So I have logged countless hours into oblivion, and have played since release. I know that many people say mods add a ton of hours of gameplay but I have tried OOO and MMM .... Does anyone have any suggestions at all for relighting my interest in Oblivion.
Also countless hours since the release, with OOO and MMM.
Best advice I think is try another game. I do that every once in a while. Then come back.
If you want a game similar to Oblivion in terms of a open world, Fallout 3 is the obvious choice. Also Morrowind if you update it with mods and MGE. Even Two Worlds, it is definitely of much lower quality than Oblivion, but it is a huge open world that is somewhat interesting to explore, at least once.
Or other games like Dragons Age or Mass Effect 2. I'm working Mass Effect 2 now, I think it's very good break from Oblivion and Fallout. But it is linear.
I've played so much Oblivion, I really can't stomach it at the moment. But I suspect I'll return after a get enough diversions with other games, including Fallout New Vegas.