Okay I'm taking the :turtle: . What are the names of the four fugitives escaped from Bravil? All four names please.
REGARDLESS of how long it has been since the question was asked, you at least need to CHECK other peoples' answers before just posting a new question.
Here's what the UESP has to say about the Nirnroot question...
* Heinrich Oaken-Hull's Private Rooms (bedroom)
* Anvil Castle: Private Quarters (Dairhill’s apartment)
* Lighthouse: Ulfgar Fog-Eye's House
(Total So Far: 3)
* Andragil's House
* City-Swimmer's House
* Silverhome on the Water, 3rd Floor
* Chapel Hall (room on the right)
* Fighters Guild Second Floor (first room)
* Bravil Wizard's Grotto
(Total So Far: 8)
* Baenlin's House (2nd floor)
* Regner's House (downstairs)
* Castle Bruma: Lord’s Manor (Tolgan’s apartment)
(Total So Far: 11)
* Mach-Na's Books (bedroom upstairs)
* Cheydinhal Mages Guild Well (underwater, see Cheydinhal Recommendation)
* Riverview (upstairs)
(Total So Far: 13)
* Casta Scribonia's House (upstairs)
* Vilena Donton's House Third Floor
(Total So Far: 15)
Imperial City
Arcane University
* Arch-Mage's Quarters (you must complete the mage quest chain to legally take this one)
* Mages Quarters (room on the right) (Access to the Arcane University needed)
(Total So Far: 17)
Market District
* Mystic Emporium Private Quarters
* The Gilded Carafe
(Total So Far: 19)
Imperial Prison Sewer
* The North Tunnel (1st hall on the right when entered from North Exit)
(Total So Far: 20)
Talos Plaza District
* Samuel Bantien's Private Quarters
(Total So Far:21)
Temple District
* Salomon Geonette's Private Quarters
(Total So Far:22)
Waterfront District
* “Marie Elena” Captain's Cabin
(Total So Far:23)
Other places in Imperial City
* South Watch Tower, (entrances from Temple District and Arboretum) Captain's Quarters (office of Hieronymus Lex, top of the tower)
(Total So Far:24)
* Ahdarji's House 2nd Floor West
* Blackwood Company Hall (2nd Floor)
* Blackwood Company Jeetum-Ze's Room (2nd Floor)
* Margarte's House (room on the right)
(Total So Far:28)
* Surilie Brothers' House (3rd floor)
* Toutius sixtius' House (3rd floor)
(Total So Far:30)
* Border Watch: Border Watch Inn
* Brindle Home: Torbal the Sufficient's House
* Fort Cedrian: (1st zone)
* Fort Roebeck: (1st zone)
* Fort Grief: Hunter's Run (1st zone)
* Hackdirt: Natch Pinder's House (upstairs)
* Lord Rugdumph's Estate (upstairs)
* Odiil Farm: (inside the farmhouse)
* Pell's Gate: Shafaye's House
* Smuggler's Cave
* Veyond Cave: Veyond Black Waters(2nd zone)
Places I marked in BOLD are not POTTED. (To the best of my knowledge.)
So the total is 36.
Being that Uncle Pain was closest, I'll give him the :turtle:...
Please, obey the rules. Thanks.
(To answer your question, the names are Ashanta, Hlofgar, Dreet-Lai and Enrion.)