What the hell do you mean you're not going to "resurrect" the Saint question?!? I've been lurking on this damned thread for two days now JUST to find out how tall Golden Saints are and to find out exactly WHERE one finds that piece of information.
I came to realize that it was more of a stumper than I thought it would be. Tough questions are fun, but not when they stall the thread.
The answer is somewhere in SI, as one might expect. You won't gain access to the answer, though, unless you're far along (or finished with) the main questline. I'm still offering an honorary :turtle: (plus a free ice cream cone) to anyone who runs across it and posts it here.
But for now: Who is the Lord of the Pit, and where is this entity worshipped?
It's as close as anything else is, without the proper conversion factor.
EDIT: 3 hours and no reply -- gonna let this one stew. It's nowhere near as tough as the Saint question. If someone answers it, it ought to be easy enough for another someone to verify with the Wiki and pass the turtle.
A couple hints:
1, Yeah, this is another Shivering question.
2, "The Pit" exists; it's found in the place in question. Should the player happen to fall into said Pit, it's one of the longest falls/drops in the entire game.