My current mods are:
Unofficial Oblivion Patch V3.2.0
Unofficial SI Patch V1.4.0
Qarl's Texture Pack III V1.3 OMOD
Lanscape LOD Texture Replacement 1.1b (by Shaja)
DarkUId DarN 16 V11280 OMOD
Quick Start (skip dungeon)
Oblivion Stereo Sound Overhaul
Improved Signs Complete
Improved Amulets and Rings
Improved Trees and Flora
Natural Faces
Face Textures 2
VABetter Gold
Are there any other mods you think would be good? Or need updating?
Also, what order should I install all of these mods in, and, which load order should I have them so?
Thanks very much.
[EDIT] - Oh and also, what are these optimization programs and tweaks that I hear all the time? Are they actually necessary? Or just used for lower end systems or people who love to see high frames?