Oblivion PS3 DLC?

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:31 pm

Look, I know that Oblivion is in fact "old news", but tell me whatever happened to the Imperial Orrery DLC that PC and Xbox 360 received?? I would have loved to just unlocked it and quested it myself rather than having to watch videos of what it's like. Look, all I am asking for is just to please release the proper DLC. I want to be able to do this side quest to complete the game in fullness. I am not asking for a handout but i do feel that this side quest shouldn't be paid, but free for all the true lore fans. Please consider this and tell me any thoughts, thank you.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:05 am

You can't get this on PS3. PS3's are harder to code than Xboxes, and I think I read somewhere that Bethesda simply didn't have the time to get involved. Which probably means they figured it wouldn't be profitable.

I mean, don't get me wrong, if I could buy it, I certainly would. But many PS3 players before you have asked Beth for this DLC, and many have sadly come to the conclusion that it is not to be so. Sorry for the bad news.

Hope this helps!
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Kate Schofield
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