ScriptName jawArmorStandTestScriptshort refreshshort InvPosshort oppositedayshort switchshort switch1short switch2short switch3short switch4short switch5float xposfloat yposfloat zposfloat xpos1float ypos1float zpos1float ypos2float zpos2ref pInvObjref meref jawArmorStandCuirassRefref jawArmorStandGauntletsRefref jawArmorStandGreavesRefref jawArmorStandHelmRefref jawArmorStandBootsRefref jawArmorStandCuirassCloneref jawArmorStandGauntletsCloneref jawArmorStandGreavesCloneref jawArmorStandHelmCloneref jawArmorStandBootsClonestring_var jawArmorStandCuirassPathstring_var jawArmorStandGauntletsPathstring_var jawArmorStandGreavesPathstring_var jawArmorStandHelmPathstring_var jawArmorStandBootsPathBegin OnActivateif isActionRef player == 1 set me to getself if me.getnumitems == 0 set xpos to getpos x set ypos to getpos y set zpos to getpos z set xpos1 to (getpos x - 0.3379) set ypos1 to (getpos y + 1.959) set zpos1 to (getpos z + 17.2509) set ypos2 to (getpos y + 3) set zpos2 to (getpos z + 16.8372) if player.issneaking == 1 message "This will pick up the item" else Activate endif else if player.issneaking == 1 set oppositeday to 1 message "This will toggle the armor" else set refresh to 1 Activate Endif Endif Else ActivateEndIfEndBegin Menumode 1008if refresh == 1 set InvPos to me.GetNumItems Label if InvPos > 0 set InvPos to (InvPos - 1) set pInvObj to (me.GetInventoryObject InvPos) if pInvObj.GetEquipmentSlot == 0 set jawArmorStandHelmPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj elseif pInvObj.GetEquipmentSlot == 2 set jawArmorStandCuirassPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj elseif pInvObj.GetEquipmentSlot == 3 set jawArmorStandGreavesPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj elseif pInvObj.GetEquipmentSlot == 4 set jawArmorStandGauntletsPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj elseif pInvObj.GetEquipmentSlot == 5 set jawArmorStandBootsPath to GetBipedModelPath 0 pInvObj endif Goto endif if switch == 0 set jawArmorStandCuirassClone to CloneForm SteelCuirass set jawArmorStandCuirassRef to placeatme jawArmorStandCuirassClone jawArmorStandCuirassRef.SetMaleGroundPath jawArmorStandCuirassPath jawArmorStandCuirassRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandCuirassRef.setpos y ypos2 jawArmorStandCuirassRef.setpos z zpos2 set switch to 1 endif if switch1 == 0 set jawArmorStandBootsClone to CloneForm SteelBoots set jawArmorStandBootsRef to placeatme jawArmorStandBootsClone jawArmorStandBootsRef.SetMaleGroundPath jawArmorStandBootsPath jawArmorStandBootsRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandBootsRef.setpos y ypos2 jawArmorStandBootsRef.setpos z zpos2 set switch1 to 1 endif if switch2 == 0 set jawArmorStandGauntletsClone to CloneForm SteelGauntlets set jawArmorStandGauntletsRef to placeatme jawArmorStandGauntletsClone jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.SetMaleGroundPath jawArmorStandGauntletsPath jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.setpos y ypos2 jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.setpos z zpos2 set switch2 to 1 endif if switch3 == 0 set jawArmorStandGreavesClone to CloneForm SteelGreaves set jawArmorStandGreavesRef to placeatme jawArmorStandGreavesClone jawArmorStandGreavesRef.SetMaleGroundPath jawArmorStandGreavesPath jawArmorStandGreavesRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandGreavesRef.setpos y ypos2 jawArmorStandGreavesRef.setpos z zpos2 set switch3 to 1 endif if switch4 == 0 set jawArmorStandHelmClone to CloneForm SteelHelmet set jawArmorStandHelmRef to placeatme jawArmorStandHelmClone jawArmorStandHelmRef.SetMaleGroundPath jawArmorStandHelmPath jawArmorStandHelmRef.setpos x xpos jawArmorStandHelmRef.setpos y ypos1 jawArmorStandHelmRef.setpos z zpos1 set switch4 to 1 endifendifif switch == 1 jawArmorStandCuirassRef.disableendifif switch1 == 1 jawArmorStandBootsRef.disableendifif switch2 == 1 jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.disableendifif switch3 == 1 jawArmorStandGreavesRef.disableendifif switch4 == 1 jawArmorStandHelmRef.disableendifEndBegin GameModeif switch == 1 jawArmorStandCuirassRef.enable set switch to 0endifif switch1 == 1 jawArmorStandBootsRef.enable set switch1 to 0endifif switch2 == 1 jawArmorStandGauntletsRef.enable set switch2 to 0endifif switch3 == 1 jawArmorStandGreavesRef.enable set switch3 to 0endifif switch4 == 1 jawArmorStandHelmRef.enable set switch4 to 0endif EndThis is a very rough beginning (lacking checks, features and with several placeholders) for what is intended to be a functional armor stand. Similar to the one from KotN, but which would work with any armor, vanilla or mod added. The stand functions as a container, and the script is supposed to check what items are in the container, then Cloneform a "matching" Steel piece, place a reference, swap the ground mesh of the reference with the biped mesh of the item in the container and move it into place. I can get the reference in place and make it look like any armor I want by hand typing in the model path, but I'm having trouble getting it to copy the correct path over automatically. I can't use the copy path commands because I need to switch from the biped model to the ground model in order for it to work.
I've had enough success to make me think it's doable, but I'm not a good scripter at all....I have trouble even understanding the documentation formats.