Hotels and Inns Challenge!
Often these challenges are geared to fill a lack in Oblivion mods and this is especially true in this challenge. There are so few inns/hotels/lodgings and what there is is pretty much all the same. This challenge should perk the interest of even those who don't like house mods, as we all need inns/hotels etc...
If you would like to participate please sign up below. Otherwise please support those who are participating. Oblivion's Real Estate Challenges have resulted in some of the very best house mods. This challenge will hopefully fill that missing inns/hotels gap and provide us all with some unique places to stay in our games. So please show continued support and enthusiasm for our hard working challengers. Without them there is no challenge or brand new amazing mods, which we all benefit from.
The purpose of these challenges is to get people to push the limits of their creativity and modding knowledge, to have fun and to provide us all with some brand new mods.

If you would like to participate sign up in this thread.
What is the object of this Challenge?
The object is to create a hotel or inn or lodgings or resort!
General Rules:
*Entries must be in be the end of Aug 31st, 2010.
*Entries must be sent via email to Shezrie, pm me when you are ready and I will give you the email address.
*If you want to participate then you must sign up here.
*Each entry must be made by only one person and entered by that same person.
*You must not reveal any information/screenshots about your entry at all, as these may 'inspire' others.
*You can use vanilla or modded items to create and decorate your inns.
*If you have submitted your inn before the end date and you made an update to it, you MUST resubmit the ENTIRE mod with updated readme. Please do not send single files or documents to me as this creates much more work for me.
*The inn/hotel must have at least one rentable room.
*Do not discuss or reveal any information about your mod that will give anything away.
*All mods entered must be put exclusively on ORE for the first week after the challenge, barring any major errors or problems. After the two weeks time period, authors are free to host their mod anywhere they like.
*Lore is NOT important, you can create a hotel/inn as unlore like as possible and it will not affect your chances of winning.
*All mods entered must be fully finished and will be generally beta tested by Shezrie before being put before the judges. What do I mean by 'generally', this is simply a run through to ensure that the mod is in enough working order to place infront of the Judges.
*Mods must contain a readme.
*Mods must NOT have your name in the description section of the mod itself, so that judges cannot see the creator of the mod.
This is because the Judges would be able to see who made the mod when they go to activate it in the DataFiles.
*The Judges names will not be revealed until after the voting.
The Judges
*The judges are secretly selected by Shezrie and offered the position. I select a panel of experienced modders or very knowledgeable people who are respectable, honest members of the entire Elder Scrolls community.
*They are not permitted to tell anyone they are a Judge.
*They will not know who made which mod until after the winner is announced.
*Judges award points out of ten for various categories.
Possible Questions and Answers
What do you mean by a hotel/inn?
Dictionary definition: 'a commercial establishment offering lodging to travelers and sometimes to permanent residents, and often having restaurants, meeting rooms, stores, etc., that are available to the general public.'
Are there limitations on where the hotel/inn can be built?
There are no limitations on where to build your lodgings. It can be in any province, any worldspace, Oblivion, smack in the middle of a town/city...anywhere...
Will adding a quest increase my chances?
Feel free to add in a quest, however it will be ignored by the Judges when judging. This is because this is about the inn/hotel and we need to keep it on an even playing field. It would not be fair to others if they did not put in a quest, but people who did got higher scores when a quest was not a requirement of the challenge.
How does the Judging work, can I be assured of fair and impartial judging procedure?
In order to ensure that mods are judged fairly there is a procedure that is followed to ensure the fairest possible judging procedure.
I (Shezrie) am the only one who will know which mod was made by who throughout the entire challenge until the I announce the results.
*Once I have your mod I will test it in game. If there are obvious flaws that prevent judging I will send it back to be corrected.
*If/when the mod is fine, I then carefully check the mod and the readme for any sign of the author's name and remove any.
*I repackage the mod up with the now nameless readme and it goes up to a secure area on ORE along with the other mods.
*The Judges are provided with a secret area on the forum. I put the download links/access passwords there along with the Judging guidelines for the Judges to proceed. At this point the mods are only identified by their names, the Judges do not know who created what.
*The Judges test and score each mod. I add up the scores when the final Judge's information is in. Judges still don't know who made which mod and the challengers still don't know either or who the Judges are. #animatedfear#
*I put all the mods on ORE and announce the winner at the same time. At this time the challengers get to know who the Judges were and the Judges find out who made which mod and I get to stop being so secretive.

Will you release the scores awarded by the Judges, so we can see who came second, third etc?
Absolutely no, no chance, not in a million years. :-X The scores are deleted and never revealed.
What does the winner get?
The winning mod will be featured on the front page of ORE for one Month and will joins the ranks of ORE Challenge Winners, with the title of 'Winner of the ORE Hotel Challenge'.
Feel free to pm me, Shezrie/Meek with any questions about your particular mod/idea and whether it meets the challenge requirements or any other questions on the challenge.
Good Luck! Remember to check out the variety of resources on
This list of rules may be altered/added too during the course of the challenge, as is required. So be sure to check it frequently.
Have fun with this one and think outside the box. There is much potential in this challenge and so many different themes to choose from when making a hotel/inn......
Admin of ORE