Inspiration comes from the survival aspects I enjoy while playing a heavily modded Fallout 3 style game. Post apocalyptic fantasy? lol
Heavily discussing the importance of a hunger system in the latest version of Minecraft got me thinking about what it takes to really design a game where such a concept feels like a good thing rather than just an annoyance. I insisted that in Fallout 3 the concept actually enhances the game when it is implemented correctly through mods. For the most part it is not a mainstream concept to place in a game and most people I have talked to simply regard a hunger system is a horrible concept...
Another thing about this style of play is making everything generally more deadly. How will it feel when one smack in the face from a war hammer will kill any humanoid in even the best armor in the game. Being caught in a fireball from a high tier spell results in an almost guaranteed fiery death. How will it feel to turn a corner and be chased around by 20+ pissed off monsters that can all rip your head off in two hits? There will be no back story to this world, the goal is your story, what you do. You will encounter fights that will be much too hard to win. You will be asked to size up your opponents and pay attention to your choices. You cannot win you are going to eventually die. Its a very different mindset from the style of play found in Oblivion.
Permanent death is a very common concept in this style of game play. (Though that is typically hard to implement in Oblivion)
Currently functional Brain storming
- Starting a new game places you in the new world and you are then able to create a new character.
- Rebalanced Races and birth signs
- Magicka does not regenerate but you have a much larger Magicka pool by default ( Potions and food are the only way to recover Magicka )
- Fatigue does not regenerate but it goes down much more slowly ( Simulates a hunger system in some respects now )
Should it be possible to starve to death if fatigue is at or below 0 for too long or should it just give you a considerable penalty?
Should I bring in the concept of fatigue being drained to refill your health or should fatigue go down depending on actions you do? - Sleeping in a bed does not regenerate Magicka or fatigue/hunger
- All damage multiplied by 3x. All monsters, all weapons and all magic will hit very very hard.
- Various different NPC factions in the world that have their own agenda. There will be no consideration to what factions like or hate you on my part.
Current thoughts on balance and need for feedback... ( List WIP )
- Alchemy too easily can make simple potions that throw balance off. ( Is there a way to make this not so off balance? )
Fatigue/hunger out the window. An apple and a loaf of bread might as well be an entire feast with a good mortar and pestal.
Poisons created through alchemy will be lackluster when one considers that all all damage is vastly increased... I have much better hand placed poisons but this is kind of lame regardless.
Any other thoughts or feedback is welcome