Any chance of a GetNthSummon and GetNumSummons for in the future? Currently GetNthFollower and GetNumFollowers does not include summons while GetFollowers does. From a novice point of view this means you are able to distinguish between the two, or not? :unsure:
Another thing, I just discovered Call works without problems when used in result script (quest stages, probably dialogue aswell). I always thought any sort of 'temp' script would not work with Call/Arrays/etc. Is there a difference between how result scripts work and how the console works? Or was it a design choice to not have it work from the console? :mellow:
Yes, hadn't done enough decoding on summons when GetNth/NumFollowers were coded and didn't want to change its behavior in later releases.
For the time being you ought to be able to get the full list of followers including summons using getFollowers, then use getNthFollower to identify the non-summons, leaving you with a list of summons.
Result scripts are compiled in the CS, console scripts are compiled at run-time. I didn't test extensively with using stuff like Let, arrays, functions, and so on in result scripts so doing so is not officially supported; I don't expect there would be problems but I'd want to look at the code responsible for compiling them to be certain.
ok. this is weird: i had a massive increase in save time (as mentioned in my last post). i installed XP again an save time was nice. with the old same save game and all mods enabled. this was what i almost expected so far. but now this issue is also gone in win7!
i tried a fresh install of oblivion before, used a default ini... everything i had to do now with XP again. also the win7 installation was a fresh one. in XP i deleted the new oblivion folder and renamed the oblivion folder from win7 to the one from XP, so it's exactly the same data. the only thing changed was the ini file. i use the ini the game built from xp now and it's working fine in win7 (with all my settings copied over!). but the default ini built from win7 doesn't. is this weird??
If you are certain nothing else changed other than your OS and your .ini, then it would be interesting to know the difference between the two .inis.
Are there any general issues with Oblivion on Windows 7? I haven't upgraded yet and haven't looked at the HW/SW forum.
Ah, now I understand.

I was getting worried that you seemed to have disappeared.
OT, are you by any chance a Lehigh student? (I ask because your profile says you're in Allentown, and because that's where my degree is from.)
I'm at Albright in Reading, PA, but I have friends at Lehigh.
Doc fixes noted, thanks QQuix and Drake.