I really trust you when you say True Story. We should start collecting unusual funny things happening through that game.

Like in Skyrim when I tried to free a prisonner from a Thalmor. After I gave him a fine sword he started punching me (glad he didn't use the blade haha) so I reloaded and let him go to his happy destiny. Maybe he likes being tortured or it was a trap from the Thalmors with false prisonners. Who knows...
I threw "true story" in there because of the previous paragraph. I tend to exaggerate with my descriptions at times, but I was amazed at that flying rat!
I was recently running through the tutorial with a new character, and there's a point where the blades say "I don't like this," and you wait for one of them to scout ahead... Just as the guard gave the okay, the Emperor turned to look at my character, said "God's Blood!", drew his sword, and proceeded to whale away at my poor prisoner until I yielded to him.