Some eye candy

maybe you could add those to the first post?
this is amazing, i love the vid, even though its just an idle, and not moving forward yet, i believe i seen the character breathing... either that or im seeing things! lol. but even if im seeing things, it looked amazing.
i would offer to help, but honostly, i svck, im still learning alot of crap. as soon as i think i have a mesh complete, theres something eles i didnt even KNOW about! and i havent tried much in animation, but im sure i would svck in that too lol. (i tried to import the Oblivion skeleton, but it never imports correctly. always makes it so if i move upper arm, thats the only piece that moves, and it should move the forearm also, but it doesnt

it hates me )
on conversation: i believe he means, like how when you hold W and A your character walks forward, and floats left. in some other third person games, the character will look the direction its moving, or it will do some kind of side-walk thing.