fix this issue, especially when they do it as well as CSI does.
I can, with some help from the obse team, ensure that OBME is fully compatible with CSI and any other mod that uses the 'extra' parameter on SEFF effect items.
Moreover, I can also allow modders to directly set an icon path override for any effect item, in the same way they set the 'Name' for script effects now. This won't supersede CSI, which lets the player customize icons in-game. It would, however, let an OBME-dependent mod give icons to the spells in existing mods like Midas, MM, etc.