A noble knight will never sneak, he will fight the enemy
You are r-r-r-right! It's a shame but my knight sneaks sometimes hiding behind e.g. a column ambushing enemies.
Here is my problem. I do not have direct access to Max and I am modding not at home, I am always considering to switch to Blender. Skeletons I am working on have twist bones like OB skeletons. Max animates CS biped twist bones automatically, mesh distortions without animated twist bones are horrible. Therefore I am very curious how you are addressing this problem in Blender.
Yes, animation layers for Max bones were for the first time implemented in Max9:
PuppetShop (a professional (used by BioWare for NWN, DA:O) free plugin for Max8 and higher) has an option to work with animation layers:
This is not a regular Max bone system but it allows some transfer operations e.g. import/export CS biped compatible bvh files. The problem is how to create game identical skeleton with this rigs.
I do know these tutorials by Saidenstorm, but I thought that they cannot be directly applied on CS biped, he is working with sophisticated custom Max bones rigs and I am able to manipulate only CS biped. I'll check them again.
I am attempting to create animations for a game that does not have Max importers that allow to create corresponding biped automatically (OB is in the same situation). Therefore I am curious how to recreate an identical CS biped from a boned skeleton. You, obviously did something like that, official OB CS biped Max file has never been released (as far as I know). I tried to use Tape Measure helper with pivot snapping but was totally lost with distance/size units. I would be grateful for any suggestions.
dont like it dont use it, or make a better one yourself
I could be wrong (internet forums are very divergent) but I think the goal of WIP posts is not simply to demonstrate great results and enjoy a lot of wows but to collect as much as possible different opinions, information, suggestions, learn something new, etc. and then elaborate your personal solution. This is the way similar presentations are working in serious creative communities e.g. academic.