Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart; intelligence is not information alone but also judgment,
the manner in which information is collected and used.
- Dr. Carl Sagan
1. Only one question should be asked at a time.
2. The first person to answer correctly will be responsible for providing the next question.
3. If you know that you will not be able to stay to validate a response to your question within 30 minutes, either please don't ask or someone else should ask another question to keep the quiz flowing.
4. Be patient. It can take time to come up with a good question. If you answer a question correctly, you will have 10 minutes to come up with your own question. Your time will start when your answer is validated. After that time someone else may take over.
5. Please base you questions on things that are to be found in unmodded Oblivion, Shivering Isles and the DLCs. Try not to include questions that involve lore that cannot be found in game, or rely only on the Construction Set or console codes to answer.
6. PLEASE DO NOT SPAM If you have a question about the rules or about anything that is not Quiz related, please refrain from posting it in this thread because it will make the moderators grumpy.
7. Finally, if you feel the need to discuss a question, please do so using the PM feature.
8. Please let the person who asked the question say which answer is correct, unless that person is offline and has been for 20-30 minutes. Then anyone else may ask the next question.