Oblivion or Morrowind?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:50 am

if your a hardcoe RPer get morrowind, it has story depth and options

if you want an action RPG, get oblivion, simpler, combat based, lots of hand holding.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:12 am

Both but if you only buy 1 then get MW
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:12 am

If you can't buy both, go for Morrowind.

(Hm, odd, this is the first time I've seen Oblivion beating Morrowind in a poll even in the Oblivion forum. Wonder if we got some new players recently?)

Mods can't add lore. Lore is canon, mods aren't

Mods can add stories based in lore and known lore-events that weren't necessarily included in Oblivion but we know happened in the series lore, though. Which is essentially proof mods can add lore. It's not technically "adding" lore I suppose, but it's adding known but not present lore.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 am

Both are good games. Oblivion made many improvements over Morrowind. Morrowind is a quite bit slower but has a more RPG flavor. Also Oblivion is more in line technology-wise with current games, Morrowind might take some getting used to and some mods to improve graphics.

So if this is a legitimate questions, it really depends on your taste in RPG games. Why not try both.

It's intentional. I am trying to prove a point to a friend. He argued older games ALWAYS win in the official forums, no matter which forum, so I will give this a week, copy down the address, and have him look it up.

So we are kind of like guinea pigs in an experience :o

(Or Vaultec customers)
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:37 pm

I definitely agree with the last two posters. Oblivion is incredible in terms of graphics, and the combat system far surpasses the mundane slashings of Morrowind adventurers, but the fun is really just in running around through bandits camps as opposed to actually doing what the story tells you to do. Morrowind has the beauty of freedom, where you can do just about anything and have fun with it. There are more mods (mainly due to the fact that it's been out for longer) for Morrowind to enhance the game if you ever get bored, as opposed to Oblivion, where user-made mods sometimes are better put together than the official ones. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is a little disappointing that Beth didn't take the time to perfect the official mods for the game OR the game itself (it's heavily broken in a number of areas, which is why many download unofficial patches and overhaul mods). I'm on Oblivion right now, and I love it very much, but the only reason I do is because of the mods I've downloaded and made to enhance it. Morrowind is just fine on its own, except for the graphics, which brings you back to Oblivion and mods.

All in all, just get both. If you can't right now, just wait until you have enough money to. It's more than worth it.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:39 pm

I actually preferred Morrowind. The combat system, the magic system, enchanting and spellmaking. Sure, it had its troubles, but, mechanically, for me, it was the better game. I have found that most folks prefer whichever game it was they played first....

As for Lore, and Canon, when it comes to the TES series, both are pretty much open to interpretation, as even the Devs ignored their own lore at many points. There are several lore contradictions from one game to the next. Gotta make it rough on the purists.... when even the next game doesn't conform to "established canon".......
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 am

Another vote for MW.
I love both games, but MW is much more interesting, to me. It's a game that requires thought. It has a mystery to it that OB lacks. You have to pay attention and be careful who you make mad at you. There are folks in MW that can kill you in a instant, if you get on their bad side. Plus, you can kill important NPC's, causing you to make good sound decisions when playing. It offers more real life like situations and consequences.

OB isn't really like that. In it you can't kill somebody that is important to the game. You will never come up against a NPC that can end your life in seconds. No real mystery, as everything is laid out for you.

So, it depends on what you like better. For me it was MW's type of gameplay, but I did enjoy OB too, just in a different way.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 am

This is too funny, Zalphon asking which one.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:33 pm

In my opinion I would get morrowind over oblivion so my vote is for morrowind, oblivion has better graphics of course and is a little bit bigger with dungeons and land, butt morrowind has so much of a in dept game play and story line, so many quests the diary is your friend, and good challenge, and i love the engine for the construction set for morrowind have over 50hrs modded in there, so with that aside get whatever u feel like getting but they are both great games, and so is fallout 3 GOTY edition
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Greg Swan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:03 am

This is too funny, Zalphon asking which one.

Oh, Alex, read earlier in the thread, I am making a point to a friend, that Morrowind and the older games don't always win. I have both in GOTY edition form, but as I said earlier, I am proving a point (and I am a Morrowind fan, however Oblivion is ok, feels more FPS-ish than RPG-ish...)

Edit: But alas, I think he was right... Time to swallow my pride and let him know that... Asking for mod close, point proven wrong, therefore thread no longer needed.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:54 pm

Oh, Alex, read earlier in the thread, I am making a point to a friend, that Morrowind and the older games don't always win. I have both in GOTY edition form, but as I said earlier, I am proving a point (and I am a Morrowind fan, however Oblivion is ok, feels more FPS-ish than RPG-ish...)

Edit: But alas, I think he was right... Time to swallow my pride and let him know that... Asking for mod close, point proven wrong, therefore thread no longer needed.

Locked as requested. :)
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Baylea Isaacs
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