360 user

My problem as well.

I really want to play morrowind but my PC cant handle it.
Morrowind has a game of the year edition for xbox
Is it even good for the xbox? Because I am thinking about it and no new RPGs are coming out until Divinity 2 in January.
It's good for xbox, it's just not as good as on the pc. because of mods and control.
Here's the thing, I have and play morrowind xbox edition which
isn't the GOTY Edition, no patch, no nothing added. No seeing enemy health, no difficulty slider
at all.
But it's still enjoyable.When you get you skills up, it almost feels like playing Oblivion, because you start hitting, you start getting progress.
If I could get the GOTY edition, I would because frankly, it got all the expansion, and patches that fixes a lot of stuff, but it's still enjoyable if you can only get a launch copy.
This is strictly speaking xbox version, of course if you got the pc for it, that's the way to go. Because the xbox GOTY edition is like a collector item now. Just go look at the price differences between the xbox and pc versions.