Here's my current world textures section listing from BAIN

. ID numbers are most likely for TESNexus.
077 - ==Pre-Baseline Local and Regional Texture Packs==
++ 079 - HiRes Oblivion Realm Textures v1.1 -27887.7z (172E521B) (Installed)
++ 080 - Koldorn's Ayleid Ruins Textures -8277.7z (EA8F010A) (Installed)
++ 081 - Koldorn's Cave Textures 2 v1.1 -9208.7z (C8AB3440) (Installed)
++ 082 - Improved Cave Normal Maps -26472.7z (8F72DB27) (Installed)
++ 083 - Isathar's Ayleid Ruins Retexture v2.1-12003.7z (163A0650) (Installed)
084 - ==Baseline Texture Backups==
++ 085 - CaptNKILL's Non-Tiling Texture Mod -4868.7z (7F89D3B4) (Installed)
++ 087 - Bomret's Detailed Normal Maps for Vanilla v1.1 -18430.7z (19757949) (Installed)
++ 088 - Bomret's Detailed Normal Maps for Vanilla - Higher Res Landscapes -18429.7z (2306988C) (Installed)
++ 089 - Vibrant Textures v1.6.6 -18677.7z (1C2AB91F) (Installed)
++ 090 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Trees and Plants v1 -30313.7z (78CCE65E) (Installed)
++ 091 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Complete v1.1 -30368.7z (BC5A2F6C) (Installed)
++ 092 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Anvil v6 -30341.7z (1AA9DE46) (Installed)
++ 093 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Bravil v4 -30341.7z (E394ACA9) (Installed)
++ 094 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Bruma v4 -30367.7z (04F0B900) (Installed)
++ 095 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Cheydinhal v4 -30348.7z (3E8BF87A) (Installed)
++ 096 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Chorrol v4 -30367.7z (6340D17B) (Installed)
++ 097 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Leyawiin v4 -30341.7z (C20B7125) (Installed)
++ 098 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Skingrad v4 -30348.7z (D835A3D8) (Installed)
++ 099 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Landscape and Rocks v1 -30344.7z (B894177B) (Installed)
++ 100 - Mtgr's Texture Pack - Tapestries and Rugs v1 -30327.7z (D689F7AB) (Installed)
103 - ==Main Large Texture Packs==
++ 104 - Regal Imperial City v1.2 -7500.7z (501A20E2) (Installed)
++ 105 - Insanity's Imperial City v1.0 Beta.7z (4A0D18AE) (Installed)
++ 106 - Darker Regal Imperial City v2.0 -9322.7z (050D1DB5) (Installed)
++ 107 - Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized.7z (38A11D39) (Installed)
++ 108 - QTP3-UOP Patch v2.3 for UOP v3.2 -11261.7z (250E01D9) (Installed)
++ 109 - Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized Reduced v1.3 -26038.7z (C3CE0D1C) (Installed) --- Currently using the Lite Reduction option
++ 110 - Darker Regal Imperial City Redimized -15500.7z (6BCF649F) (Installed)
++ 111 - Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles -28378.7z (B73FC3A5) (Installed)
112 - ==Overrides to Main Texture Packs==
++ 113 - Vurt's Flora & Landscape Retexture v0.1 -6440.7z (FC51E47E) (Installed)
++ 114 - Detailed Terrain v0.4 Beta 2 -15245.7z (663A5613) (Installed)
++ 115 - World Texture Overrides.7z (6BF60430) (Installed)
116 - ==Local and Regional Texture Packs==
++ 117 - Hi-Res QTP3 Replacement Main Road Texture -- With DT Support -37536.7z (3F6D97C1) (Installed)
++ 118 - Koldorn's Sewer Textures 2 v1.1 -9080.7z (36D5EF07) (Installed)
I have other stuff installed like the Improved Flora series, etc, in another section later.