let ref := player.getParentCellForEach uppergroundName <- uppergroundStrings if (ref.NameIncludes uppergroundName) let bUnderground := 0 break endifLoop
scn UDUNcTQUESTscriptset tomeAppr to UDUNcTApprenticeREF ; a *persistent* ref...IF isFormValid tomeAppr == 0 printc "stoooooooooooops" stopquest UDUNcTQUESTENDIFnever ever saw "stoooooooooooops" even when UDUNcTApprenticeREF is placed in a container, and even when I use remove all items on the container - shouldn't I ? the docs are rather minimal on this - only found this : http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/OBSE_Wishes_Fulfilled
IF isFormValid tomeAppr == 0 printc "stoooooooooooops" ; still never saw this stopquest UDUNcTQUESTELSEiF tomeAppr.HasBeenPickedUp printc "HasBeenPickedUp == 1 !"ENDIFHasBeenPickedUp returns 1 as expected (when I pick up or put the book to a container) but when I save quit and reload returns 0 (I never see "HasBeenPickedUp == 1 !", while I do see other printc's messages from my quest script). Is this the way it's supposed to be ?
IF isFormValid tomeAppr == 0 printc "stoooooooooooops" ; still never saw this stopquest UDUNcTQUESTELSEiF tomeAppr.HasBeenPickedUp printc "HasBeenPickedUp == 1 !"ENDIFHasBeenPickedUp returns 1 as expected (when I pick up or put the book to a container) but when I save quit and reload returns 0 (I never see "HasBeenPickedUp == 1 !", while I do see other printc's messages from my quest script). Is this the way it's supposed to be ?
short tomeWasPickedUpif tomeWasPickedUp printC "you picked up the tome at some point."elseif tomeAppr.hasBeenPickedUp set tomeWasPickedUp to 1 printC "you just picked up the tome"endif
short tomeWasPickedUpif tomeWasPickedUp printC "you picked up the tome at some point."elseif tomeAppr.hasBeenPickedUp set tomeWasPickedUp to 1 printC "you just picked up the tome"endif
base = ref.getBaseObject doSomething baseis very to the point. So indeed one has to always pass the rBaseObject to an rVar when passing in a base object (in vanilla scripts "formID" syntax is valid - is it valid in obse ? What about editorIDs ?) ?
base = ref.getBaseObject doSomething baseis very to the point. So indeed one has to always pass the rBaseObject to an rVar when passing in a base object (in vanilla scripts "formID" syntax is valid - is it valid in obse ? What about editorIDs ?) ?