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is it possible that array variables become corrupt when loading a saved-game?
can they become corrupt if:
1. load-order is changed between games?
2. the author (i.e. I) change the order the variables were declared?
thanks, guys!
I think variables are stored adjacent to each other and are accessed by an index. Pretty much like an Array, I guess.
Therefore, if you reorder, the variables in a script, you have to load a clean save, or, at least, a saved game where that particular script did not exist. Otherwise the load process will load the variables in the order they were when the game was saved.
I also found recently (the hard way) something that becomes obvious after-the-fact: if you reorder the variables in a script, you have to recompile all scripts that refer to those variables (like in a quest script used to store pseudo-global variables)
And a new bug (?) report: a weird one from an old function:
Short description: OnKeyDown does not detect certain keys under certain conditions:
Some of these conditions:
If I keep pressing alt+N, OnKeyDown does not detect the H key (G is detected normally)
If I keep pressing alt+B, OnKeyDown does not detect the G key (H is detected normally)
Backslash, spacebar, arrow keys, instead of Alt also yields the same results
But Ctrl+N or Shift+N do not interfere: G key is detected by OnKeyDown
If you guys need more tests of sample code, let me know