Version: v1.beta4
Date: 2010-08
Category: Magic - Gameplay
Author: JRoush
Previous Version Thread:
NOTE: using OBME with the wrong verison of Oblivion or the CS will, *at best*, cause it to crash.
- Oblivion v1.2.0416
- TESCS v1.2.404 (only if you are planning to make mods using OBME)
- OBSE v0018 or higher
- AddActorValues, a small auxiliary plugin that is bundled with OBME
OBME extends the Oblivion magic system to make it more general and open to mod makers. In a nutshell, it is a pair of plugin libraries for OBSE that hack the game/CS code to change it's behavior. Note that this is the same principle behind OBSE itself - it's quite safe, and will not alter Oblivion.exe or TESConstructionSet.exe in any way. In this version, the key features are:
- More control in editing Magic Effects in the CS, and the ability to create new magic effects, both in the CS and in-game from scripts
- Support for 'dynamic' effect codes that are (almost) automatically managed by OBME.
- Expanded ModifyActorValue handler to allow custom AV ranges, and to specify exactly what part/modifier is affected.
- Expanded SummonActor effect handler to allow custom summoning limits
- Expanded ScriptEffect handler to allow useable magnitudes, and scripts specified for an entire EffectSetting rather than each individual effect item.
- Expanded Dispel effect handler to allow partial dispelling of effects, and to selectively target effects based on their effect code, effect handler, hostility, and the type of magic item that applied them.
- "Reclaiming" of some of the lost magicka when an effect is removed by recasting its spell, or when a summoning limit is broken.
- Expansion of 'extra' data for EffectItems - *any* effect item (not just script effects) may now have a custom name, school, VFXcode, hostility, *icon*, base cost, resistance AV, and a number of other flags.
For more info, please see the accompanying document 'OBME Features.pdf'. This file has background information and technical details. For examples of how to actually use OBME, see the accompanying "OBME_*_example" mods.
- This is the last planned beta. Bugs will be fixed in 'Hotfix' patches as they are found, until the mod is stable enough to release. If you (yes, you) have noticed any problems while using OBME, please report them so I can work on a fix.
- The following v0018 OBSE script functions will not work with dynamic effect codes: GetMagicEffectCounters, GetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect, and GetActiveEffectCodes. This will change with the release of obse v0019.
- Because this is a beta version, I have left the debugging output on. This means that long sessions in the game or CS will generate rather large log files.
Additional Details:
Questions & Bug Reports:
If you have a question, *look in the included 'Features' pdf*. It has a table of contents; you don't have to read the whole thing to find what you're looking for. If your question isn't answered there, I would be more than glad to answer it on the forum thread.
If you encounter problem, something that is confusing or doesn't seem to work as expected, *please* *please* *please* do the following:
1. Read the readme carefully. Often I've addressed the problem already, or at least included a warning.
2. Reproduce the problem. If it's a crash, restart the game or CS and try to make it crash again.
3. Narrow down the cause. Try to figure out the circumstances that lead to the problem. Specific bug reports are easy to fix, while bug reports like "the game crashed after I installed OBME" are just a waste of my time.
4. Send me a private message on TESNexus or the Forum, or an email to the address above. Include the details, and attach the log files "OBME.log" and "OBME_CS.log", which can be found in your "Oblivion\" folder.
Installation & Uninstallation:
Please see the included 'Readme' file.
Compatibility with other mods:
OBME doesn't add any actual content to the game, so there is no chance of conflicts with any traditional mods. Mods made with OBME are playable by everyone, even players without OBME (although they will obviously be unable to use any of the new magic features). Savegames made with OBME will continue to be playable after it is uninstalled, provided you follow the 'Uninstallation' directions.
OBME is known to be incompatible with Custom Spell Icons (CSI), because both use obse plugins to patch the same game code.
Because this is a beta-version, however, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you not distribute mods based on OBME until further notice.
Compatibility with other Editing programs (TES4Edit, WryeBash, etc):
Because OBME alters the save file format, it is not compatible with TES4Edit or Bash in their current versions. The maintainers of these programs (Elminster and Waruddar, respectively) are currently working on compatible versions, to be released soon (I hope). If you get the chance, please be sure to thank them for this.
=== v1.beta4 2010/08 ===
- Fixed issue with Icon & Model file dialogs causing CS crashes (now uses the built-in dialogs)
- Fixed issue where starting game while CS was running might cause a CTD
- Added complete version info to all OBME-modified records
- Fixed issue of broken Chameleon,Invisibility,NightEye,Darkness,Paralyze,Calm,Frency,DetectLife, and Telekinesis effect items created prior to v1.beta3.Hotfix.
- Fixed issue where duplicating an effect setting in CS or using CreateMgef wouln't copy some handler-specific parameters
- Changed Dispel handler targeting so that it applies to all magic targets (vanilla handler only works on PC & NPCs)
- Changed file formats for compatibility with new versions of WryeBash and TES4Edit
- Disabled automatic recalculation of player's AVs on reload - code didn't work well in vanilla, would be utterly broken with obme
- Added script functions Get(Set)MagicEffectHandlerParamC, Get(Set/Clear)NthEffectItemHandlerParam, Get(Set/Clear)NthEffectItemSchool, Get(Set/Clear)NthEffectItemVFXCode.
- Bethesda Softworks, whose game has svcked up far, far too much of my free time
- The OBSE team for their incredible modding resource.
- scruggsywuggsy the ferret, for answering even my dumbest questions promptly and with admirable patience.
- everyone on the TESNexus and Bethesda forums who took an active interest in the first beta - your enthusiasm make the project much easier to handle.
- special thanks to SpeedyB and Kamikaze, who helped to track down and solve several bugs
- statttis, for doing the extensive legwork necessary to implement effectitem icon overrides. All I had to do was copy+paste from his source.
Tools Used
- Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE):
- TES4Edit:
- TES Construction Set:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008: find a download yourself

- IDA Pro v4.9: